Psalms 34
Psaumes 34
Of David. When he made a change in his behaviour before Abimelech, who sent him away, and he went.I will be blessing the Lord at all times; his praise will be ever in my mouth. | De David. Lorsqu`il contrefit l`insensé en présence d`Abimélec, et qu`il s`en alla chassé par lui. Je bénirai l`Éternel en tout temps; Sa louange sera toujours dans ma bouche. |
My soul will say great things of the Lord: the poor in spirit will have knowledge of it and be glad. | Que mon âme se glorifie en l`Éternel! Que les malheureux écoutent et se réjouissent! |
O give praise to the Lord with me; let us be witnesses together of his great name. | Exaltez avec moi l`Éternel! Célébrons tous son nom! |
I was searching for the Lord, and he gave ear to my voice, and made me free from all my fears. | J`ai cherché l`Éternel, et il m`a répondu; Il m`a délivré de toutes mes frayeurs. |
Let your eyes be turned to him and you will have light, and your faces will not be shamed. | Quand on tourne vers lui les regards, on est rayonnant de joie, Et le visage ne se couvre pas de honte. |
This poor man's cry came before the Lord, and he gave him salvation from all his troubles. | Quand un malheureux crie, l`Éternel entend, Et il le sauve de toutes ses détresses. |
The angel of the Lord is ever watching over those who have fear of him, to keep them safe. | L`ange de l`Éternel campe autour de ceux qui le craignent, Et il les arrache au danger. |
By experience you will see that the Lord is good; happy is the man who has faith in him. | Sentez et voyez combien l`Éternel est bon! Heureux l`homme qui cherche en lui son refuge! |
Keep yourselves in the fear of the Lord, all you his saints; for those who do so will have no need of anything. | Craignez l`Éternel, vous ses saints! Car rien ne manque à ceux qui le craignent. |
The young lions are in need and have no food; but those who are looking to the Lord will have every good thing. | Les lionceaux éprouvent la disette et la faim, Mais ceux qui cherchent l`Éternel ne sont privés d`aucun bien. |
Come, children, give attention to me; I will be your teacher in the fear of the Lord. | Venez, mes fils, écoutez-moi! Je vous enseignerai la crainte de l`Éternel. |
What man has a love of life, and a desire that his days may be increased so that he may see good? | Quel est l`homme qui aime la vie, Qui désire la prolonger pour jouir du bonheur? |
Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from words of deceit. | Préserve ta langue du mal, Et tes lèvres des paroles trompeuses; |
Be turned from evil, and do good; make a search for peace, desiring it with all your heart. | Éloigne-toi du mal, et fais le bien; Recherche et poursuis la paix. |
The eyes of the Lord are on the upright, and his ears are open to their cry. | Les yeux de l`Éternel sont sur les justes, Et ses oreilles sont attentives à leurs cris. |
The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to take away the memory of them from the earth. | L`Éternel tourne sa face contre les méchants, Pour retrancher de la terre leur souvenir. |
The cry of the upright comes before the Lord, and he takes them out of all their troubles. | Quand les justes crient, l`Éternel entend, Et il les délivre de toutes leurs détresses; |
The Lord is near the broken-hearted; he is the saviour of those whose spirits are crushed down. | L`Éternel est près de ceux qui ont le coeur brisé, Et il sauve ceux qui ont l`esprit dans l`abattement. |
Great are the troubles of the upright: but the Lord takes him safely out of them all. | Le malheur atteint souvent le juste, Mais l`Éternel l`en délivre toujours. |
He keeps all his bones: not one of them is broken. | Il garde tous ses os, Aucun d`eux n`est brisé. |
Evil will put an end to the sinner, and those who are haters of righteousness will come to destruction. | Le malheur tue le méchant, Et les ennemis du juste sont châtiés. |
The Lord will be the saviour of the souls of his servants, and no one who has faith in him will be put to shame. | L`Éternel délivre l`âme de ses serviteurs, Et tous ceux qui l`ont pour refuge échappent au châtiment. |