Proverbs 21
Proverbios 21
The king's heart in the hands of the Lord is like the water streams, and by him it is turned in any direction at his pleasure. | COMO los repartimientos de las aguas, así está el corazón del rey en la mano de Jehová: A todo lo que quiere lo inclina. |
Every way of a man seems right to himself, but the Lord is the tester of hearts. | Todo camino del hombre es recto en su opinión: Mas Jehová pesa los corazones. |
To do what is right and true is more pleasing to the Lord than an offering. | Hacer justicia y juicio es á Jehová Más agradable que sacrificio. |
A high look and a heart of pride, *** of the evil-doer is sin. | Altivez de ojos, y orgullo de corazón, Y el brillo de los impíos, son pecado. |
The purposes of the man of industry have their outcome only in wealth; but one who is over-quick in acting will only come to be in need. | Los pensamientos del solícito ciertamente van á abundancia; Mas todo presuroso, indefectiblemente á pobreza. |
He who gets stores of wealth by a false tongue, is going after what is only breath, and searching for death. | Allegar tesoros con lengua de mentira, Es vanidad desatentada de aquellos que buscan la muerte. |
By their violent acts the evil-doers will be pulled away, because they have no desire to do what is right. | La rapiña de los impíos los destruirá; Por cuanto no quisieron hacer juicio. |
Twisted is the way of him who is full of crime; but as for him whose heart is clean, his work is upright. | El camino del hombre perverso es torcido y extraño: Mas la obra del limpio es recta. |
It is better to be living in an angle of the house-top, than with a bitter-tongued woman in a wide house. | Mejor es vivir en un rincón de zaquizamí. Que con la mujer rencillosa en espaciosa casa. |
The desire of the evil-doer is fixed on evil: he has no kind feeling for his neighbour. | El alma del impío desea mal: Su prójimo no le parece bien. |
When the man of pride undergoes punishment, the simple man gets wisdom; and by watching the wise he gets knowledge. | Cuando el escarnecedor es castigado, el simple se hace sabio; Y cuando se amonestare al sabio, aprenderá ciencia. |
The Upright One, looking on the house of the evil-doer, lets sinners be overturned to their destruction. | Considera el justo la casa del impío: Cómo los impíos son trastornados por el mal. |
He whose ears are stopped at the cry of the poor, will himself get no answer to his cry for help. | El que cierra su oído al clamor del pobre, También él clamará, y no será oído. |
By a secret offering wrath is turned away, and the heat of angry feelings by money in the folds of the robe. | El presente en secreto amansa el furor, Y el don en el seno, la fuerte ira. |
It is a joy to the good man to do right, but it is destruction to the workers of evil. | Alegría es al justo hacer juicio; Mas quebrantamiento á los que hacen iniquidad. |
The wanderer from the way of knowledge will have his resting-place among the shades. | El hombre que se extravía del camino de la sabiduría, Vendrá á parar en la compañía de los muertos. |
The lover of pleasure will be a poor man: the lover of wine and oil will not get wealth. | Hombre necesitado será el que ama el deleite: Y el que ama el vino y ungüentos no enriquecerá. |
The evil-doer will be given as a price for the life of the good man, and the worker of deceit in the place of the upright. | El rescate del justo es el impío, Y por los rectos el prevaricador. |
It is better to be living in a waste land, than with a bitter-tongued and angry woman. | Mejor es morar en tierra del desierto, Que con la mujer rencillosa é iracunda. |
There is a store of great value in the house of the wise, but it is wasted by the foolish man. | Tesoro codiciable y pingüe hay en la casa del sabio; Mas el hombre insensato lo disipará. |
He who goes after righteousness and mercy will get life, righteousness, and honour. | El que sigue la justicia y la misericordia, Hallará la vida, la justicia, y la honra. |
A wise man goes up into the town of the strong ones, and overcomes its strength in which they put their faith. | La ciudad de los fuertes tomó el sabio, Y derribó la fuerza en que ella confiaba. |
He who keeps watch over his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles. | El que guarda su boca y su lengua, Su alma guarda de angustias. |
The man of pride, lifted up in soul, is named high-hearted; he is acting in an outburst of pride. | Soberbio y presuntuoso escarnecedor es el nombre Del que obra con orgullosa saña. |
The desire of the hater of work is death to him, for his hands will do no work. | El deseo del perezoso le mata, Porque sus manos no quieren trabajar. |
All the day the sinner goes after his desire: but the upright man gives freely, keeping nothing back. | Hay quien todo el día codicia: Mas el justo da, y no desperdicia. |
The offering of evil-doers is disgusting: how much more when they give it with an evil purpose! | El sacrificio de los impíos es abominación: ¡Cuánto más ofreciéndolo con maldad! |
A false witness will be cut off, ... | El testigo mentiroso perecerá: Mas el hombre que oye, permanecerá en su dicho. |
The evil-doer makes his face hard, but as for the upright, he gives thought to his way. | El hombre impío afirma rostro: Mas el recto ordena sus caminos. |
Wisdom and knowledge and wise suggestions are of no use against the Lord. | No hay sabiduría, ni inteligencia, Ni consejo, contra Jehová. |
The horse is made ready for the day of war, but power to overcome is from the Lord. | El caballo se apareja para el día de la batalla: Mas de Jehová es el salvar. |