The Bible - Bilingual

English - Portuguese


Ezekiel 16

Ezequiel 16

Ezekiel 16:1 ^
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Ezequiel 16:1 ^
Ainda veio a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
Ezekiel 16:2 ^
Son of man, make clear to Jerusalem her disgusting ways,
Ezequiel 16:2 ^
Filho do homem, faze conhecer a Jerusalém seus atos abomináveis;
Ezekiel 16:3 ^
And say, This is what the Lord has said to Jerusalem: Your start and your birth was from the land of the Canaanite; an Amorite was your father and your mother was a Hittite.
Ezequiel 16:3 ^
e dize: Assim diz o Senhor Deus a Jerusalém: A tua origem e o teu nascimento procedem da terra dos cananeus. Teu pai era amorreu, e a tua mãe hetéia.
Ezekiel 16:4 ^
As for your birth, on the day of your birth your cord was not cut and you were not washed in water to make you clean; you were not salted or folded in linen bands.
Ezequiel 16:4 ^
E, quanto ao teu nascimento, no dia em que nasceste não te foi cortado o umbigo, nem foste lavada com água, para te alimpar; nem tampouco foste esfregada com sal, nem envolta em faixas;
Ezekiel 16:5 ^
No eye had pity on you to do any of these things to you or to be kind to you; but you were put out into the open country, because your life was hated at the time of your birth.
Ezequiel 16:5 ^
ninguém se apiedou de ti para te fazer alguma destas coisas, compadecido de ti; porém foste lançada fora no campo, pelo nojo de ti, no dia em que nasceste.
Ezekiel 16:6 ^
And when I went past you and saw you stretched out in your blood, I said to you, Though you are stretched out in your blood, have life;
Ezequiel 16:6 ^
E, passando eu por ti, vi-te banhada no teu sangue, e disse- te: Ainda que estás no teu sangue, vive; sim, disse-te: Ainda que estás no teu sangue, vive.
Ezekiel 16:7 ^
And be increased in number like the buds of the field; and you were increased and became great, and you came to the time of love: your breasts were formed and your hair was long; but you were uncovered and without clothing.
Ezequiel 16:7 ^
Eu te fiz multiplicar como o renovo do campo. E cresceste, e te engrandeceste, e alcançaste grande formosura. Formaram-se os teus seios e cresceu o teu cabelo; contudo estavas nua e descoberta.
Ezekiel 16:8 ^
Now when I went past you, looking at you, I saw that your time was the time of love; and I put my skirts over you, covering your unclothed body: and I gave you my oath and made an agreement with you, says the Lord, and you became mine.
Ezequiel 16:8 ^
Então, passando eu por ti, vi-te, e eis que o teu tempo era tempo de amores; e estendi sobre ti a minha aba, e cobri a tua nudez; e dei-te juramento, e entrei num pacto contigo, diz o Senhor Deus, e tu ficaste sendo minha.
Ezekiel 16:9 ^
Then I had you washed with water, washing away all your blood and rubbing you with oil.
Ezequiel 16:9 ^
Então te lavei com água, alimpei-te do teu sangue e te ungi com óleo.
Ezekiel 16:10 ^
And I had you clothed with needlework, and put leather shoes on your feet, folding fair linen about you and covering you with silk.
Ezequiel 16:10 ^
Também te vesti de bordados, e te calcei com pele de dugongo, cingi-te de linho fino, e te cobri de seda.
Ezekiel 16:11 ^
And I made you fair with ornaments and put jewels on your hands and a chain on your neck.
Ezequiel 16:11 ^
Também te ornei de enfeites, e te pus braceletes nas mãos e um colar ao pescoço.
Ezekiel 16:12 ^
And I put a ring in your nose and ear-rings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head.
Ezequiel 16:12 ^
E te pus um pendente no nariz, e arrecadas nas orelhas, e uma linda coroa na cabeça.
Ezekiel 16:13 ^
So you were made beautiful with gold and silver; and your clothing was of the best linen and silk and needlework; your food was the best meal and honey and oil: and you were very beautiful.
Ezequiel 16:13 ^
Assim foste ornada de ouro e prata, e o teu vestido foi de linho fino, de seda e de bordados; de flor de farinha te nutriste, e de mel e azeite; e chegaste a ser formosa em extremo, e subiste até a realeza.
Ezekiel 16:14 ^
You were so beautiful that the story of you went out into all nations; you were completely beautiful because of my glory which I had put on you, says the Lord.
Ezequiel 16:14 ^
Correu a tua fama entre as nações, por causa da tua formosura, pois era perfeita, graças ao esplendor que eu tinha posto sobre ti, diz o Senhor Deus.
Ezekiel 16:15 ^
But you put your faith in the fact that you were beautiful, acting like a loose woman because you were widely talked of, and offering your cheap love to everyone who went by, whoever it might be.
Ezequiel 16:15 ^
Mas confiaste na tua formosura, e te corrompeste por causa da tua fama; e derramavas as tuas prostituições sobre todo o que passava, para seres dele.
Ezekiel 16:16 ^
And you took your robes and made high places for yourself ornamented with every colour, acting like a loose woman on them, without shame or fear.
Ezequiel 16:16 ^
E tomaste dos teus vestidos e fizeste lugares altos adornados de diversas cores, e te prostituíste sobre eles, como nunca sucedera, nem sucederá.
Ezekiel 16:17 ^
And you took the fair jewels, my silver and gold which I had given to you, and made for yourself male images, acting like a loose woman with them;
Ezequiel 16:17 ^
Também tomaste as tuas belas jóias feitas do meu ouro e da minha prata que eu te havia dado, e te fizeste imagens de homens, e te prostituíste com elas;
Ezekiel 16:18 ^
And you took your robes of needlework for their clothing, and put my oil and my perfume before them.
Ezequiel 16:18 ^
e tomaste os teus vestidos bordados, e as cobriste; e puseste diante delas o meu azeite e o meu incenso.
Ezekiel 16:19 ^
And my bread which I gave you, the best meal and oil and honey which I gave you for your food, you put it before them for a sweet smell, says the Lord.
Ezequiel 16:19 ^
E o meu pão que te dei, a flor de farinha, e o azeite e o mel, com que eu te sustentava, também puseste diante delas em cheiro suave, diz o Senhor Deus.
Ezekiel 16:20 ^
And you took your sons and your daughters whom I had by you, offering even these to them to be their food. Was your loose behaviour so small a thing,
Ezequiel 16:20 ^
Além disto, tomaste a teus filhos e tuas filhas, que me geraras, e lhos sacrificaste, para serem devorados pelas chamas. Acaso foi a tua prostituição de tão pouca monta,
Ezekiel 16:21 ^
That you put my children to death and gave them up to go through the fire to them?
Ezequiel 16:21 ^
que havias de matar meus filhos e lhos entregar, fazendo os passar pelo fogo?
Ezekiel 16:22 ^
And in all your disgusting and false behaviour you had no memory of your early days, when you were uncovered and without clothing, stretched out in your blood.
Ezequiel 16:22 ^
E em todas as tuas abominações, e nas tuas prostituições, não te lembraste dos dias da tua mocidade, quando tu estavas nua e descoberta, e jazias no teu sangue.
Ezekiel 16:23 ^
And it came about, after all your evil-doing, says the Lord,
Ezequiel 16:23 ^
E sucedeu, depois de toda a tua maldade ,
Ezekiel 16:24 ^
That you made for yourself an arched room in every open place.
Ezequiel 16:24 ^
que te edificaste uma câmara abobadada, e fizeste lugares altos em todas as praças.
Ezekiel 16:25 ^
You put up your high places at the top of every street, and made the grace of your form a disgusting thing, opening your feet to everyone who went by, increasing your loose ways.
Ezequiel 16:25 ^
A cada canto do caminho edificaste o teu lugar alto, e fizeste abominável a tua formosura, e alargaste os teus pés a todo o que passava, e multiplicaste as tuas prostituições.
Ezekiel 16:26 ^
And you went with the Egyptians, your neighbours, great of flesh; increasing your loose ways, moving me to wrath.
Ezequiel 16:26 ^
Também te prostituíste com os egípcios, teus vizinbos, grandemente carnais; e multiplicaste a tua prostituição, para me provocares à ira.
Ezekiel 16:27 ^
Now, then, my hand is stretched out against you, cutting down your fixed amount, and I have given you up to the desire of your haters, the daughters of the Philistines who are shamed by your loose ways.
Ezequiel 16:27 ^
Pelo que estendi a minha mão sobre ti, e diminuí a tua porção; e te entreguei à vontade dos que te odeiam, das filhas dos filisteus, as quais se envergonhavam do teu caminho depravado.
Ezekiel 16:28 ^
And you went with the Assyrians, because of your desire which was without measure; you were acting like a loose woman with them, and still you had not enough.
Ezequiel 16:28 ^
Também te prostituíste com os assírios, porquanto eras insaciável; contudo, prostituindo-te com eles, nem ainda assim ficaste farta.
Ezekiel 16:29 ^
And you went on in your loose ways, even as far as the land of Chaldaea, and still you had not enough.
Ezequiel 16:29 ^
Demais multiplicaste as tuas prostituições na terra de tráfico, isto é, até Caldéia, e nem ainda com isso te fartaste.
Ezekiel 16:30 ^
How feeble is your heart, says the Lord, seeing that you do all these things, the work of a loose and overruling woman;
Ezequiel 16:30 ^
Quão fraco é teu coração, diz o Senhor Deus, fazendo tu todas estas coisas, obra duma meretriz desenfreada,
Ezekiel 16:31 ^
For you have made your arched room at the top of every street, and your high place in every open place; though you were not like a loose woman in getting together your payment.
Ezequiel 16:31 ^
edificando a tua câmara abobadada no canto de cada caminho, e fazendo o teu lugar alto em cada rua! Não foste sequer como a meretriz, pois desprezaste a paga;
Ezekiel 16:32 ^
The untrue wife who takes strange lovers in place of her husband!
Ezequiel 16:32 ^
tens sido como a mulher adúltera que, em lugar de seu marido, recebe os estranhos.
Ezekiel 16:33 ^
They give payment to all loose women: but you give rewards to your lovers, offering them payment so that they may come to you on every side for your cheap love.
Ezequiel 16:33 ^
A todas as meretrizes se dá a sua paga, mas tu dás presentes a todos es teus amantes; e lhes dás peitas, para que venham a ti de todas as partes, pelas tuas prostituições.
Ezekiel 16:34 ^
And in your loose behaviour you are different from other women, for no one goes after you to make love to you: and because you give payment and no payment is given to you, in this you are different from them.
Ezequiel 16:34 ^
Assim és diferente de outras mulheres nas tuas prostituições; pois ninguém te procura para prostituição; pelo contrário tu dás a paga, e não a recebes; assim és diferente.
Ezekiel 16:35 ^
For this cause, O loose woman, give ear to the voice of the Lord:
Ezequiel 16:35 ^
Portanto, ó meretriz, ouve a palavra do Senhor.
Ezekiel 16:36 ^
This is what the Lord has said: Because your unclean behaviour was let loose and your body uncovered in your loose ways with your lovers and with your disgusting images, and for the blood of your children which you gave to them;
Ezequiel 16:36 ^
Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Pois que se derramou a tua lascívia, e se descobriu a tua nudez nas tuas prostituições com os teus amantes; por causa também de todos os ídolos das tuas abominações, e do sangue de teus filhos que lhes deste;
Ezekiel 16:37 ^
For this cause I will get together all your lovers with whom you have taken your pleasure, and all those to whom you have given your love, with all those who were hated by you; I will even make them come together against you on every side, and I will have you uncovered before them so that they may see your shame.
Ezequiel 16:37 ^
portanto eis que ajuntarei todos os teus amantes, com os quais te deleitaste, como também todos os que amaste, juntamente com todos os que odiaste, sim, ajuntá-los-ei contra ti em redor, e descobrirei a tua nudez diante deles, para que vejam toda a tua nudez.
Ezekiel 16:38 ^
And you will be judged by me as women are judged who have been untrue to their husbands and have taken life; and I will let loose against you passion and bitter feeling.
Ezequiel 16:38 ^
E julgar-te-ei como são julgadas as adúlteras e as que derramam sangue; e entregar-te-ei ao sangue de furor e de ciúme.
Ezekiel 16:39 ^
I will give you into their hands, and your arched room will be overturned and your high places broken down; they will take your clothing off you and take away your fair jewels: and when they have done, you will be uncovered and shamed.
Ezequiel 16:39 ^
Também te entregarei nas mãos dos teus inimigos, e eles derribarão a tua câmara abobadada, e demolirão os teus altos lugares, e te despirão os teus vestidos, e tomarão as tuas belas jóias, e te deixarão nua e descoberta.
Ezekiel 16:40 ^
And they will get together a meeting against you, stoning you with stones and wounding you with their swords.
Ezequiel 16:40 ^
Então farão subir uma hoste contra ti, e te apedrejarão, e te traspassarão com as suas espadas.
Ezekiel 16:41 ^
And they will have you burned with fire, sending punishments on you before the eyes of great numbers of women; and I will put an end to your loose ways, and you will no longer give payment.
Ezequiel 16:41 ^
E queimarão as tuas casas a fogo, e executarão juízos contra ti, à vista de muitas mulheres; e te farei cessar de ser meretriz, e paga não darás mais.
Ezekiel 16:42 ^
And the heat of my wrath against you will have an end, and my bitter feeling will be turned away from you, and I will be quiet and will be angry no longer.
Ezequiel 16:42 ^
Assim satisfarei em ti o meu furor, e os meus ciúmes se desviarão de ti; também me aquietarei, e não tornarei mais a me indignar.
Ezekiel 16:43 ^
Because you have not kept in mind the days when you were young, but have been troubling me with all these things; for this reason I will make the punishment of your ways come on your head, says the Lord, because you have done this evil thing in addition to all your disgusting acts.
Ezequiel 16:43 ^
Porquanto não te lembraste dos dias da tua mocidade, mas me provocaste à ira com todas estas coisas, eis que eu farei recair o teu caminho sobre a tua cabeça diz o Senhor Deus. Pois não acrescentaste a infidelidade a todas as tuas abominações?
Ezekiel 16:44 ^
See, in every common saying about you it will be said, As the mother is, so is her daughter.
Ezequiel 16:44 ^
Eis que todo o que usa de provérbios usará contra ti deste provérbio: Tal mãe, tal filha.
Ezekiel 16:45 ^
You are the daughter of your mother whose soul is turned in disgust from her husband and her children; and you are the sister of your sisters who were turned in disgust from their husbands and their children: your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite.
Ezequiel 16:45 ^
Tu és filha de tua mãe, que tinha nojo de seu marido e de seus filhos; e tu és irmã de tuas irmãs, que tinham nojo de seus maridos e de seus filhos. Vossa mãe foi hetéia, e vosso pai amorreu.
Ezekiel 16:46 ^
Your older sister is Samaria, living at your left hand, she and her daughters: and your younger sister, living at your right hand, is Sodom and her daughters.
Ezequiel 16:46 ^
E tua irmã maior, que habita à tua esquerda, é Samária, ela juntamente com suas filhas; e tua irmã menor, que habita à tua mão direita, é Sodoma e suas filhas.
Ezekiel 16:47 ^
Still you have not gone in their ways or done the disgusting things which they have done; but, as if that was only a little thing, you have gone deeper in evil than they in all your ways.
Ezequiel 16:47 ^
Todavia não andaste nos seus caminhos, nem fizeste conforme as suas abominações; mas, como se isso mui pouco fora, ainda te corrompeste mais do que elas, em todos os teus caminhos.
Ezekiel 16:48 ^
By my life, says the Lord, Sodom your sister never did, she or her daughters, what you and your daughters have done.
Ezequiel 16:48 ^
Vivo eu, diz o Senhor Deus, não fez Sodoma, tua irmã, nem ela nem suas filhas, como fizeste tu e tuas filhas.
Ezekiel 16:49 ^
Truly, this was the sin of your sister Sodom: pride, a full measure of food, and the comforts of wealth in peace, were seen in her and her daughters, and she gave no help to the poor or to those in need.
Ezequiel 16:49 ^
Eis que esta foi a iniqüidade de Sodoma, tua irmã: Soberba, fartura de pão, e próspera ociosidade teve ela e suas filhas; mas nunca fortaleceu a mão do pobre e do necessitado.
Ezekiel 16:50 ^
They were full of pride and did what was disgusting to me: and so I took them away as you have seen.
Ezequiel 16:50 ^
Também elas se ensoberbeceram, e fizeram abominação diante de mim; pelo que, ao ver isso, as tirei do seu lugar.
Ezekiel 16:51 ^
And Samaria has not done half your sins; but you have made the number of your disgusting acts greater than theirs, making your sisters seem more upright than you by all the disgusting things which you have done.
Ezequiel 16:51 ^
Demais Samária não cometeu metade de teus pecados; e multiplicaste as tuas abominações mais do que elas, e justificaste a tuas irmãs, com todas as abominações que fizeste.
Ezekiel 16:52 ^
And you yourself will be put to shame, in that you have given the decision for your sisters; through your sins, which are more disgusting than theirs, they are more upright than you: truly, you will be shamed and made low, for you have made your sisters seem upright.
Ezequiel 16:52 ^
Tu, também, pois que deste sentença favorável a tuas irmãs, leva a tua vergonha; por causa de teus pecados, que fizeste mais abomináveis do que elas, mais justas são elas do que tu; confunde-te logo também, e sofre a tua vergonha, porque justificaste a tuas irmãs.
Ezekiel 16:53 ^
And I will let their fate be changed, the fate of Sodom and her daughters, and the fate of Samaria and her daughters, and your fate with theirs.
Ezequiel 16:53 ^
Eu, pois, farei tornar do cativeiro a elas, a Sodoma e suas filhas, a Samária e suas filhas, e aos de vós que são cativos no meio delas;
Ezekiel 16:54 ^
So that you will be shamed and made low because of all you have done, when I have mercy on you.
Ezequiel 16:54 ^
para que sofras a tua vergonha, e sejas envergonhada por causa de tudo o que fizeste, dando-lhes tu consolação.
Ezekiel 16:55 ^
And your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, will go back to their first condition, and Samaria and her daughters will go back to their first condition, and you and your daughters will go back to your first condition.
Ezequiel 16:55 ^
Quanto a tuas irmãs, Sodoma e suas filhas, tornarão ao seu primeiro estado; e Samária e suas filhas tornarão ao seu primeiro estado; também tu e tuas filhas tornareis ao vosso primeiro estado.
Ezekiel 16:56 ^
Was not your sister Sodom an oath in your mouth in the day of your pride,
Ezequiel 16:56 ^
Não foi Sodoma, tua irmã, um provérbio na tua boca, no dia da tua soberba,
Ezekiel 16:57 ^
Before your shame was uncovered? Now you have become like her a word of shame to the daughters of Edom and all who are round about you, the daughters of the Philistines who put shame on you round about.
Ezequiel 16:57 ^
antes que fosse descoberta a tua maldade? Agora, de igual modo, te fizeste objeto de opróbrio das filhas da Síria, e de todos os que estão ao redor dela, e para as filhas dos filisteus, que te desprezam em redor.
Ezekiel 16:58 ^
The reward of your evil designs and your disgusting ways has come on you, says the Lord.
Ezequiel 16:58 ^
Pela tua perversidade e as tuas abominações estás sofrendo, diz o Senhor.
Ezekiel 16:59 ^
For this is what the Lord has said: I will do to you as you have done, you who, putting the oath on one side, have let the agreement be broken.
Ezequiel 16:59 ^
Pois assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eu te farei como fizeste, tu que desprezaste o juramento, quebrantando o pacto.
Ezekiel 16:60 ^
But still I will keep in mind the agreement made with you in the days when you were young, and I will make with you an eternal agreement.
Ezequiel 16:60 ^
Contudo eu me lembrarei do meu pacto, que fiz contigo nos dias da tua mocidade; e estabelecerei contigo um pacto eterno.
Ezekiel 16:61 ^
Then at the memory of your ways you will be overcome with shame, when I take your sisters, the older and the younger, and give them to you for daughters, but not by your agreement.
Ezequiel 16:61 ^
Então te lembrarás dos teus caminhos, e ficarás envergonhada, quando receberes tuas irmãs, as mais velhas e as mais novas, e eu tas der por filhas, mas não por causa do pacto contigo.
Ezekiel 16:62 ^
And I will make my agreement with you; and you will be certain that I am the Lord:
Ezequiel 16:62 ^
E estabelecerei o meu pacto contigo, e saberás que eu sou o Senhor;
Ezekiel 16:63 ^
So that, at the memory of these things, you may be at a loss, never opening your mouth because of your shame; when you have my forgiveness for all you have done, says the Lord.
Ezequiel 16:63 ^
para que te lembres, e te envergonhes, e nunca mais abras a tua boca, por causa da tua vergonha, quando eu te perdoar tudo quanto fizeste, diz o Senhor Deus.

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