Lamentations 3
Lamentations 3
I am the man who has seen trouble by the rod of his wrath. | Je suis l`homme qui a vu la misère Sous la verge de sa fureur. |
By him I have been made to go in the dark where there is no light. | Il m`a conduit, mené dans les ténèbres, Et non dans la lumière. |
Truly against me his hand has been turned again and again all the day. | Contre moi il tourne et retourne sa main Tout le jour. |
My flesh and my skin have been used up by him and my bones broken. | Il a fait dépérir ma chair et ma peau, Il a brisé mes os. |
He has put up a wall against me, shutting me in with bitter sorrow. | Il a bâti autour de moi, Il m`a environné de poison et de douleur. |
He has kept me in dark places, like those who have been long dead. | Il me fait habiter dans les ténèbres, Comme ceux qui sont morts dès longtemps. |
He has put a wall round me, so that I am not able to go out; he has made great the weight of my chain. | Il m`a entouré d`un mur, pour que je ne sorte pas; Il m`a donné de pesantes chaînes. |
Even when I send up a cry for help, he keeps my prayer shut out. | J`ai beau crier et implorer du secours, Il ne laisse pas accès à ma prière. |
He has put up a wall of cut stones about my ways, he has made my roads twisted. | Il a fermé mon chemin avec des pierres de taille, Il a détruit mes sentiers. |
He is like a bear waiting for me, like a lion in secret places. | Il a été pour moi un ours en embuscade, Un lion dans un lieu caché. |
By him my ways have been turned on one side and I have been pulled in bits; he has made me waste. | Il a détourné mes voies, il m`a déchiré, Il m`a jeté dans la désolation. |
With his bow bent, he has made me the mark for his arrows. | Il a tendu son arc, et il m`a placé Comme un but pour sa flèche. |
He has let loose his arrows into the inmost parts of my body. | Il a fait entrer dans mes reins Les traits de son carquois. |
I have become the sport of all the peoples; I am their song all the day. | Je suis pour tout mon peuple un objet de raillerie, Chaque jour l`objet de leurs chansons. |
He has made my life nothing but pain, he has given me the bitter root in full measure. | Il m`a rassasié d`amertume, Il m`a enivré d`absinthe. |
By him my teeth have been broken with crushed stones, and I am bent low in the dust. | Il a brisé mes dents avec des cailloux, Il m`a couvert de cendre. |
My soul is sent far away from peace, I have no more memory of good. | Tu m`as enlevé la paix; Je ne connais plus le bonheur. |
And I said, My strength is cut off, and my hope from the Lord. | Et j`ai dit: Ma force est perdue, Je n`ai plus d`espérance en l`Éternel! |
Keep in mind my trouble and my wandering, the bitter root and the poison. | Quand je pense à ma détresse et à ma misère, A l`absinthe et au poison; |
My soul still keeps the memory of them; and is bent down in me. | Quand mon âme s`en souvient, Elle est abattue au dedans de moi. |
This I keep in mind, and because of this I have hope. | Voici ce que je veux repasser en mon coeur, Ce qui me donnera de l`espérance. |
It is through the Lord's love that we have not come to destruction, because his mercies have no limit. | Les bontés de l`Éternel ne sont pas épuisés, Ses compassions ne sont pas à leur terme; |
They are new every morning; great is your good faith. | Elles se renouvellent chaque matin. Oh! que ta fidélité est grande! |
I said to myself, The Lord is my heritage; and because of this I will have hope in him. | L`Éternel est mon partage, dit mon âme; C`est pourquoi je veux espérer en lui. |
The Lord is good to those who are waiting for him, to the soul which is looking for him. | L`Éternel a de la bonté pour qui espère en lui, Pour l`âme qui le cherche. |
It is good to go on hoping and quietly waiting for the salvation of the Lord. | Il est bon d`attendre en silence Le secours de l`Éternel. |
It is good for a man to undergo the yoke when he is young. | Il est bon pour l`homme De porter le joug dans sa jeunesse. |
Let him be seated by himself, saying nothing, because he has put it on him. | Il se tiendra solitaire et silencieux, Parce que l`Éternel le lui impose; |
Let him put his mouth in the dust, if by chance there may be hope. | Il mettra sa bouche dans la poussière, Sans perdre toute espérance; |
Let his face be turned to him who gives him blows; let him be full of shame. | Il présentera la joue à celui qui le frappe, Il se rassasiera d`opprobres. |
For the Lord does not give a man up for ever. | Car le Seigneur Ne rejette pas à toujours. |
For though he sends grief, still he will have pity in the full measure of his love. | Mais, lorsqu`il afflige, Il a compassion selon sa grande miséricorde; |
For he has no pleasure in troubling and causing grief to the children of men. | Car ce n`est pas volontiers qu`il humilie Et qu`il afflige les enfants des hommes. |
In a man's crushing under his feet all the prisoners of the earth, | Quand on foule aux pieds Tous les captifs du pays, |
In his turning away the right of a man before the face of the Most High. | Quand on viole la justice humaine A la face du Très Haut, |
In his doing wrong to a man in his cause, the Lord has no pleasure. | Quand on fait tort à autrui dans sa cause, Le Seigneur ne le voit-il pas? |
Who is able to say a thing, and give effect to it, if it has not been ordered by the Lord? | Qui dira qu`une chose arrive, Sans que le Seigneur l`ait ordonnée? |
Do not evil and good come from the mouth of the Most High? | N`est-ce pas de la volonté du Très Haut que viennent Les maux et les biens? |
What protest may a living man make, even a man about the punishment of his sin? | Pourquoi l`homme vivant se plaindrait-il? Que chacun se plaigne de ses propres péchés. |
Let us make search and put our ways to the test, turning again to the Lord; | Recherchons nos voies et sondons, Et retournons à l`Éternel; |
Lifting up our hearts with our hands to God in the heavens. | Élevons nos coeurs et nos mains Vers Dieu qui est au ciel: |
We have done wrong and gone against your law; we have not had your forgiveness. | Nous avons péché, nous avons été rebelles! Tu n`as point pardonné! |
Covering yourself with wrath you have gone after us, cutting us off without pity; | Tu t`es caché dans ta colère, et tu nous as poursuivis; Tu as tué sans miséricorde; |
Covering yourself with a cloud, so that prayer may not get through. | Tu t`es enveloppé d`un nuage, Pour fermer accès à la prière. |
You have made us like waste and that for which there is no use, among the peoples. | Tu nous as rendus un objet de mépris et de dédain Au milieu des peuples. |
The mouths of all our haters are open wide against us. | Ils ouvrent la bouche contre nous, Tous ceux qui sont nos ennemis. |
Fear and deep waters have come on us, wasting and destruction. | Notre partage a été la terreur et la fosse, Le ravage et la ruine. |
Rivers of water are running down from my eyes, for the destruction of the daughter of my people. | Des torrents d`eau coulent de mes yeux, A cause de la ruine de la fille de mon peuple. |
My eyes are streaming without stopping, they have no rest, | Mon oeil fond en larmes, sans repos, Sans relâche, |
Till the Lord's eye is turned on me, till he sees my trouble from heaven. | Jusqu`à ce que l`Éternel regarde et voie Du haut des cieux; |
The Lord is unkind to my soul, more than all the daughters of my town. | Mon oeil me fait souffrir, A cause de toutes les filles de ma ville. |
They who are against me without cause have gone hard after me as if I was a bird; | Ils m`ont donné la chasse comme à un oiseau, Ceux qui sont à tort mes ennemis. |
They have put an end to my life in the prison, stoning me with stones. | Ils ont voulu anéantir ma vie dans une fosse, Et ils ont jeté des pierres sur moi. |
Waters were flowing over my head; I said, I am cut off. | Les eaux ont inondé ma tête; Je disais: Je suis perdu! |
I was making prayer to your name, O Lord, out of the lowest prison. | J`ai invoqué ton nom, ô Éternel, Du fond de la fosse. |
My voice came to you; let not your ear be shut to my breathing, to my cry. | Tu as entendu ma voix: Ne ferme pas l`oreille à mes soupirs, à mes cris! |
You came near in the day when I made my prayer to you: you said, Have no fear. | Au jour où je t`ai invoqué, tu t`es approché, Tu as dit: Ne crains pas! |
O Lord, you have taken up the cause of my soul, you have made my life safe. | Seigneur, tu as défendu la cause de mon âme, Tu as racheté ma vie. |
O Lord, you have seen my wrong; be judge in my cause. | Éternel, tu as vu ce qu`on m`a fait souffrir: Rends-moi justice! |
You have seen all the evil rewards they have sent on me, and all their designs against me. | Tu as vu toutes leurs vengeances, Tous leurs complots contre moi. |
Their bitter words have come to your ears, O Lord, and all their designs against me; | Éternel, tu as entendu leurs outrages, Tous leurs complots contre moi, |
The lips of those who came up against me, and their thoughts against me all the day. | Les discours de mes adversaires, et les projets Qu`ils formaient chaque jour contre moi. |
Take note of them when they are seated, and when they get up; I am their song. | Regarde quand ils sont assis et quand ils se lèvent: Je suis l`objet de leurs chansons. |
You will give them their reward, O Lord, answering to the work of their hands. | Tu leur donneras un salaire, ô Éternel, Selon l`oeuvre de leurs mains; |
You will let their hearts be covered over with your curse on them. | Tu les livreras à l`endurcissement de leur coeur, A ta malédiction contre eux; |
You will go after them in wrath, and put an end to them from under the heavens of the Lord. | Tu les poursuivras dans ta colère, et tu les extermineras De dessous les cieux, ô Éternel! |