The Bible - Bilingual

English - Italian


Revelation 16

Apocalisse 16

Revelation 16:1 ^
And a great voice out of the house of God came to my ears, saying to the seven angels, Go, and let that which is in the seven vessels of the wrath of God come down on the earth.
Apocalisse 16:1 ^
E udii una gran voce dal tempio che diceva ai sette angeli: Andate e versate sulla terra le sette coppe dell’ira di Dio.
Revelation 16:2 ^
And the first went, and let what was in his vessel come down on the earth; and it became an evil poisoning wound on the men who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship to his image.
Apocalisse 16:2 ^
E il primo andò e versò la sua coppa sulla terra; e un’ulcera maligna e dolorosa colpì gli uomini che aveano il marchio della bestia e che adoravano la sua immagine.
Revelation 16:3 ^
And the second let what was in his vessel come out into the sea; and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea came to an end.
Apocalisse 16:3 ^
Poi il secondo angelo versò la sua coppa nel mare; ed esso divenne sangue come di morto; ed ogni essere vivente che si trovava nel mare morì.
Revelation 16:4 ^
And the third let what was in his vessel come out into the rivers and the fountains of water; and they became blood.
Apocalisse 16:4 ^
Poi il terzo angelo versò la sua coppa nei fiumi e nelle fonti delle acque; e le acque diventarono sangue.
Revelation 16:5 ^
And the voice of the angel of the waters came to my ears, saying, True and upright is your judging, O Holy One, who is and was from all time:
Apocalisse 16:5 ^
E udii l’angelo delle acque che diceva: Sei giusto, tu che sei e che eri, tu, il Santo, per aver così giudicato.
Revelation 16:6 ^
For they made the blood of saints and prophets come out like a stream, and blood have you given them for drink; which is their right reward.
Apocalisse 16:6 ^
Hanno sparso il sangue dei santi e dei profeti, e tu hai dato loro a bere del sangue; essi ne son degni!
Revelation 16:7 ^
And a voice came from the altar, saying, Even so, O Lord God, Ruler of all, true and full of righteousness is your judging.
Apocalisse 16:7 ^
E udii l’altare che diceva: Sì, o Signore Iddio onnipotente, i tuoi giudici sono veraci e giusti.
Revelation 16:8 ^
And the fourth let what was in his vessel come out on the sun; and power was given to it that men might be burned with fire.
Apocalisse 16:8 ^
Poi il quarto angelo versò la sua coppa sul sole; e al sole fu dato di bruciare gli uomini col fuoco.
Revelation 16:9 ^
And men were burned with great heat: and they said evil things against the name of the God who has authority over these punishments; and they were not turned from their evil ways to give him glory.
Apocalisse 16:9 ^
E gli uomini furon arsi dal gran calore; e bestemmiarono il nome di Dio che ha la potestà su queste piaghe, e non si ravvidero per dargli gloria.
Revelation 16:10 ^
And the fifth let what was in his vessel come out on the high seat of the beast; and his kingdom was made dark; and they were biting their tongues for pain.
Apocalisse 16:10 ^
Poi il quinto angelo versò la sua coppa sul trono della bestia; e il regno d’essa divenne tenebroso, e gli uomini si mordevano la lingua per il dolore,
Revelation 16:11 ^
And they said evil things against the God of heaven because of their pain and their wounds; and they were not turned from their evil works.
Apocalisse 16:11 ^
e bestemmiarono l’Iddio del cielo a motivo de’ loro dolori e delle loro ulceri; e non si ravvidero delle loro opere.
Revelation 16:12 ^
And the sixth let what was in his vessel come out on the great river Euphrates; and it became dry, so that the way might be made ready for the kings from the east.
Apocalisse 16:12 ^
Poi il sesto angelo versò la sua coppa sul gran fiume Eufrate, e l’acqua ne fu asciugata affinché fosse preparata la via ai re che vengono dal levante.
Revelation 16:13 ^
And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, like frogs.
Apocalisse 16:13 ^
E vidi uscir dalla bocca del dragone e dalla bocca della bestia e dalla bocca del falso profeta tre spiriti immondi simili a rane;
Revelation 16:14 ^
For they are evil spirits, working signs; who go out even to the kings of all the earth, to get them together to the war of the great day of God, the Ruler of all.
Apocalisse 16:14 ^
perché sono spiriti di demoni che fan de’ segni e si recano dai re di tutto il mondo per radunarli per la battaglia del gran giorno dell’Iddio Onnipotente.
Revelation 16:15 ^
(See, I come as a thief. Happy is he who is watching and keeps his robes, so that he may not go unclothed, and his shame be seen.)
Apocalisse 16:15 ^
(Ecco, io vengo come un ladro; beato colui che veglia e serba le sue vesti onde non cammini ignudo e non si veggano le sue vergogne).
Revelation 16:16 ^
And they got them together into the place which is named in Hebrew Armageddon.
Apocalisse 16:16 ^
Ed essi li radunarono nel luogo che si chiama in ebraico Harmaghedon.
Revelation 16:17 ^
And the seventh let what was in his vessel come out on the air; and there came out a great voice from the house of God, from the high seat, saying, It is done.
Apocalisse 16:17 ^
Poi il settimo angelo versò la sua coppa nell’aria; e una gran voce uscì dal tempio, dal trono, dicendo: E’ fatto.
Revelation 16:18 ^
And there were flames and voices and thunders; and there was a great earth-shock so that never, from the time when men were on the earth, had there been so great an earth-shock, so full of power.
Apocalisse 16:18 ^
E si fecero lampi e voci e tuoni e ci fu un gran terremoto, tale, che da quando gli uomini sono stati sulla terra, non si ebbe mai terremoto così grande e così forte.
Revelation 16:19 ^
And the great town was cut into three parts, and the towns of the nations came to destruction: and Babylon the great came into mind before God, to be given the cup of the wine of his wrath.
Apocalisse 16:19 ^
E la gran città fu divisa in tre parti, e le città delle nazioni caddero; e Dio si ricordò di Babilonia la grande per darle il calice del vino del furor dell’ira sua.
Revelation 16:20 ^
And every island went in flight, and the mountains were seen no longer.
Apocalisse 16:20 ^
Ed ogni isola fuggì e i monti non furon più trovati.
Revelation 16:21 ^
And great drops of ice, every one about the weight of a talent, came down out of heaven on men: and men said evil things against God because of the punishment of the ice-drops; for it is very great.
Apocalisse 16:21 ^
E cadde dal cielo sugli uomini una gragnuola grossa del peso di circa un talento; e gli uomini bestemmiarono Iddio a motivo della piaga della gragnuola; perché la piaga d’essa era grandissima.

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