The Bible - Bilingual

English - Portuguese


Job 20

Jó 20

Job 20:1 ^
Then Zophar the Naamathite made answer and said,
Jó 20:1 ^
Então respondeu Zofar, o naamatita:
Job 20:2 ^
For this cause my thoughts are troubling me and driving me on.
Jó 20:2 ^
Ora, os meus pensamentos me fazem responder, e por isso eu me apresso.
Job 20:3 ^
I have to give ear to arguments which put me to shame, and your answers to me are wind without wisdom.
Jó 20:3 ^
Estou ouvindo a tua repreensão, que me envergonha, mas o espírito do meu entendimento responde por mim.
Job 20:4 ^
Have you knowledge of this from early times, when man was placed on the earth,
Jó 20:4 ^
Não sabes tu que desde a antigüidade, desde que o homem foi posto sobre a terra,
Job 20:5 ^
That the pride of the sinner is short, and the joy of the evil-doer but for a minute?
Jó 20:5 ^
o triunfo dos iníquos é breve, e a alegria dos ímpios é apenas dum momento?
Job 20:6 ^
Though he is lifted up to the heavens, and his head goes up to the clouds;
Jó 20:6 ^
Ainda que a sua exaltação suba até o ceu, e a sua cabeça chegue até as nuvens,
Job 20:7 ^
Like the waste from his body he comes to an end for ever: those who have seen him say, Where is he?
Jó 20:7 ^
contudo, como o seu próprio esterco, perecerá para sempre; e os que o viam perguntarão: Onde está?
Job 20:8 ^
He is gone like a dream, and is not seen again; he goes in flight like a vision of the night.
Jó 20:8 ^
Dissipar-se-á como um sonho, e não será achado; será afugentado qual uma visão da noite.
Job 20:9 ^
The eye which saw him sees him no longer; and his place has no more knowledge of him.
Jó 20:9 ^
Os olhos que o viam não o verão mais, nem o seu lugar o contemplará mais.
Job 20:10 ^
His children are hoping that the poor will be kind to them, and his hands give back his wealth.
Jó 20:10 ^
Os seus filhos procurarão o favor dos pobres, e as suas mãos restituirão os seus lucros ilícitos.
Job 20:11 ^
His bones are full of young strength, but it will go down with him into the dust.
Jó 20:11 ^
Os seus ossos estão cheios do vigor da sua juventude, mas este se deitará com ele no pó.
Job 20:12 ^
Though evil-doing is sweet in his mouth, and he keeps it secretly under his tongue;
Jó 20:12 ^
Ainda que o mal lhe seja doce na boca, ainda que ele o esconda debaixo da sua língua,
Job 20:13 ^
Though he takes care of it, and does not let it go, but keeps it still in his mouth;
Jó 20:13 ^
ainda que não o queira largar, antes o retenha na sua boca,
Job 20:14 ^
His food becomes bitter in his stomach; the poison of snakes is inside him.
Jó 20:14 ^
contudo a sua comida se transforma nas suas entranhas; dentro dele se torna em fel de áspides.
Job 20:15 ^
He takes down wealth as food, and sends it up again; it is forced out of his stomach by God.
Jó 20:15 ^
Engoliu riquezas, mas vomitá-las-á; do ventre dele Deus as lançará.
Job 20:16 ^
He takes the poison of snakes into his mouth, the tongue of the snake is the cause of his death.
Jó 20:16 ^
Veneno de áspides sorverá, língua de víbora o matará.
Job 20:17 ^
Let him not see the rivers of oil, the streams of honey and milk.
Jó 20:17 ^
Não verá as correntes, os rios e os ribeiros de mel e de manteiga.
Job 20:18 ^
He is forced to give back the fruit of his work, and may not take it for food; he has no joy in the profit of his trading.
Jó 20:18 ^
O que adquiriu pelo trabalho, isso restituirá, e não o engolirá; não se regozijará conforme a fazenda que ajuntou.
Job 20:19 ^
Because he has been cruel to the poor, turning away from them in their trouble; because he has taken a house by force which he did not put up;
Jó 20:19 ^
Pois que oprimiu e desamparou os pobres, e roubou a casa que não edificou.
Job 20:20 ^
There is no peace for him in his wealth, and no salvation for him in those things in which he took delight.
Jó 20:20 ^
Porquanto não houve limite à sua cobiça, nada salvará daquilo em que se deleita.
Job 20:21 ^
He had never enough for his desire; for this cause his well-being will quickly come to an end.
Jó 20:21 ^
Nada escapou à sua voracidade; pelo que a sua prosperidade não perdurará.
Job 20:22 ^
Even when his wealth is great, he is full of care, for the hand of everyone who is in trouble is turned against him.
Jó 20:22 ^
Na plenitude da sua abastança, estará angustiado; toda a força da miséria virá sobre ele.
Job 20:23 ^
God gives him his desire, and sends the heat of his wrath on him, making it come down on him like rain.
Jó 20:23 ^
Mesmo estando ele a encher o seu estômago, Deus mandará sobre ele o ardor da sua ira, que fará chover sobre ele quando for comer.
Job 20:24 ^
He may go in flight from the iron spear, but the arrow from the bow of brass will go through him;
Jó 20:24 ^
Ainda que fuja das armas de ferro, o arco de bronze o atravessará.
Job 20:25 ^
He is pulling it out, and it comes out of his back; and its shining point comes out of his side; he is overcome by fears.
Jó 20:25 ^
Ele arranca do seu corpo a flecha, que sai resplandecente do seu fel; terrores vêm sobre ele.
Job 20:26 ^
All his wealth is stored up for the dark: a fire not made by man sends destruction on him, and on everything in his tent.
Jó 20:26 ^
Todas as trevas são reservadas paro os seus tesouros; um fogo não assoprado o consumirá, e devorará o que ficar na sua tenda.
Job 20:27 ^
The heavens make clear his sin, and the earth gives witness against him.
Jó 20:27 ^
Os céus revelarão a sua iniqüidade, e contra ele a terra se levantará.
Job 20:28 ^
The produce of his house is taken away into another country, like things given into the hands of others in the day of wrath.
Jó 20:28 ^
As rendas de sua casa ir-se-ão; no dia da ira de Deus todas se derramarão.
Job 20:29 ^
This is the reward of the evil man, and the heritage given to him by God.
Jó 20:29 ^
Esta, da parte de Deus, é a porção do ímpio; esta é a herança que Deus lhe reserva.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Portuguese | Job 20 - Jó 20