The Bible - Bilingual

English - Portuguese


Jeremiah 12

Jeremias 12

Jeremiah 12:1 ^
You are in the right, O Lord, when I put my cause before you: still let me take up with you the question of your decisions: why does the evil-doer do well? why are the workers of deceit living in comfort?
Jeremias 12:1 ^
Justo és, ó Senhor, ainda quando eu pleiteio contigo; contudo pleitearei a minha causa diante de ti. Por que prospera o caminho dos ímpios? Por que vivem em paz todos os que procedem aleivosamente?
Jeremiah 12:2 ^
They have been planted by you, they have taken root; they go on and give fruit: you are near in their mouths but far from their thoughts.
Jeremias 12:2 ^
Plantaste-os, e eles se arraigaram; medram, dão também fruto; chegado estás à sua boca, porém longe do seu coração.
Jeremiah 12:3 ^
But you, O Lord, have knowledge of me; you see me, searching and testing how my heart is with you: let them be pulled out like sheep to be put to death, make them ready for the day of death.
Jeremias 12:3 ^
Mas tu, ó Senhor, me conheces, tu me vês, e provas o meu coração para contigo; tira-os como a ovelhas para o matadouro, e separa-os para o dia da matança.
Jeremiah 12:4 ^
How long will the land have grief, and the plants of all the land be dry? because of the sins of the people living in it, destruction has overtaken the beasts and the birds; because they said, God does not see our ways.
Jeremias 12:4 ^
Até quando lamentará a terra, e se secará a erva de todo o campo? Por causa da maldade dos que nela habitam, perecem os animais e as aves; porquanto disseram: Ele nào vera o nosso fim.
Jeremiah 12:5 ^
If running with the fighting-men has made you tired, how will you be able to keep up with horses? and if in a land of peace you go in flight, what will become of you in the thick growth of Jordan?
Jeremias 12:5 ^
Se te fatigas correndo com homens que vão a pé, então como poderás competir com cavalos? Se foges numa terra de paz, como hás de fazer na soberba do Jordão?
Jeremiah 12:6 ^
For even your brothers, your father's family, even they have been untrue to you, crying loudly after you: have no faith in them, though they say fair words to you.
Jeremias 12:6 ^
Pois até os teus irmãos, e a casa de teu pai, eles mesmos se houveram aleivosamente contigo; eles mesmos clamam após ti em altas vozes. Não te fies neles, ainda que te digam coisas boas.
Jeremiah 12:7 ^
I have given up my house, I have let my heritage go; I have given the loved one of my soul into the hands of her haters.
Jeremias 12:7 ^
Desamparei a minha casa, abandonei a minha herança; entreguei a amada da minha alma na mão de seus inimigos.
Jeremiah 12:8 ^
My heritage has become like a lion in the woodland to me; her voice has been loud against me; so I have hate for her.
Jeremias 12:8 ^
Tornou-se a minha herança para mim como leão numa floresta; levantou a sua voz contra mim, por isso eu a odeio.
Jeremiah 12:9 ^
My heritage is like a brightly coloured bird to me; the cruel birds are attacking her on every side: go, get together all the beasts of the field, make them come for destruction.
Jeremias 12:9 ^
Acaso é para mim a minha herança como uma ave de rapina de varias cores? Andam as aves de rapina contra ela em redor? Ide, pois, ajuntai a todos os animais do campo, trazei-os para a devorarem.
Jeremiah 12:10 ^
The keepers of sheep have been the destruction of my vine-garden, crushing my heritage under their feet; they have made my fair heritage an unplanted waste;
Jeremias 12:10 ^
Muitos pastores destruíram a minha vinha, pisaram o meu quinhão; tornaram em desolado deserto o meu quinhão aprazível.
Jeremiah 12:11 ^
They have made it waste; it is weeping to me, being wasted; all the land is made waste, because no man takes it to heart.
Jeremias 12:11 ^
Em assolação o tornaram; ele, desolado, clama a mim. Toda a terra está assolada, mas ninguém toma isso a peito.
Jeremiah 12:12 ^
Those who make waste have come on all the open hilltops in the waste land; for the sword of the Lord sends destruction from one end of the land to the other end of the land: no flesh has peace.
Jeremias 12:12 ^
Sobre todos os altos escalvados do deserto vieram destruidores, porque a espada do Senhor devora desde uma até outra extremidade da terra; não há paz para nenhuma carne.
Jeremiah 12:13 ^
Though good grain was planted, they have got in thorns: they have given themselves pain without profit: they will be shamed on account of their produce, because of the burning wrath of the Lord.
Jeremias 12:13 ^
Semearam trigo, mas segaram espinhos; cansaram-se, mas de nada se aproveitaram; haveis de ser envergonhados das vossas colheitas, por causa do ardor da ira do Senhor.
Jeremiah 12:14 ^
This is what the Lord has said against all my evil neighbours, who put their hands on the heritage which I gave my people Israel: See, I will have them uprooted from their land, uprooting the people of Judah from among them.
Jeremias 12:14 ^
Assim diz o Senhor acerca de todos os meus maus vizinhos, que tocam a minha herança que fiz herdar ao meu povo Israel: Eis que os arrancarei da sua terra, e a casa de Judá arrancarei do meio deles.
Jeremiah 12:15 ^
And it will come about that, after they have been uprooted, I will again have pity on them; and I will take them back, every man to his heritage and every man to his land.
Jeremias 12:15 ^
E depois de os haver eu arrancado, tornarei, e me compadecerei deles, e os farei voltar cada um à sua herança, e cada um à sua terra.
Jeremiah 12:16 ^
And it will be that, if they give their minds to learning the ways of my people, using my name in their oaths, By the living Lord; as they have been teaching my people to take oaths by the Baal; then their place will be made certain among my people.
Jeremias 12:16 ^
E será que, se diligentemente aprenderem os caminhos do meu povo, jurando pelo meu nome: Vive o Senhor; como ensinaram o meu povo a jurar por Baal; então edificar-se-ão no meio do meu povo.
Jeremiah 12:17 ^
But if they will not give ear, then I will have that nation uprooted, and given to destruction, says the Lord.
Jeremias 12:17 ^
Mas, se não quiserem ouvir, totalmente arrancarei a tal nação, e a farei perecer, diz o Senhor.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Portuguese | Jeremiah 12 - Jeremias 12