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Acts 9

Atti degli Apostoli 9

Acts 9:1 ^
But Saul, still burning with desire to put to death the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,
Atti degli Apostoli 9:1 ^
Or Saulo, tuttora spirante minaccia e strage contro i discepoli del Signore, venne al sommo sacerdote,
Acts 9:2 ^
And made a request for letters from him to the Synagogues of Damascus, so that if there were any of the Way there, men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:2 ^
e gli chiese delle lettere per le sinagoghe di Damasco, affinché, se ne trovasse di quelli che seguivano la nuova via, uomini e donne, li potesse menar legati a Gerusalemme.
Acts 9:3 ^
And while he was journeying, he came near Damascus; and suddenly he saw a light from heaven shining round him;
Atti degli Apostoli 9:3 ^
E mentre era in cammino, avvenne che, avvicinandosi a Damasco, di subito una luce dal cielo gli sfolgorò d’intorno.
Acts 9:4 ^
And he went down on the earth, and a voice said to him, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly?
Atti degli Apostoli 9:4 ^
Ed essendo caduto in terra, udì una voce che gli diceva: Saulo, Saulo, perché mi perseguiti?
Acts 9:5 ^
And he said, Who are you, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus, whom you are attacking:
Atti degli Apostoli 9:5 ^
Ed egli disse: Chi sei, Signore? E il Signore: Io son Gesù che tu perseguiti. Ti è duro ricalcitrar contro gli stimoli.
Acts 9:6 ^
But get up, and go into the town, and it will be made clear to you what you have to do.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:6 ^
Ed egli, tutto tremante e spaventato, disse: Signore, che vuoi tu ch’io faccia? Ed il Signore gli disse: lèvati, entra nella città, e ti sarà detto ciò che devi fare.
Acts 9:7 ^
And the men who were with him were not able to say anything; hearing the voice, but seeing no one.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:7 ^
Or gli uomini che faceano il viaggio con lui ristettero attoniti, udendo ben la voce, ma non vedendo alcuno.
Acts 9:8 ^
And Saul got up from the earth, and when his eyes were open, he saw nothing; and he was guided by the hand into Damascus.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:8 ^
E Saulo si levò da terra; ma quando aprì gli occhi, non vedeva nulla; e quelli, menandolo per la mano, lo condussero a Damasco.
Acts 9:9 ^
And for three days he was not able to see, and he took no food or drink.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:9 ^
E rimase tre giorni senza vedere, e non mangiò né bevve.
Acts 9:10 ^
Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and the Lord said to him in a vision, Ananias! and he said, Here I am, Lord.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:10 ^
Or in Damasco v’era un certo discepolo, chiamato Anania; e il Signore gli disse in visione: Anania! Ed egli rispose: Eccomi, Signore.
Acts 9:11 ^
And the Lord said to him, Get up, and go to the street which is named Straight, and make search at the house of Judas for one named Saul of Tarsus: for he is at prayer;
Atti degli Apostoli 9:11 ^
E il Signore a lui: Lèvati, vattene nella strada detta Diritta, e cerca, in casa di Giuda, un uomo chiamato Saulo, da Tarso; poiché ecco, egli è in preghiera,
Acts 9:12 ^
And he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hands on him, so that he may be able to see.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:12 ^
e ha veduto un uomo, chiamato Anania, entrare e imporgli le mani perché ricuperi la vista.
Acts 9:13 ^
But Ananias said, Lord, I have had accounts of this man from a number of people, how much evil he has done to your saints at Jerusalem:
Atti degli Apostoli 9:13 ^
Ma Anania rispose: Signore, io ho udito dir da molti di quest’uomo, quanti mali abbia fatto ai tuoi santi in Gerusalemme.
Acts 9:14 ^
And here he has authority from the chief priests to make prisoners all who give worship to your name.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:14 ^
E qui ha podestà dai capi sacerdoti d’incatenare tutti coloro che invocano il tuo nome.
Acts 9:15 ^
But the Lord said, Go without fear: for he is a special vessel for me, to give to the Gentiles and kings and to the children of Israel the knowledge of my name:
Atti degli Apostoli 9:15 ^
Ma il Signore gli disse: Va’, perché egli è uno strumento che ho eletto per portare il mio nome davanti ai Gentili, ed ai re, ed ai figliuoli d’Israele;
Acts 9:16 ^
For I will make clear to him what troubles he will have to undergo for me.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:16 ^
poiché io gli mostrerò quante cose debba patire per il mio nome.
Acts 9:17 ^
And Ananias went out and came to the house, and putting his hands on him, said, Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, whom you saw when you were on your journey, has sent me, so that you may be able to see, and be full of the Holy Spirit.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:17 ^
E Anania se ne andò, ed entrò in quella casa; e avendogli imposte le mani, disse: Fratello Saulo, il Signore, cioè Gesù, che ti è apparso sulla via per la quale tu venivi, mi ha mandato perché tu ricuperi la vista e sii ripieno dello Spirito Santo.
Acts 9:18 ^
And straight away it seemed as if a veil was taken from his eyes, and he was able to see; and he got up, and had baptism;
Atti degli Apostoli 9:18 ^
E in quell’istante gli caddero dagli occhi come delle scaglie, e ricuperò la vista; poi, levatosi, fu battezzato.
Acts 9:19 ^
And when he had taken food his strength came back. And for some days he kept with the disciples who were in Damascus.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:19 ^
E avendo preso cibo, riacquistò le forze. E Saulo rimase alcuni giorni coi discepoli che erano a Damasco.
Acts 9:20 ^
And straight away, in the Synagogues, he was preaching Jesus as the Son of God.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:20 ^
E subito si mise a predicar nelle sinagoghe che Gesù è il Figliuol di Dio.
Acts 9:21 ^
And all those hearing him were full of wonder and said, Is not this the man who in Jerusalem was attacking all the worshippers of this name? and he had come here so that he might take them as prisoners before the chief priests.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:21 ^
E tutti coloro che l’udivano, stupivano e dicevano: Non è costui quel che in Gerusalemme infieriva contro quelli che invocano questo nome ed è venuto qui allo scopo di menarli incatenati ai capi sacerdoti?
Acts 9:22 ^
But Saul went on increasing in power, and the Jews in Damascus were not able to give answers to the arguments by which he made it clear that Jesus was the Christ.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:22 ^
Ma Saulo vie più si fortificava e confondeva i Giudei che abitavano in Damasco, dimostrando che Gesù è il Cristo.
Acts 9:23 ^
Then, after some days, the Jews made an agreement together to put him to death:
Atti degli Apostoli 9:23 ^
E passati molti giorni, i Giudei si misero d’accordo per ucciderlo;
Acts 9:24 ^
But Saul got knowledge of their design. And they kept watch day and night on the roads out of the town, so that they might put him to death:
Atti degli Apostoli 9:24 ^
ma il loro complotto venne a notizia di Saulo. Essi facevan perfino la guardia alle porte, giorno e notte, per ucciderlo;
Acts 9:25 ^
But his disciples took him by night and let him down from the wall in a basket.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:25 ^
ma i discepoli, presolo di notte, lo calarono a basso giù dal muro in una cesta.
Acts 9:26 ^
And when he came to Jerusalem, he made an attempt to be joined to the disciples, but they were all in fear of him, not taking him for a disciple.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:26 ^
E quando fu giunto a Gerusalemme, tentava d’unirsi ai discepoli; ma tutti lo temevano, non credendo ch’egli fosse un discepolo.
Acts 9:27 ^
But Barnabas took him to the Apostles and gave them an account of how he had seen the Lord on the road, and had given hearing to his words, and how at Damascus he had been preaching in the name of Jesus without fear.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:27 ^
Ma Barnaba, presolo con sé, lo menò agli apostoli, e raccontò loro come per cammino avea veduto il Signore e il Signore gli avea parlato, e come in Damasco avea predicato con franchezza nel nome di Gesù.
Acts 9:28 ^
And he was with them, going in and out at Jerusalem,
Atti degli Apostoli 9:28 ^
Da allora, Saulo andava e veniva con loro in Gerusalemme, e predicava con franchezza nel nome del Signore;
Acts 9:29 ^
Preaching in the name of the Lord without fear; and he had discussions with the Greek Jews; but they were working for his death.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:29 ^
discorreva pure e discuteva con gli Ellenisti; ma questi cercavano d’ucciderlo.
Acts 9:30 ^
And when the brothers had knowledge of it, they took him to Caesarea and sent him to Tarsus.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:30 ^
E i fratelli, avendolo saputo, lo condussero a Cesarea, e di là lo mandarono a Tarso.
Acts 9:31 ^
And so the church through all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was made strong; and, living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, was increased greatly.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:31 ^
Così la Chiesa, per tutta la Giudea, la Galilea e la Samaria avea pace, essendo edificata; e camminando nel timor del Signore e nella consolazione dello Spirito Santo, moltiplicava.
Acts 9:32 ^
And it came about that while Peter was going through all parts of the country he came to the saints who were living at Lydda.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:32 ^
Or avvenne che Pietro, andando qua e là da tutti, venne anche ai santi che abitavano in Lidda.
Acts 9:33 ^
And there was a certain man there, named Aeneas, who for eight years had been in bed, without power of moving.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:33 ^
E quivi trovò un uomo, chiamato Enea, che già da otto anni giaceva in un lettuccio, essendo paralitico.
Acts 9:34 ^
And Peter said to him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you well: get up and make your bed. And straight away he got up.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:34 ^
E Pietro gli disse: Enea, Gesù Cristo ti sana; lèvati e rifatti il letto. Ed egli subito si levò.
Acts 9:35 ^
And all those living in Lydda and Sharon saw him, and were turned to the Lord.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:35 ^
E tutti gli abitanti di Lidda e del pian di Saron lo videro e si convertirono al Signore.
Acts 9:36 ^
Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, that is, Dorcas: this woman was given to good works and acts of mercy at all times.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:36 ^
Or in Ioppe v’era una certa discepola, chiamata Tabita, il che, interpretato, vuol dire Gazzella. Costei abbondava in buone opere e faceva molte elemosine.
Acts 9:37 ^
And it came about, in those days, that she got ill and came to her death: and when she had been washed, they put her in a room which was high up.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:37 ^
E avvenne in que’ giorni ch’ella infermò e morì. E dopo averla lavata, la posero in una sala di sopra.
Acts 9:38 ^
And because Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, having knowledge that Peter was there, sent two men to him, requesting him to come to them straight away.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:38 ^
E perché Lidda era vicina a Ioppe, i discepoli, udito che Pietro era là, gli mandarono due uomini per pregarlo che senza indugio venisse fino a loro.
Acts 9:39 ^
And Peter went with them. And when he had come, they took him into the room: and all the widows were there, weeping and putting before him the coats and clothing which Dorcas had made while she was with them.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:39 ^
Pietro allora, levatosi, se ne venne con loro. E come fu giunto, lo menarono nella sala di sopra; e tutte le vedove si presentarono a lui piangendo, e mostrandogli tutte le tuniche e i vestiti che Gazzella faceva, mentr’era con loro.
Acts 9:40 ^
But Peter made them all go outside, and went down on his knees in prayer; and turning to the body, he said, Tabitha, get up. And, opening her eyes, she saw Peter and got up.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:40 ^
Ma Pietro, messi tutti fuori, si pose in ginocchio, e pregò; e voltatosi verso il corpo, disse: Tabita lèvati. Ed ella aprì gli occhi; e veduto Pietro, si mise a sedere.
Acts 9:41 ^
And he took her hand, lifting her up; and, sending for the saints and widows, he gave her to them, living.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:41 ^
Ed egli le diè la mano, e la sollevò; e chiamati i santi e le vedove, la presentò loro in vita.
Acts 9:42 ^
And news of it went all through Joppa, and a number of people had faith in the Lord.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:42 ^
E ciò fu saputo per tutta Ioppe, e molti credettero nel Signore.
Acts 9:43 ^
And he was living in Joppa for some time with Simon, a leather-worker.
Atti degli Apostoli 9:43 ^
E Pietro dimorò molti giorni in Ioppe, da un certo Simone coiaio.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Italian | Acts 9 - Atti degli Apostoli 9