The Bible - English

Psalms 19 - English

Psalms 19 - Bilingual

Psalms 19

Psalms 19:1 ^
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David.The heavens are sounding the glory of God; the arch of the sky makes clear the work of his hands.
Psalms 19:2 ^
Day after day it sends out its word, and night after night it gives knowledge.
Psalms 19:3 ^
There are no words or language; their voice makes no sound.
Psalms 19:4 ^
Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has he put a tent for the sun,
Psalms 19:5 ^
Who is like a newly married man coming from his bride-tent, and is glad like a strong runner starting on his way.
Psalms 19:6 ^
His going out is from the end of the heaven, and his circle to the ends of it; there is nothing which is not open to his heat.
Psalms 19:7 ^
The law of the Lord is good, giving new life to the soul: the witness of the Lord is certain, giving wisdom to the foolish.
Psalms 19:8 ^
The orders of the Lord are right, making glad the heart: the rule of the Lord is holy, giving light to the eyes.
Psalms 19:9 ^
The fear of the Lord is clean, and has no end; the decisions of the Lord are true and full of righteousness.
Psalms 19:10 ^
More to be desired are they than gold, even than much shining gold; sweeter than the dropping honey.
Psalms 19:11 ^
By them is your servant made conscious of danger, and in keeping them there is great reward.
Psalms 19:12 ^
Who has full knowledge of his errors? make me clean from secret evil.
Psalms 19:13 ^
Keep your servant back from sins of pride; let them not have rule over me: then will I be upright and free from great sin.
Psalms 19:14 ^
Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing in your eyes, O Lord, my strength and my salvation.

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