Psalms 105
Псалтирь 105
O give praise to the Lord; give honour to his name, talking of his doings among the peoples. | Славьте Господа; призывайте имя Его; возвещайте в народах дела Его; |
Let your voice be sounding in songs and melody; let all your thoughts be of the wonder of his works. | воспойте Ему и пойте Ему; поведайте о всех чудесах Его. |
Have glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who are searching after the Lord be glad. | Хвалитесь именем Его святым; да веселится сердце ищущих Господа. |
Let your search be for the Lord and for his strength; let your hearts ever be turned to him. | Ищите Господа и силы Его, ищите лица Его всегда. |
Keep in mind the great works which he has done; his wonders, and the decisions of his mouth; | Воспоминайте чудеса Его, которые сотворил, знамения Его и суды уст Его, |
O you seed of Abraham, his servant, you children of Jacob, his loved ones. | вы, семя Авраамово, рабы Его, сыны Иакова, избранные Его. |
He is the Lord our God: he is judge of all the earth. | Он Господь Бог наш: по всей земле суды Его. |
He has kept his agreement in mind for ever, the word which he gave for a thousand generations; | Вечно помнит завет Свой, слово, [которое] заповедал в тысячу родов, |
The agreement which he made with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac; | которое завещал Аврааму, и клятву Свою Исааку, |
And he gave it to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an eternal agreement; | и поставил то Иакову в закон и Израилю в завет вечный, |
Saying, To you will I give the land of Canaan, the measured line of your heritage: | говоря: `тебе дам землю Ханаанскую в удел наследия вашего`. |
When they were still small in number, and strange in the land; | Когда их было еще мало числом, очень мало, и они были пришельцами в ней |
When they went about from one nation to another, and from one kingdom to another people. | и переходили от народа к народу, из царства к иному племени, |
He would not let anyone do them wrong; he even kept back kings because of them, | никому не позволял обижать их и возбранял о них царям: |
Saying, Put not your hand on those who have been marked with my holy oil, and do my prophets no wrong. | `не прикасайтесь к помазанным Моим, и пророкам Моим не делайте зла`. |
And he took away all food from the land, so that the people were without bread. | И призвал голод на землю; всякий стебель хлебный истребил. |
He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was given as a servant for a price: | Послал пред ними человека: в рабы продан был Иосиф. |
His feet were fixed in chains; his neck was put in iron bands; | Стеснили оковами ноги его; в железо вошла душа его, |
Till the time when his word came true; he was tested by the word of the Lord. | доколе исполнилось слово Его: слово Господне испытало его. |
The king sent men to take off his chains; even the ruler of the people, who let him go free. | Послал царь, и разрешил его владетель народов и освободил его; |
He made him lord of his house, and ruler over everything he had; | поставил его господином над домом своим и правителем над всем владением своим, |
To give his chiefs teaching at his pleasure, and so that his law-givers might get wisdom from him. | чтобы он наставлял вельмож его по своей душе и старейшин его учил мудрости. |
Then Israel came into Egypt, and Jacob was living in the land of Ham. | Тогда пришел Израиль в Египет, и переселился Иаков в землю Хамову. |
And his people were greatly increased, and became stronger than those who were against them. | И весьма размножил [Бог] народ Свой и сделал его сильнее врагов его. |
Their hearts were turned to hate against his people, so that they made secret designs against them. | Возбудил в сердце их ненависть против народа Его и ухищрение против рабов Его. |
He sent Moses, his servant, and Aaron, the man of his selection. | Послал Моисея, раба Своего, Аарона, которого избрал. |
He let his signs be seen among the people, and his wonders in the land of Ham. | Они показали между ними слова знамений Его и чудеса [Его] в земле Хамовой. |
He sent black night and made it dark; and they did not go against his word. | Послал тьму и сделал мрак, и не воспротивились слову Его. |
At his word their waters were turned to blood, and he sent death on all their fish. | Преложил воду их в кровь, и уморил рыбу их. |
Their land was full of frogs, even in the rooms of the king. | Земля их произвела множество жаб [даже] в спальне царей их. |
He gave the word, and there came the dog-fly, and insects over all the land. | Он сказал, и пришли разные насекомые, скнипы во все пределы их. |
He gave them ice for rain, and flaming fire in their land. | Вместо дождя послал на них град, палящий огонь на землю их, |
He gave their vines and their fig-trees to destruction, and the trees of their land were broken down. | и побил виноград их и смоковницы их, и сокрушил дерева в пределах их. |
At his word the locusts came, and young locusts more than might be numbered, | Сказал, и пришла саранча и гусеницы без числа; |
And put an end to all the plants of their land, taking all the fruit of the earth for food. | и съели всю траву на земле их, и съели плоды на полях их. |
He put to death the first child of every family in the land, the first-fruits of their strength. | И поразил всякого первенца в земле их, начатки всей силы их. |
He took his people out with silver and gold: there was not one feeble person among them. | И вывел [Израильтян] с серебром и золотом, и не было в коленах их болящего. |
Egypt was glad when they went; for the fear of them had come down on them. | Обрадовался Египет исшествию их; ибо страх от них напал на него. |
A cloud was stretched over them for a cover; and he sent fire to give light in the night. | Простер облако в покров [им] и огонь, чтобы светить [им] ночью. |
At the people's request he sent birds, and gave them the bread of heaven for food. | Просили, и Он послал перепелов, и хлебом небесным насыщал их. |
His hand made the rock open, and the waters came streaming out; they went down through the dry places like a river. | Разверз камень, и потекли воды, потекли рекою по местам сухим, |
For he kept in mind his holy word, and Abraham, his servant. | ибо вспомнил Он святое слово Свое к Аврааму, рабу Своему, |
And he took his people out with joy, the men of his selection with glad cries: | и вывел народ Свой в радости, избранных Своих в веселии, |
And gave them the lands of the nations; and they took the work of the peoples for a heritage; | и дал им земли народов, и они наследовали труд иноплеменных, |
So that they might keep his orders, and be true to his laws. Give praise to the Lord. | чтобы соблюдали уставы Его и хранили законы Его. Аллилуия! Аллилуия. |