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Acts 12

Atti degli Apostoli 12

Acts 12:1 ^
Now, about that time, Herod the king made cruel attacks on the Christians.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:1 ^
Or intorno a quel tempo, il re Erode mise mano a maltrattare alcuni della chiesa;
Acts 12:2 ^
And he put James, the brother of John, to death with the sword.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:2 ^
e fece morir per la spada Giacomo, fratello di Giovanni.
Acts 12:3 ^
And when he saw that this was pleasing to the Jews he went on to take Peter in addition. This was at the time of the feast of unleavened bread.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:3 ^
E vedendo che ciò era grato ai Giudei, continuo e fece arrestare anche Pietro. Or erano i giorni degli azzimi.
Acts 12:4 ^
And having taken him, he put him in prison, with four bands of armed men to keep watch over him; his purpose being to take him out to the people after the Passover.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:4 ^
E presolo, lo mise in prigione, dandolo in guardia a quattro mute di soldati di quattro l’una; perché, dopo la Pasqua, voleva farlo comparire dinanzi al popolo.
Acts 12:5 ^
So Peter was kept in prison: but the church made strong prayer to God for him.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:5 ^
Pietro dunque era custodito nella prigione; ma fervide preghiere eran fatte dalla chiesa a Dio per lui.
Acts 12:6 ^
And when Herod was about to take him out, the same night Peter was sleeping in chains between two armed men, and the watchmen were keeping watch before the door of the prison.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:6 ^
Or quando Erode stava per farlo comparire, la notte prima, Pietro stava dormendo in mezzo a due soldati, legato con due catene; e le guardie davanti alla porta custodivano la prigione.
Acts 12:7 ^
And a great light was seen shining in the room, and an angel of the Lord came to Peter and, touching him on his side so that he came out of his sleep, said, Get up quickly. And his chains came off his hands.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:7 ^
Ed ecco, un angelo del Signore sopraggiunse, e una luce risplendé nella cella; e l’angelo, percosso il fianco a Pietro, lo svegliò, dicendo: Lèvati prestamente. E le catene gli caddero dalle mani.
Acts 12:8 ^
Then the angel said, Put on your shoes and get ready to go. And he did so. And he said, Put your coat round you and come with me.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:8 ^
E l’angelo disse: Cingiti, e lègati i sandali. E Pietro fece così. Poi gli disse: Mettiti il mantello, e seguimi.
Acts 12:9 ^
And he went out after him; and he was not certain if what was done by the angel was a fact, for it seemed to him that he was seeing a vision.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:9 ^
Ed egli, uscito, lo seguiva, non sapendo che fosse vero quel che avveniva per mezzo dell’angelo, ma pensando di avere una visione.
Acts 12:10 ^
And when they had gone past the first and second watchmen they came to the iron door into the town, which came open by itself: and they went out and down one street; and then the angel went away.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:10 ^
Or com’ebbero passata la prima e la seconda guardia, vennero alla porta di ferro che mette in città, la quale si aperse loro da sé; ed essendo usciti, s’inoltrarono per una strada: e in quell’istante l’angelo si partì da lui.
Acts 12:11 ^
And when Peter came to his senses he said, Now, truly, I am certain that the Lord has sent his angel and taken me out of the hands of Herod, against all the hopes of the Jews.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:11 ^
E Pietro, rientrato in sé, disse: Ora conosco per certo che il Signore ha mandato il suo angelo e mi ha liberato dalla mano di Erode e da tutta l’aspettazione del popolo dei Giudei.
Acts 12:12 ^
And when he became clear about this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John named Mark, where a number of them had come together for prayer.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:12 ^
E considerando la cosa, venne alla casa di Maria, madre di Giovanni soprannominato Marco, dove molti fratelli stavano raunati e pregavano.
Acts 12:13 ^
And he gave a blow on the door, and a young girl came to it, named Rhoda.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:13 ^
E avendo Pietro picchiato all’uscio del vestibolo, una serva, chiamata Rode venne ad ascoltare;
Acts 12:14 ^
And hearing the voice of Peter, in her joy she went running, without opening the door, to say that Peter was outside.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:14 ^
e riconosciuta la voce di Pietro, per l’allegrezza non aprì l’uscio, ma corse dentro ad annunziare che Pietro stava davanti alla porta.
Acts 12:15 ^
And they said to her, You are off your head. But still she said, with decision, that it was so. And they said, It is his angel.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:15 ^
E quelli le dissero: Tu sei pazza! Ma ella asseverava che era così. Ed essi dicevano: E’ il suo angelo.
Acts 12:16 ^
But Peter went on giving blows on the door: and when it was open and they saw him, they were full of wonder.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:16 ^
Ma Pietro continuava a picchiare, e quand’ebbero aperto, lo videro e stupirono.
Acts 12:17 ^
But he made a sign to them with his hand to be quiet, and gave them an account of how the Lord had taken him out of prison. And he said, Give the news to James and the brothers. And then he went away.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:17 ^
Ma egli, fatto lor cenno con la mano che tacessero, raccontò loro in qual modo il Signore l’avea tratto fuor della prigione. Poi disse: Fate sapere queste cose a Giacomo ed ai fratelli. Ed essendo uscito, se ne andò in un altro luogo.
Acts 12:18 ^
Now when it was day, the armed men were greatly troubled about what had become of Peter.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:18 ^
Or, fattosi giorno, vi fu non piccol turbamento fra i soldati, perché non sapevano che cosa fosse avvenuto di Pietro.
Acts 12:19 ^
And Herod, when he sent for him, and he was not there, after questioning the watchmen, gave orders that they were to be put to death. Then he went down from Judaea to Caesarea for a time.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:19 ^
Ed Erode, cercatolo, e non avendolo trovato, esaminate le guardie, comandò che fosser menate al supplizio. Poi, sceso di Giudea a Cesarea, vi si trattenne.
Acts 12:20 ^
Now he was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon: and they came to him, all together, and having made friends with Blastus, the controller of the king's house, they made a request for peace, because their country was dependent on the king's country for its food.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:20 ^
Or Erode era fortemente adirato contro i Tiri e i Sidoni; ma essi di pari consentimento si presentarono a lui; e guadagnato il favore di Blasto, ciambellano del re, chiesero pace, perché il loro paese traeva i viveri dal paese del re.
Acts 12:21 ^
And on the day which had been fixed, Herod, dressed in his robes and seated in his place, made a public statement to them.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:21 ^
Nel giorno fissato, Erode, indossato l’abito reale, e postosi a sedere sul trono, li arringava pubblicamente.
Acts 12:22 ^
And the people, with loud cries, said, It is the voice of a god, not of a man.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:22 ^
E il popolo si mise a gridare: Voce d’un dio, e non d’un uomo!
Acts 12:23 ^
And straight away the angel of the Lord sent a disease on him, because he did not give the glory to God: and his flesh was wasted away by worms, and so he came to his end.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:23 ^
In quell’istante, un angelo del Signore lo percosse, perché non avea dato a Dio la gloria; e morì, roso dai vermi.
Acts 12:24 ^
But the word of the Lord went on increasing.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:24 ^
Ma la parola di Dio progrediva e si spandeva di più in più.
Acts 12:25 ^
And Barnabas and Saul came back from Jerusalem, when their work was ended, taking with them John named Mark.
Atti degli Apostoli 12:25 ^
E Barnaba e Saulo, compiuta la loro missione, tornarono da Gerusalemme, prendendo seco Giovanni soprannominato Marco.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Italian | Acts 12 - Atti degli Apostoli 12