Judges 5
Книга Судей 5
At that time Deborah and Barak, the son of Abinoam, made this song, saying: | В тот день воспела Девора и Варак, сын Авиноамов, сими словами: |
Because of the flowing hair of the fighters in Israel, because the people gave themselves freely, give praise to the Lord. | Израиль отмщен, народ показал рвение; прославьте Господа! |
Give attention, O kings; give ear, O rulers; I, even I, will make a song to the Lord; I will make melody to the Lord, the God of Israel. | Слушайте, цари, внимайте, вельможи: я Господу, я пою, бряцаю Господу Богу Израилеву. |
Lord, when you went out from Seir, moving like an army from the field of Edom, the earth was shaking and the heavens were troubled, and the clouds were dropping water. | Когда выходил Ты, Господи, от Сеира, когда шел с поля Едомского, тогда земля тряслась, и небо капало, и облака проливали воду; |
The mountains were shaking before the Lord, before the Lord, the God of Israel. | горы таяли от лица Господа, даже этот Синай от лица Господа Бога Израилева. |
In the days of Shamgar, the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were not used, and travellers went by side roads. | Во дни Самегара, сына Анафова, во дни Иаили, были пусты дороги, и ходившие прежде путями прямыми ходили тогда окольными дорогами. |
Country towns were no more in Israel, *** were no more, till you, Deborah, came up, till you came up as a mother in Israel. | Не стало обитателей в селениях у Израиля, не стало, доколе не восстала я, Девора, доколе не восстала я, мать в Израиле. |
They had no one to make arms, there were no more armed men in the towns; was there a body-cover or a spear to be seen among forty thousand in Israel? | Избрали новых богов, оттого война у ворот. Виден ли был щит и копье у сорока тысяч Израиля? |
Come, you rulers of Israel, you who gave yourselves freely among the people: give praise to the Lord. | Сердце мое к вам, начальники Израилевы, к ревнителям в народе; прославьте Господа! |
Let them give thought to it, who go on white asses, and those who are walking on the road. | Ездящие на ослицах белых, сидящие на коврах и ходящие по дороге, пойте песнь! |
Give ear to the women laughing by the water-springs; there they will give again the story of the upright acts of the Lord, all the upright acts of his arm in Israel. | Среди голосов собирающих стада при колодезях, там да воспоют хвалу Господу, хвалу вождям Израиля! Тогда выступил ко вратам народ Господень. |
Awake! awake! Deborah: awake! awake! give a song: Up! Barak, and take prisoner those who took you prisoner, O son of Abinoam. | Воспряни, воспряни, Девора! воспряни, воспряни! воспой песнь! Восстань, Варак! и веди пленников твоих, сын Авиноамов! |
Then the chiefs went down to the doors; the Lord's people went down among the strong ones. | Тогда немногим из сильных подчинил Он народ; Господь подчинил мне храбрых. |
Out of Ephraim they came down into the valley; after you, Benjamin, among your tribesmen; from Machir came down the captains, and from Zebulun those in whose hand is the ruler's rod. | От Ефрема пришли укоренившиеся в земле Амалика; за тобою Вениамин, среди народа твоего; от Махира шли начальники, и от Завулона владеющие тростью писца. |
Your chiefs, Issachar, were with Deborah; and Naphtali was true to Barak; into the valley they went rushing out at his feet. In Reuben there were divisions, and great searchings of heart. | И князья Иссахаровы с Деворою, и Иссахар так же, как Варак, бросился в долину пеший. В племенах Рувимовых большое разногласие. |
Why did you keep quiet among the sheep, hearing nothing but the watchers piping to the flocks? | Что сидишь ты между овчарнями, слушая блеяние стад? В племенах Рувимовых большое разногласие. |
Gilead was living over Jordan; and Dan was waiting in his ships; Asher kept in his place by the sea's edge, living by his inlets. | Галаад живет [спокойно] за Иорданом, и Дану чего бояться с кораблями? Асир сидит на берегу моря и у пристаней своих живет спокойно. |
It was the people of Zebulun who put their lives in danger, even to death, with Naphtali on the high places of the field. | Завулон--народ, обрекший душу свою на смерть, и Неффалим--на высотах поля. |
The kings came on to the fight, the kings of Canaan were warring; in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo: they took no profit in money. | Пришли цари, сразились, тогда сразились цари Ханаанские в Фанаахе у вод Мегиддонских, но не получили нимало серебра. |
The stars from heaven were fighting; from their highways they were fighting against Sisera. | С неба сражались, звезды с путей своих сражались с Сисарою. |
The river Kishon took them violently away, stopping their flight, the river Kishon. Give praise, O my soul, to the strength of the Lord! | Поток Киссон увлек их, поток Кедумим, поток Киссон. Попирай, душа моя, силу! |
Then loudly the feet of the horses were sounding with the stamping, the stamping of their war-horses. | Тогда ломались копыта конские от побега, от побега сильных его. |
A curse, a curse on Meroz! said the angel of the Lord. A bitter curse on her townspeople! Because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord among the strong ones. | Прокляните Мероз, говорит Ангел Господень, прокляните, прокляните жителей его за то, что не пришли на помощь Господу, на помощь Господу с храбрыми. |
Blessings be on Jael, more than on all women! Blessings greater than on any in the tents! | Да будет благословенна между женами Иаиль, жена Хевера Кенеянина, между женами в шатрах да будет благословенна! |
His request was for water, she gave him milk; she put butter before him on a fair plate. | Воды просил он: молока подала она, в чаше вельможеской принесла молока лучшего. |
She put out her hand to the tent-pin, and her right hand to the workman's hammer; and she gave Sisera a blow, crushing his head, wounding and driving through his brow. | [Левую] руку свою протянула к колу, а правую свою к молоту работников; ударила Сисару, поразила голову его, разбила и пронзила висок его. |
Bent at her feet he went down, he was stretched out; bent at her feet he went down; where he was bent down, there he went down in death. | К ногам ее склонился, пал и лежал, к ногам ее склонился, пал; где склонился, там и пал сраженный. |
Looking out from the window she gave a cry, the mother of Sisera was crying out through the window, Why is his carriage so long in coming? When will the noise of his wheels be sounding? | В окно выглядывает и вопит мать Сисарина сквозь решетку: что долго не идет конница его, что медлят колеса колесниц его? |
Her wise women gave answer to her, yes, she made answer again to herself, | Умные из ее женщин отвечают ей, и сама она отвечает на слова свои: |
Are they not getting, are they not parting the goods among them: a young girl or two to every man; and to Sisera robes of coloured needlework, worked in fair colours on this side and on that, for the neck of the queen? | верно, они нашли, делят добычу, по девице, по две девицы на каждого воина, в добычу полученная разноцветная [одежда] Сисаре, полученная в добычу разноцветная одежда, вышитая с обеих сторон, снятая с плеч пленника. |
So may destruction come on all your haters, O Lord; but let your lovers be like the sun going out in his strength. And for forty years the land had peace. | Так да погибнут все враги Твои, Господи! Любящие же Его [да] [будут] как солнце, восходящее во всей силе своей! --И покоилась земля сорок лет. |