Hiob 26
Job 26
Hiob antwortete und sprach: | Then Job made answer and said, |
Wie stehest du dem bei, der keine Kraft hat, hilfst dem, der keine Stärke in den Armen hat! | How have you given help to him who has no power! how have you been the salvation of the arm which has no strength! |
Wie gibst du Rat dem, der keine Weisheit hat, und tust kund Verstandes die Fülle! | How have you given teaching to him who has no wisdom, and fully made clear true knowledge! |
Zu wem redest du? und wes Odem geht von dir aus? | To whom have your words been said? and whose spirit came out from you? |
Die Toten ängsten sich tief unter den Wassern und denen, die darin wohnen. | The shades in the underworld are shaking; the waters and those living in them. |
Das Grab ist aufgedeckt vor ihm, und der Abgrund hat keine Decke. | The underworld is uncovered before him, and Destruction has no veil. |
Er breitet aus die Mitternacht über das Leere und hängt die Erde an nichts. | By his hand the north is stretched out in space, and the earth is hanging on nothing. |
Er faßt das Wasser zusammen in seine Wolken, und die Wolken zerreißen darunter nicht. | By him the waters are shut up in his thick clouds, and the cloud does not give way under them. |
Er verhüllt seinen Stuhl und breitet seine Wolken davor. | By him the face of his high seat is veiled, and his cloud stretched out over it. |
Er hat um das Wasser ein Ziel gesetzt, bis wo Licht und Finsternis sich scheiden. | By him a circle is marked out on the face of the waters, to the limits of the light and the dark. |
Die Säulen des Himmels zittern und entsetzen sich vor seinem Schelten. | The pillars of heaven are shaking, and are overcome by his sharp words. |
Von seiner Kraft wird das Meer plötzlich ungestüm, und durch seinen Verstand zerschmettert er Rahab. | By his power the sea was made quiet; and by his wisdom Rahab was wounded. |
Am Himmel wird's schön durch seinen Wind, und seine Hand durchbohrt die flüchtige Schlange. | By his wind the heavens become bright: by his hand the quickly moving snake was cut through. |
Siehe, also geht sein Tun, und nur ein geringes Wörtlein davon haben wir vernommen. Wer will aber den Donner seiner Macht verstehen? | See, these are only the outskirts of his ways; and how small is that which comes to our ears about him! But the thunder of his acts of power is outside all knowledge. |