The Bible - Bilingual

English - Spanish


Psalms 108

Salmos 108

Psalms 108:1 ^
A Song. A Psalm. Of David.O God, my heart is fixed; I will make songs and melody, even with my glory.
Salmos 108:1 ^
MI corazón está dispuesto, oh Dios; Cantaré y salmearé todavía en mi gloria.
Psalms 108:2 ^
Give out your sounds, O corded instruments: the dawn will be awaking with my song.
Salmos 108:2 ^
Despiértate, salterio y arpa: Despertaré al alba.
Psalms 108:3 ^
I will give you praise, O Lord, among the peoples; I will make melody to you among the nations.
Salmos 108:3 ^
Te alabaré, oh Jehová, entre los pueblos; A ti cantaré salmos entre las naciones.
Psalms 108:4 ^
For your mercy is higher than the heavens: and your unchanging faith than the clouds.
Salmos 108:4 ^
Porque grande más que los cielos es tu misericordia, Y hasta los cielos tu verdad.
Psalms 108:5 ^
Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.
Salmos 108:5 ^
Ensálzate, oh Dios, sobre los cielos; Y sobre toda la tierra tu gloria.
Psalms 108:6 ^
Let your right hand be stretched out for salvation, and give me an answer, so that your loved ones may be safe from danger.
Salmos 108:6 ^
Para que sean librados tus amados, Salva con tu diestra y respóndeme.
Psalms 108:7 ^
This is the word of the holy God: I will be glad; I will make Shechem a heritage, measuring out the valley of Succoth.
Salmos 108:7 ^
Dios habló por su santuario: alegraréme, Repartiré á Sichêm, y mediré el valle de Succoth.
Psalms 108:8 ^
Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is the strength of my head; Judah is my law-giver;
Salmos 108:8 ^
Mío es Galaad, mío es Manasés; Y Eprhaim es la fortaleza de mi cabeza; Judá es mi legislador;
Psalms 108:9 ^
Moab is my washpot; on Edom is the resting-place of my shoe; over Philistia will I send out a glad cry.
Salmos 108:9 ^
Moab, la vasija de mi lavatorio: Sobre Edom echaré mi calzado; Regocijaréme sobre Palestina.
Psalms 108:10 ^
Who will take me into the strong town? who will be my guide into Edom?
Salmos 108:10 ^
¿Quién me guiará á la ciudad fortalecida? ¿Quién me guiará hasta Idumea?
Psalms 108:11 ^
Have you not sent us away from you, O God? and you go not out with our armies.
Salmos 108:11 ^
Ciertamente tú, oh Dios, que nos habías desechado; Y no salías, oh Dios, con nuestros ejércitos.
Psalms 108:12 ^
Give us help in our trouble; for there is no help in man.
Salmos 108:12 ^
Danos socorro en la angustia: Porque mentirosa es la salud del hombre.
Psalms 108:13 ^
With God we will do great things; for by him will our haters be crushed underfoot.
Salmos 108:13 ^
En Dios haremos proezas; Y él hollará nuestros enemigos.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Spanish | Psalms 108 - Salmos 108