Job 15
Job 15
And Eliphaz the Temanite made answer and said, | Y RESPONDIO Eliphaz Temanita, y dijo: |
Will a wise man make answer with knowledge of no value, or will he give birth to the east wind? | ¿Si proferirá el sabio vana sabiduría, Y henchirá su vientre de viento solano? |
Will he make arguments with words in which is no profit, and with sayings which have no value? | ¿Disputará con palabras inútiles, Y con razones sin provecho? |
Truly, you make the fear of God without effect, so that the time of quiet worship before God is made less by your outcry. | Tú también disipas el temor, Y menoscabas la oración delante de Dios. |
For your mouth is guided by your sin, and you have taken the tongue of the false for yourself. | Porque tu boca declaró tu iniquidad, Pues has escogido el hablar de los astutos. |
It is by your mouth, even yours, that you are judged to be in the wrong, and not by me; and your lips give witness against you. | Tu boca te condenará, y no yo; Y tus labios testificarán contra ti. |
Were you the first man to come into the world? or did you come into being before the hills? | ¿Naciste tú primero que Adam? ¿O fuiste formado antes que los collados? |
Were you present at the secret meeting of God? and have you taken all wisdom for yourself? | ¿Oíste tú el secreto de Dios, Que detienes en ti solo la sabiduría? |
What knowledge have you which we have not? is there anything in your mind which is not in ours? | ¿Qué sabes tú que no sepamos? ¿Qué entiendes que no se halle en nosotros? |
With us are men who are grey-haired and full of years, much older than your father. | Entre nosotros también hay cano, también hay viejo Mucho mayor en días que tu padre. |
Are the comforts of God not enough for you, and the gentle word which was said to you? | ¿En tan poco tienes las consolaciones de Dios? ¿Tienes acaso alguna cosa oculta cerca de ti? |
Why is your heart uncontrolled, and why are your eyes lifted up; | ¿Por qué te enajena tu corazón, Y por qué guiñan tus ojos, |
So that you are turning your spirit against God, and letting such words go out of your mouth? | Pues haces frente á Dios con tu espíritu, Y sacas tales palabras de tu boca? |
What is man, that he may be clean? and how may the son of woman be upright? | ¿Qué cosa es el hombre para que sea limpio, Y que se justifique el nacido de mujer? |
Truly, he puts no faith in his holy ones, and the heavens are not clean in his eyes; | He aquí que en sus santos no confía, Y ni los cielos son limpios delante de sus ojos: |
How much less one who is disgusting and unclean, a man who takes in evil like water! | ¿Cuánto menos el hombre abominable y vil, Que bebe la iniquidad como agua? |
Take note and give ear to my words; and I will say what I have seen: | Escúchame; yo te mostraré Y te contaré lo que he visto: |
(The things which wise men have got from their fathers, and have not kept secret from us; | (Lo que los sabios nos contaron De sus padres, y no lo encubrieron; |
For only to them was the land given, and no strange people were among them:) | A los cuales solos fué dada la tierra, Y no pasó extraño por medio de ellos:) |
The evil man is in pain all his days, and the number of the years stored up for the cruel is small. | Todos los días del impío, él es atormentado de dolor, Y el número de años es escondido al violento. |
A sound of fear is in his ears; in time of peace destruction will come on him: | Estruendos espantosos hay en sus oídos; En la paz le vendrá quien lo asuele. |
He has no hope of coming safe out of the dark, and his fate will be the sword; | El no creerá que ha de volver de las tinieblas, Y está mirando al cuchillo. |
He is wandering about in search of bread, saying, Where is it? and he is certain that the day of trouble is ready for him: | Desasosegado á comer siempre, Sabe que le está aparejado día de tinieblas. |
He is greatly in fear of the dark day, trouble and pain overcome him: | Tribulación y angustia le asombrarán, Y esforzaránse contra él como un rey apercibido para la batalla. |
Because his hand is stretched out against God, and his heart is lifted up against the Ruler of all, | Por cuanto él extendió su mano contra Dios, Y se esforzó contra el Todopoderoso, |
Running against him like a man of war, covered by his thick breastplate; even like a king ready for the fight, | El le acometerá en la cerviz, En lo grueso de las hombreras de sus escudos: |
Because his face is covered with fat, and his body has become thick; | Porque cubrió su rostro con su gordura, E hizo pliegues sobre los ijares; |
And he has made his resting-place in the towns which have been pulled down, in houses where no man had a right to be, whose fate was to become masses of broken walls. | Y habitó las ciudades asoladas, Las casas inhabitadas, Que estaban puestas en montones. |
He does not get wealth for himself, and is unable to keep what he has got; the heads of his grain are not bent down to the earth. | No enriquecerá, ni será firme su potencia, Ni extenderá por la tierra su hermosura. |
He does not come out of the dark; his branches are burned by the flame, and the wind takes away his bud. | No se escapará de las tinieblas: La llama secará sus ramos, Y con el aliento de su boca perecerá. |
Let him not put his hope in what is false, falling into error: for he will get deceit as his reward. | No confíe el iluso en la vanidad; Porque ella será su recompensa. |
His branch is cut off before its time, and his leaf is no longer green. | El será cortado antes de su tiempo, Y sus renuevos no reverdecerán. |
He is like a vine whose grapes do not come to full growth, or an olive-tree dropping its flowers. | El perderá su agraz como la vid, Y derramará su flor como la oliva. |
For the band of the evil-doers gives no fruit, and the tents of those who give wrong decisions for reward are burned with fire. | Porque la sociedad de los hipócritas será asolada, Y fuego consumirá las tiendas de soborno. |
Evil has made them with child, and they give birth to trouble; and the fruit of their body is shame for themselves. | Concibieron dolor, y parieron iniquidad; Y las entradas de ellos meditan engaño. |