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Isaiah 3

Isaías 3

Isaiah 3:1 ^
For the Lord, the Lord of armies, is about to take away from Jerusalem and from Judah all their support; their store of bread and of water;
Isaías 3:1 ^
PORQUE he aquí que el Señor Jehová de los ejércitos quita de Jerusalem y de Judá el sustentador y el fuerte, todo sustento de pan y todo socorro de agua;
Isaiah 3:2 ^
The strong man and the man of war; the judge and the prophet; the man who has knowledge of secret arts, and the man who is wise because of his years;
Isaías 3:2 ^
El valiente y el hombre de guerra, el juez y el profeta, el adivino y el anciano;
Isaiah 3:3 ^
The captain of fifty, and the man of high position, and the wise guide, and the wonder-worker, and he who makes use of secret powers.
Isaías 3:3 ^
El capitán de cincuenta, y el hombre de respeto, y el consejero, y el artífice excelente, y el hábil orador.
Isaiah 3:4 ^
And I will make children their chiefs, and foolish ones will have rule over them.
Isaías 3:4 ^
Y pondréles mozos por príncipes, y muchachos serán sus señores.
Isaiah 3:5 ^
And the people will be crushed, every one by his neighbour; the young will be full of pride against the old, and those of low position will be lifted up against the noble.
Isaías 3:5 ^
Y el pueblo hará violencia los unos á los otros, cada cual contra su vecino: el mozo se levantará contra el viejo, y el villano contra el noble.
Isaiah 3:6 ^
When one man puts his hand on another in his father's house, and says, You have clothing, be our ruler and be responsible for us in our sad condition:
Isaías 3:6 ^
Cuando alguno trabare de su hermano, de la familia de su padre, y le dijere, Que vestir tienes, tú serás nuestro príncipe, y sea en tu mano esta ruina;
Isaiah 3:7 ^
Then he will say with an oath, I will not be a helper, for in my house there is no bread or clothing: I will not let you make me a ruler of the people.
Isaías 3:7 ^
El jurará aquel día, diciendo: No tomaré ese cuidado; porque en mi casa ni hay pan, ni qué vestir: no me hagáis príncipe del pueblo.
Isaiah 3:8 ^
For Jerusalem has become feeble, and destruction has come on Judah, because their words and their acts are against the Lord, moving the eyes of his glory to wrath.
Isaías 3:8 ^
Pues arruinada está Jerusalem, y Judá ha caído; porque la lengua de ellos y sus obras han sido contra Jehová, para irritar los ojos de su majestad.
Isaiah 3:9 ^
Their respect for a man's position is a witness against them; and their sin is open to the view of all; like that of Sodom, it is not covered. A curse on their soul! for the measure of their sin is full.
Isaías 3:9 ^
La apariencia del rostro de ellos los convence: que como Sodoma predican su pecado, no lo disimulan. ¡Ay del alma de ellos! porque allegaron mal para sí.
Isaiah 3:10 ^
Happy is the upright man! for he will have joy of the fruit of his ways.
Isaías 3:10 ^
Decid al justo que le irá bien: porque comerá de los frutos de sus manos.
Isaiah 3:11 ^
Unhappy is the sinner! for the reward of his evil doings will come on him.
Isaías 3:11 ^
¡Ay del impío! mal le irá: porque según las obras de sus manos le será pagado.
Isaiah 3:12 ^
As for my people, their ruler is acting like a child, and those who have authority over them are women. O my people, your guides are the cause of your wandering, turning your footsteps out of the right way.
Isaías 3:12 ^
Los exactores de mi pueblo son muchachos, y mujeres se enseñorearon de él. Pueblo mío, los que te guían te engañan, y tuercen la carrera de tus caminos.
Isaiah 3:13 ^
The Lord is ready to take up his cause against his people, and is about to come forward as their judge.
Isaías 3:13 ^
Jehová está en pie para litigar, y está para juzgar los pueblos.
Isaiah 3:14 ^
The Lord comes to be the judge of their responsible men and of their rulers: it is you who have made waste the vine-garden, and in your houses is the property of the poor which you have taken by force.
Isaías 3:14 ^
Jehová vendrá á juicio contra los ancianos de su pueblo y contra sus príncipes; porque vosotros habéis devorado la viña, y el despojo del pobre está en vuestras casas.
Isaiah 3:15 ^
By what right are you crushing my people, and putting a bitter yoke on the necks of the poor? This is the word of the Lord, the Lord of armies.
Isaías 3:15 ^
¿Qué pensáis vosotros que majáis mi pueblo, y moléis las caras de los pobres? dice el Señor Jehová de los ejércitos.
Isaiah 3:16 ^
Again, the Lord has said, Because the daughters of Zion are full of pride, and go with outstretched necks and wandering eyes, with their foot-chains sounding when they go:
Isaías 3:16 ^
Asimismo dice Jehová: Por cuanto las hijas de Sión se ensoberbecen, y andan cuellierguidas y los ojos descompuestos; cuando andan van danzando, y haciendo son con los pies:
Isaiah 3:17 ^
The Lord will send disease on the heads of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will let their secret parts be seen.
Isaías 3:17 ^
Por tanto, pelará el Señor la mollera de las hijas de Sión, y Jehová descubrirá sus vergüenzas.
Isaiah 3:18 ^
In that day the Lord will take away the glory of their foot-rings, and their sun-jewels, and their moon-ornaments,
Isaías 3:18 ^
Aquel día quitará el Señor el atavío de los calzados, y las redecillas, y las lunetas;
Isaiah 3:19 ^
The ear-rings, and the chains, and the delicate clothing,
Isaías 3:19 ^
Los collares, y los joyeles, y los brazaletes;
Isaiah 3:20 ^
The head-bands, and the arm-chains, and the worked bands, and the perfume-boxes, and the jewels with secret powers,
Isaías 3:20 ^
Las escofietas, y los atavíos de las piernas, los partidores del pelo, los pomitos de olor, y los zarcillos;
Isaiah 3:21 ^
The rings, and the nose-jewels,
Isaías 3:21 ^
Los anillos, y los joyeles de las narices;
Isaiah 3:22 ^
The feast-day dresses, and the robes, and the wide skirts, and the handbags,
Isaías 3:22 ^
Las ropas de remuda, los mantoncillos, los velos, y los alfileres;
Isaiah 3:23 ^
The looking-glasses, and the fair linen, and the high head-dresses, and the veils.
Isaías 3:23 ^
Los espejos, los pañizuelos, las gasas, y los tocados.
Isaiah 3:24 ^
And in the place of sweet spices will be an evil smell, and for a fair band a thick cord; for a well-dressed head there will be the cutting-off of the hair, and for a beautiful robe there will be the clothing of sorrow; the mark of the prisoner in place of the ornaments of the free.
Isaías 3:24 ^
Y será que en lugar de los perfumes aromáticos vendrá hediondez; y desgarrón en lugar de cinta; y calvez en lugar de la compostura del cabello; y en lugar de faja ceñimiento de saco; y quemadura en vez de hermosura.
Isaiah 3:25 ^
Your men will be put to the sword, and your men of war will come to destruction in the fight.
Isaías 3:25 ^
Tus varones caerán á cuchillo, y tu fuerza en la guerra.
Isaiah 3:26 ^
And in the public places of her towns will be sorrow and weeping; and she will be seated on the earth, waste and uncovered.
Isaías 3:26 ^
Sus puertas se entristecerán y enlutarán, y ella, desamparada, sentaráse en tierra.

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