The Bible - Bilingual

English - Portuguese


Exodus 1

Êxodo 1

Exodus 1:1 ^
Now these are the names of the sons of Israel who came into Egypt; every man and his family came with Jacob.
Êxodo 1:1 ^
Ora, estes são os nomes dos filhos de Israel, que entraram no Egito; entraram com Jacó, cada um com a sua família:
Exodus 1:2 ^
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah;
Êxodo 1:2 ^
Rúben, Simeão, Levi, e Judá;
Exodus 1:3 ^
Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin;
Êxodo 1:3 ^
Issacar, Zebulom e Benjamim;
Exodus 1:4 ^
Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher.
Êxodo 1:4 ^
Dã e Naftali, Gade e Aser.
Exodus 1:5 ^
All the offspring of Jacob were seventy persons: and Joseph had come to Egypt before them.
Êxodo 1:5 ^
Todas as almas, pois, que procederam da coxa de Jacó, foram setenta; José, porém, já estava no Egito.
Exodus 1:6 ^
Then Joseph came to his end, and all his brothers, and all that generation.
Êxodo 1:6 ^
Morreu, pois, José, e todos os seus irmãos, e toda aquela geração.
Exodus 1:7 ^
And the children of Israel were fertile, increasing very greatly in numbers and in power; and the land was full of them.
Êxodo 1:7 ^
Depois os filhos de Israel frutificaram e aumentaram muito, multiplicaram-se e tornaram-se sobremaneira fortes, de modo que a terra se encheu deles.
Exodus 1:8 ^
Now a new king came to power in Egypt, who had no knowledge of Joseph.
Êxodo 1:8 ^
Entrementes se levantou sobre o Egito um novo rei, que não conhecera a José.
Exodus 1:9 ^
And he said to his people, See, the people of Israel are greater in number and in power than we are:
Êxodo 1:9 ^
Disse ele ao seu povo: Eis que o povo de Israel é mais numeroso e mais forte do que nos.
Exodus 1:10 ^
Let us take care for fear that their numbers may become even greater, and if there is a war, they may be joined with those who are against us, and make an attack on us, and go up out of the land.
Êxodo 1:10 ^
Eia, usemos de astúcia para com ele, para que não se multiplique, e aconteça que, vindo guerra, ele também se ajunte com os nossos inimigos, e peleje contra nós e se retire da terra.
Exodus 1:11 ^
So they put overseers of forced work over them, in order to make their strength less by the weight of their work. And they made store-towns for Pharaoh, Pithom and Raamses.
Êxodo 1:11 ^
Portanto puseram sobre eles feitores, para os afligirem com suas cargas. Assim os israelitas edificaram para Faraó cidades armazéns, Pitom e Ramessés.
Exodus 1:12 ^
But the more cruel they were to them, the more their number increased, till all the land was full of them. And the children of Israel were hated by the Egyptians.
Êxodo 1:12 ^
Mas quanto mais os egípcios afligiam o povo de Israel, tanto mais este se multiplicava e se espalhava; de maneira que os egípcios se enfadavam por causa dos filhos de Israel.
Exodus 1:13 ^
And they gave the children of Israel even harder work to do:
Êxodo 1:13 ^
Por isso os egípcios faziam os filhos de Israel servir com dureza;
Exodus 1:14 ^
And made their lives bitter with hard work, making building-material and bricks, and doing all sorts of work in the fields under the hardest conditions.
Êxodo 1:14 ^
assim lhes amarguravam a vida com pesados serviços em barro e em tijolos, e com toda sorte de trabalho no campo, enfim com todo o seu serviço, em que os faziam servir com dureza.
Exodus 1:15 ^
And the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew women who gave help at the time of childbirth (the name of the one was Shiphrah and the name of the other Puah),
Êxodo 1:15 ^
Falou o rei do Egito às parteiras das hebréias, das quais uma se chamava Sifrá e a outra Puá,
Exodus 1:16 ^
When you are looking after the Hebrew women in childbirth, if it is a son you are to put him to death; but if it is a daughter, she may go on living.
Êxodo 1:16 ^
dizendo: Quando ajudardes no parto as hebréias, e as virdes sobre os assentos, se for filho, matá-lo-eis; mas se for filha, viverá.
Exodus 1:17 ^
But the women had the fear of God, and did not do as the king of Egypt said, but let the male children go on living.
Êxodo 1:17 ^
As parteiras, porém, temeram a Deus e não fizeram como o rei do Egito lhes ordenara, antes conservavam os meninos com vida.
Exodus 1:18 ^
And the king of Egypt sent for the women, and said to them, Why have you done this, and let the male children go on living?
Êxodo 1:18 ^
Pelo que o rei do Egito mandou chamar as parteiras e as interrogou: Por que tendes feito isto e guardado os meninos com vida?
Exodus 1:19 ^
And they said to Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are strong, and the birth takes place before we come to them.
Êxodo 1:19 ^
Responderam as parteiras a Faraó: É que as mulheres hebréias não são como as egípcias; pois são vigorosas, e já têm dado à luz antes que a parteira chegue a elas.
Exodus 1:20 ^
And the blessing of God was on these women: and the people were increased in number and became very strong.
Êxodo 1:20 ^
Portanto Deus fez bem às parteiras. E o povo se aumentou, e se fortaleceu muito.
Exodus 1:21 ^
And because the women who took care of the Hebrew mothers had the fear of God, he gave them families.
Êxodo 1:21 ^
Também aconteceu que, como as parteiras temeram a Deus, ele lhes estabeleceu as casas.
Exodus 1:22 ^
And Pharaoh gave orders to all his people, saying, Every son who comes to birth is to be put into the river, but every daughter may go on living.
Êxodo 1:22 ^
Então ordenou Faraó a todo o seu povo, dizendo: A todos os filhos que nascerem lançareis no rio, mas a todas as filhas guardareis com vida.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Portuguese | Exodus 1 - Êxodo 1