The Bible - Bilingual

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Nehemiah 4

Néhémie 4

Nehemiah 4:1 ^
Now, Sanballat, hearing that we were building the wall, was very angry, and in his wrath made sport of the Jews.
Néhémie 4:1 ^
Lorsque Sanballat apprit que nous rebâtissions la muraille, il fut en colère et très irrité.
Nehemiah 4:2 ^
And in the hearing of his countrymen and the army of Samaria he said, What are these feeble Jews doing? will they make themselves strong? will they make offerings? will they get the work done in a day? will they make the stones which have been burned come again out of the dust?
Néhémie 4:2 ^
Il se moqua des Juifs, et dit devant ses frères et devant les soldats de Samarie: A quoi travaillent ces Juifs impuissants? Les laissera-t-on faire? Sacrifieront-ils? Vont-ils achever? Redonneront-ils vie à des pierres ensevelies sous des monceaux de poussière et consumées par le feu?
Nehemiah 4:3 ^
Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he said, Such is their building that if a fox goes up it, their stone wall will be broken down.
Néhémie 4:3 ^
Tobija, l`Ammonite, était à côté de lui, et il dit: Qu`ils bâtissent seulement! Si un renard s`élance, il renversera leur muraille de pierres!
Nehemiah 4:4 ^
Give ear, O our God, for we are looked down on: let their words of shame be turned back on themselves, and let them be given up to wasting in a land where they are prisoners:
Néhémie 4:4 ^
Écoute, ô notre Dieu, comme nous sommes méprisés! Fais retomber leurs insultes sur leur tête, et livre-les au pillage sur une terre où ils soient captifs.
Nehemiah 4:5 ^
Let not their wrongdoing be covered or their sin washed away from before you: for they have made you angry before the builders.
Néhémie 4:5 ^
Ne pardonne pas leur iniquité, et que leur péché ne soit pas effacé de devant toi; car ils ont offensé ceux qui bâtissent.
Nehemiah 4:6 ^
So we went on building the wall; and all the wall was joined together half-way up: for the people were working hard.
Néhémie 4:6 ^
Nous rebâtîmes la muraille, qui fut partout achevée jusqu`à la moitié de sa hauteur. Et le peuple prit à coeur ce travail.
Nehemiah 4:7 ^
But when it came to the ears of Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabians and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites, that the building of the walls of Jerusalem was going forward and the broken places were being made good, they were full of wrath;
Néhémie 4:7 ^
Mais Sanballat, Tobija, les Arabes, les Ammonites et les Asdodiens, furent très irrités en apprenant que la réparation des murs avançait et que les brèches commençaient à se fermer.
Nehemiah 4:8 ^
And they made designs, all of them together, to come and make an attack on Jerusalem, causing trouble there.
Néhémie 4:8 ^
Ils se liguèrent tous ensemble pour venir attaquer Jérusalem et lui causer du dommage.
Nehemiah 4:9 ^
But we made our prayer to God, and had men on watch against them day and night because of them.
Néhémie 4:9 ^
Nous priâmes notre Dieu, et nous établîmes une garde jour et nuit pour nous défendre contre leurs attaques.
Nehemiah 4:10 ^
And Judah said, The strength of the workmen is giving way, and there is much waste material; it is impossible for us to put up the wall.
Néhémie 4:10 ^
Cependant Juda disait: Les forces manquent à ceux qui portent les fardeaux, et les décombres sont considérables; nous ne pourrons pas bâtir la muraille.
Nehemiah 4:11 ^
And those who were against us said, Without their knowledge and without their seeing us, we will come among them and put them to death, causing the work to come to a stop.
Néhémie 4:11 ^
Et nos ennemis disaient: Ils ne sauront et ne verront rien jusqu`à ce que nous arrivions au milieu d`eux; nous les tuerons, et nous ferons ainsi cesser l`ouvrage.
Nehemiah 4:12 ^
And it came about that when the Jews who were living near them came, they said to us ten times, From all directions they are coming against us.
Néhémie 4:12 ^
Or les Juifs qui habitaient près d`eux vinrent dix fois nous avertir, de tous les lieux d`où ils se rendaient vers nous.
Nehemiah 4:13 ^
So in the lowest part of the space at the back of the walls, in the open places, I put the people by families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
Néhémie 4:13 ^
C`est pourquoi je plaçai, dans les enfoncements derrière la muraille et sur des terrains secs, le peuple par familles, tous avec leurs épées, leurs lances et leurs arcs.
Nehemiah 4:14 ^
And after looking, I got up and said to the great ones and to the chiefs and to the rest of the people, Have no fear of them: keep in mind the Lord who is great and greatly to be feared, and take up arms for your brothers, your sons, and your daughters, your wives and your houses.
Néhémie 4:14 ^
Je regardai, et m`étant levé, je dis aux grands, aux magistrats, et au reste du peuple: Ne les craignez pas! Souvenez-vous du Seigneur, grand et redoutable, et combattez pour vos frères, pour vos fils et vos filles, pour vos femmes et pour vos maisons!
Nehemiah 4:15 ^
And when it came to the ears of those who were against us, that we had knowledge of their designs and that God had made their purpose come to nothing, we all went back to the wall, everyone to his work
Néhémie 4:15 ^
Lorsque nos ennemis apprirent que nous étions avertis, Dieu anéantit leur projet, et nous retournâmes tous à la muraille, chacun à son ouvrage.
Nehemiah 4:16 ^
And from that time, half of my servants were doing their part of the work, and half kept the spears and body-covers and the bows and the metal war-dresses; and the chiefs were at the back of the men of Judah.
Néhémie 4:16 ^
Depuis ce jour, la moitié de mes serviteurs travaillait, et l`autre moitié était armée de lances, de boucliers, d`arcs et de cuirasses. Les chefs étaient derrière toute la maison de Juda.
Nehemiah 4:17 ^
Those who were building the wall and those who were moving material did their part, everyone working with one hand, with his spear in the other;
Néhémie 4:17 ^
Ceux qui bâtissaient la muraille, et ceux qui portaient ou chargeaient les fardeaux, travaillaient d`une main et tenaient une arme de l`autre;
Nehemiah 4:18 ^
Every builder was working with his sword at his side. And by my side was a man for sounding the horn.
Néhémie 4:18 ^
chacun d`eux, en travaillant, avait son épée ceinte autour des reins. Celui qui sonnait de la trompette se tenait près de moi.
Nehemiah 4:19 ^
And I said to the great ones and the chiefs and the rest of the people, The work is great and widely spaced and we are far away from one another on the wall:
Néhémie 4:19 ^
Je dis aux grands, aux magistrats, et au reste du peuple: L`ouvrage est considérable et étendu, et nous sommes dispersés sur la muraille, éloignés les uns des autres.
Nehemiah 4:20 ^
Wherever you may be when the horn is sounded, come here to us; our God will be fighting for us.
Néhémie 4:20 ^
Au son de la trompette, rassemblez-vous auprès de nous, vers le lieu d`où vous l`entendrez; notre Dieu combattra pour nous.
Nehemiah 4:21 ^
So we went on with the work: and half of them had spears in their hands from the dawn of the morning till the stars were seen.
Néhémie 4:21 ^
C`est ainsi que nous poursuivions l`ouvrage, la moitié d`entre nous la lance à la main depuis le lever de l`aurore jusqu`à l`apparition des étoiles.
Nehemiah 4:22 ^
And at the same time I said to the people, Let everyone with his servant come inside Jerusalem for the night, so that at night they may keep watch for us, and go on working by day.
Néhémie 4:22 ^
Dans ce même temps, je dis encore au peuple: Que chacun passe la nuit dans Jérusalem avec son serviteur; faisons la garde pendant la nuit, et travaillons pendant le jour.
Nehemiah 4:23 ^
So not one of us, I or my brothers or my servants or the watchmen who were with me, took off his clothing, everyone went armed to the water.
Néhémie 4:23 ^
Et nous ne quittions point nos vêtements, ni moi, ni mes frères, ni mes serviteurs, ni les hommes de garde qui me suivaient; chacun n`avait que ses armes et de l`eau.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - French | Nehemiah 4 - Néhémie 4