The Bible - Bilingual

English - Portuguese


Psalms 20

Salmos 20

Psalms 20:1 ^
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David.May the Lord give ear to you in the day of trouble; may you be placed on high by the name of the God of Jacob;
Salmos 20:1 ^
O Senhor te ouça no dia da angústia; o nome do Deus de Jacó te proteja.
Psalms 20:2 ^
May he send you help from the holy place, and give you strength from Zion;
Salmos 20:2 ^
Envie-te socorro do seu santuário, e te sustenha de Sião.
Psalms 20:3 ^
May he keep all your offerings in mind, and be pleased with the fat of your burned offerings; (Selah.)
Salmos 20:3 ^
Lembre-se de todas as tuas ofertas, e aceite os teus holocaustos.
Psalms 20:4 ^
May he give you your heart's desire, and put all your purposes into effect.
Salmos 20:4 ^
Conceda-te conforme o desejo do teu coração, e cumpra todo o teu desígnio.
Psalms 20:5 ^
We will be glad in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will put up our flags: may the Lord give you all your requests.
Salmos 20:5 ^
Nós nos alegraremos pela tua salvação, e em nome do nosso Deus arvoraremos pendões; satisfaça o Senhor todas as tuas petições.
Psalms 20:6 ^
Now am I certain that the Lord gives salvation to his king; he will give him an answer from his holy heaven with the strength of salvation in his right hand.
Salmos 20:6 ^
Agora sei que o Senhor salva o seu ungido; ele lhe responderá lá do seu santo céu, com a força salvadora da sua destra.
Psalms 20:7 ^
Some put their faith in carriages and some in horses; but we will be strong in the name of the Lord our God.
Salmos 20:7 ^
Uns confiam em carros e outros em cavalos, mas nós faremos menção do nome do Senhor nosso Deus.
Psalms 20:8 ^
They are bent down and made low; but we have been lifted up.
Salmos 20:8 ^
Uns encurvam-se e caem, mas nós nos erguemos e ficamos de pé.
Psalms 20:9 ^
Come to our help, Lord: let the king give ear to our cry.
Salmos 20:9 ^
Salva-nos, Senhor; ouça-nos o Rei quando clamarmos.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Portuguese | Psalms 20 - Salmos 20