The Bible - Bilingual

English - Italian


Job 9

Giobbe 9

Job 9:1 ^
And Job made answer and said,
Giobbe 9:1 ^
Allora Giobbe rispose e disse:
Job 9:2 ^
Truly, I see that it is so: and how is it possible for a man to get his right before God?
Giobbe 9:2 ^
"Sì, certo, io so ch’egli e così; e come sarebbe il mortale giusto davanti a Dio?
Job 9:3 ^
If a man was desiring to go to law with him, he would not be able to give him an answer to one out of a thousand questions.
Giobbe 9:3 ^
Se all’uomo piacesse di piatir con Dio, non potrebbe rispondergli sovra un punto fra mille.
Job 9:4 ^
He is wise in heart and great in strength: who ever made his face hard against him, and any good came of it?
Giobbe 9:4 ^
Dio è savio di cuore, è grande in potenza; chi gli ha tenuto fronte e se n’è trovato bene?
Job 9:5 ^
It is he who takes away the mountains without their knowledge, overturning them in his wrath:
Giobbe 9:5 ^
Egli trasporta le montagne senza che se ne avvedano, nel suo furore le sconvolge.
Job 9:6 ^
Who is moving the earth out of its place, so that its pillars are shaking:
Giobbe 9:6 ^
Egli scuote la terra dalle sue basi, e le sue colonne tremano.
Job 9:7 ^
Who gives orders to the sun, and it does not give its light; and who keeps the stars from shining.
Giobbe 9:7 ^
Comanda al sole, ed esso non si leva; mette un sigillo sulle stelle.
Job 9:8 ^
By whose hand the heavens were stretched out, and who is walking on the waves of the sea:
Giobbe 9:8 ^
Da solo spiega i cieli, e cammina sulle più alte onde del mare.
Job 9:9 ^
Who made the Bear and Orion, and the Pleiades, and the store-houses of the south:
Giobbe 9:9 ^
E’ il creatore dell’Orsa, d’Orione, delle Pleiadi, e delle misteriose regioni del cielo australe.
Job 9:10 ^
Who does great things not to be searched out; yes, wonders without number.
Giobbe 9:10 ^
Egli fa cose grandi e imperscrutabili, maraviglie senza numero.
Job 9:11 ^
See, he goes past me and I see him not: he goes on before, but I have no knowledge of him.
Giobbe 9:11 ^
Ecco, ei mi passa vicino, ed io nol veggo; mi scivola daccanto e non me n’accorgo.
Job 9:12 ^
If he puts out his hand to take, by whom may it be turned back? who may say to him, What are you doing?
Giobbe 9:12 ^
Ecco afferra la preda, e chi si opporrà? Chi oserà dirgli: "Che fai?"
Job 9:13 ^
God's wrath may not be turned back; the helpers of Rahab were bent down under him.
Giobbe 9:13 ^
Iddio non ritira la sua collera; sotto di lui si curvano i campioni della superbia.
Job 9:14 ^
How much less may I give an answer to him, using the right words in argument with him?
Giobbe 9:14 ^
E io, come farei a rispondergli, a sceglier le mie parole per discuter con lui?
Job 9:15 ^
Even if my cause was good, I would not be able to give an answer; I would make request for grace from him who was against me.
Giobbe 9:15 ^
Avessi anche ragione, non gli replicherei, ma chiederei mercé al mio giudice.
Job 9:16 ^
If I had sent for him to be present, and he had come, I would have no faith that he would give ear to my voice.
Giobbe 9:16 ^
S’io lo invocassi ed egli mi rispondesse, non però crederei che avesse dato ascolto alla mia voce;
Job 9:17 ^
For I would be crushed by his storm, my wounds would be increased without cause.
Giobbe 9:17 ^
egli che mi piomba addosso dal seno della tempesta, che moltiplica senza motivo le mie piaghe,
Job 9:18 ^
He would not let me take my breath, but I would be full of bitter grief.
Giobbe 9:18 ^
che non mi lascia riprender fiato, e mi sazia d’amarezza.
Job 9:19 ^
If it is a question of strength, he says, Here I am! and if it is a question of a cause at law, he says, Who will give me a fixed day?
Giobbe 9:19 ^
Se si tratta di forza, ecco, egli è potente; se di diritto, ei dice: "Chi mi fisserà un giorno per comparire"?
Job 9:20 ^
Though I was in the right, he would say that I was in the wrong; I have done no evil; but he says that I am a sinner.
Giobbe 9:20 ^
Fossi pur giusto, la mia bocca stessa mi condannerebbe; fossi pure integro, essa mi farebbe dichiarar perverso.
Job 9:21 ^
I have done no wrong; I give no thought to what becomes of me; I have no desire for life.
Giobbe 9:21 ^
Integro! Sì, lo sono! di me non mi preme, io disprezzo la vita!
Job 9:22 ^
It is all the same to me; so I say, He puts an end to the sinner and to him who has done no wrong together.
Giobbe 9:22 ^
Per me è tutt’uno! perciò dico: "Egli distrugge ugualmente l’integro ed il malvagio.
Job 9:23 ^
If death comes suddenly through disease, he makes sport of the fate of those who have done no wrong.
Giobbe 9:23 ^
Se un flagello, a un tratto, semina la morte, egli ride dello sgomento degli innocenti.
Job 9:24 ^
The land is given into the power of the evil-doer; the faces of its judges are covered; if not by him, then who has done it?
Giobbe 9:24 ^
La terra è data in balìa dei malvagi; ei vela gli occhi ai giudici di essa; se non è lui, chi è dunque"?
Job 9:25 ^
My days go quicker than a post-runner: they go in flight, they see no good.
Giobbe 9:25 ^
E i miei giorni se ne vanno più veloci d’un corriere; fuggono via senz’aver visto il bene;
Job 9:26 ^
They go rushing on like reed-boats, like an eagle dropping suddenly on its food.
Giobbe 9:26 ^
passan rapidi come navicelle di giunchi, come l’aquila che piomba sulla preda.
Job 9:27 ^
If I say, I will put my grief out of mind, I will let my face be sad no longer and I will be bright;
Giobbe 9:27 ^
Se dico: "Voglio dimenticare il mio lamento, deporre quest’aria triste e rasserenarmi",
Job 9:28 ^
I go in fear of all my pains; I am certain that I will not be free from sin in your eyes.
Giobbe 9:28 ^
sono spaventato di tutti i miei dolori, so che non mi terrai per innocente.
Job 9:29 ^
You will not let me be clear of sin! why then do I take trouble for nothing?
Giobbe 9:29 ^
Io sarò condannato; perché dunque affaticarmi invano?
Job 9:30 ^
If I am washed with snow water, and make my hands clean with soap;
Giobbe 9:30 ^
Quand’anche mi lavassi con la neve e mi nettassi le mani col sapone,
Job 9:31 ^
Then you will have me pushed into the dust, so that I will seem disgusting to my very clothing.
Giobbe 9:31 ^
tu mi tufferesti nel fango d’una fossa, le mie vesti stesse m’avrebbero in orrore.
Job 9:32 ^
For he is not a man as I am, that I might give him an answer, that we might come together before a judge.
Giobbe 9:32 ^
Dio non è un uomo come me, perch’io gli risponda e che possiam comparire in giudizio assieme.
Job 9:33 ^
There is no one to give a decision between us, who might have control over us.
Giobbe 9:33 ^
Non c’è fra noi un arbitro, che posi la mano su tutti e due!
Job 9:34 ^
Let him take away his rod from me and not send his fear on me:
Giobbe 9:34 ^
Ritiri Iddio d’addosso a me la sua verga; cessi dallo spaventarmi il suo terrore;
Job 9:35 ^
Then I would say what is in my mind without fear of him; for there is no cause of fear in myself.
Giobbe 9:35 ^
allora io parlerò senza temerlo, giacché sento di non essere quel colpevole che sembro.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Italian | Job 9 - Giobbe 9