Proverbs 4
Proverbios 4
Give ear, my sons, to the teaching of a father; give attention so that you may have knowledge: | OID, hijos, la doctrina de un padre, Y estad atentos para que conozcáis cordura. |
For I give you good teaching; do not give up the knowledge you are getting from me. | Porque os doy buena enseñanza; No desamparéis mi ley. |
For I was a son to my father, a gentle and an only one to my mother. | Porque yo fuí hijo de mi padre, Delicado y único delante de mi madre. |
And he gave me teaching, saying to me, Keep my words in your heart; keep my rules so that you may have life: | Y él me enseñaba, y me decía: Mantenga tu corazón mis razones, Guarda mis mandamientos, y vivirás: |
Get wisdom, get true knowledge; keep it in memory, do not be turned away from the words of my mouth. | Adquiere sabiduría, adquiere inteligencia; No te olvides ni te apartes de las razones de mi boca; |
Do not give her up, and she will keep you; give her your love, and she will make you safe. | No la dejes, y ella te guardará; Amala, y te conservará. |
The first sign of wisdom is to get wisdom; go, give all you have to get true knowledge. | Sabiduría ante todo: adquiere sabiduría: Y ante toda tu posesión adquiere inteligencia. |
Put her in a high place, and you will be lifted up by her; she will give you honour, when you give her your love. | Engrandécela, y ella te engrandecerá: Ella te honrará, cuando tú la hubieres abrazado. |
She will put a crown of grace on your head, giving you a head-dress of glory. | Adorno de gracia dará á tu cabeza: Corona de hermosura te entregará. |
Give ear, O my son, and let your heart be open to my sayings; and long life will be yours. | Oye, hijo mío, y recibe mis razones; Y se te multiplicarán años de vida. |
I have given you teaching in the way of wisdom, guiding your steps in the straight way. | Por el camino de la sabiduría te he encaminado, Y por veredas derechas te he hecho andar. |
When you go, your way will not be narrow, and in running you will not have a fall. | Cuando anduvieres no se estrecharán tus pasos; Y si corrieres, no tropezarás. |
Take learning in your hands, do not let her go: keep her, for she is your life. | Ten el consejo, no lo dejes; Guárdalo, porque eso es tu vida. |
Do not go in the road of sinners, or be walking in the way of evil men. | No entres por la vereda de los impíos, Ni vayas por el camino de los malos. |
Keep far from it, do not go near; be turned from it, and go on your way. | Desampárala, no pases por ella; Apártate de ella, pasa. |
For they take no rest till they have done evil; their sleep is taken away if they have not been the cause of someone's fall. | Porque no duermen ellos, si no hicieren mal; Y pierden su sueño, si no han hecho caer. |
The bread of evil-doing is their food, the wine of violent acts their drink. | Porque comen pan de maldad, y beben vino de robos. |
But the way of the upright is like the light of early morning, getting brighter and brighter till the full day. | Mas la senda de los justos es como la luz de la aurora, Que va en aumento hasta que el día es perfecto. |
The way of sinners is dark; they see not the cause of their fall. | El camino de los impíos es como la oscuridad: No saben en qué tropiezan. |
My son, give attention to my words; let your ear be turned to my sayings. | Hijo mío, está atento á mis palabras; Inclina tu oído á mis razones. |
Let them not go from your eyes; keep them deep in your heart. | No se aparten de tus ojos; Guárdalas en medio de tu corazón. |
For they are life to him who gets them, and strength to all his flesh. | Porque son vida á los que las hallan, Y medicina á toda su carne. |
And keep watch over your heart with all care; so you will have life. | Sobre toda cosa guardada guarda tu corazón; Porque de él mana la vida. |
Put away from you an evil tongue, and let false lips be far from you. | Aparta de ti la perversidad de la boca, Y aleja de ti la iniquidad de labios. |
Keep your eyes on what is in front of you, looking straight before you. | Tus ojos miren lo recto, Y tus párpados en derechura delante de ti. |
Keep a watch on your behaviour; let all your ways be rightly ordered. | Examina la senda de tus pies, Y todos tus caminos sean ordenados. |
Let there be no turning to the right or to the left, keep your feet from evil. | No te apartes á diestra, ni á siniestra: Aparta tu pie del mal. |