The Bible - Bilingual

English - Spanish


Psalms 59

Salmos 59

Psalms 59:1 ^
To the chief music-maker; put to At-tashheth. Michtam. Of David. When Saul sent, and they were watching the house, to put him to death.Take me out of the hands of the cruel ones, O my God; keep me safe from those who come up against me.
Salmos 59:1 ^
LIBRAME de mis enemigos, oh Dios mío: Ponme en salvo de los que contra mí se levantan.
Psalms 59:2 ^
Take me out of the power of the workers of evil, and keep me safe from the men of blood.
Salmos 59:2 ^
Líbrame de los que obran iniquidad, Y sálvame de hombres sanguinarios.
Psalms 59:3 ^
For see, they are watching in secret for my soul; the strong have come together against me? but not because of my sin, or my evil-doing, O Lord.
Salmos 59:3 ^
Porque he aquí están acechando mi vida: Hanse juntado contra mí fuertes, No por falta mía, ni pecado mío, oh Jehová.
Psalms 59:4 ^
For no sin of mine they go quickly and get themselves ready; be awake and come to my help, and see.
Salmos 59:4 ^
Sin delito mío corren y se aperciben: Despierta para venir á mi encuentro, y mira.
Psalms 59:5 ^
You, O Lord God of armies, are the God of Israel; come now and give punishment to the nations; have no mercy on any workers of deceit. (Selah.)
Salmos 59:5 ^
Y tú, Jehová Dios de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel, Despierta para visitar todas las gentes: No hayas misericordia de todos los que se rebelan con iniquidad. (Selah.)
Psalms 59:6 ^
They come back in the evening; they make a noise like a dog, and go round the town.
Salmos 59:6 ^
Volveránse á la tarde, ladrarán como perros, Y rodearán la ciudad.
Psalms 59:7 ^
See, hate is dropping from their lips; curses are on their tongues: they say, Who gives attention to it?
Salmos 59:7 ^
He aquí proferirán con su boca; Cuchillos están en sus labios, Porque dicen: ¿Quién oye?
Psalms 59:8 ^
But you are laughing at them, O Lord; you will make sport of all the nations.
Salmos 59:8 ^
Mas tú, Jehová, te reirás de ellos, Te burlarás de todas las gentes.
Psalms 59:9 ^
O my strength, I will put my hope in you; because God is my strong tower.
Salmos 59:9 ^
De su fuerza esperaré yo en ti: Porque Dios es mi defensa.
Psalms 59:10 ^
The God of my mercy will go before me: God will let me see my desire effected on my haters.
Salmos 59:10 ^
El Dios de mi misericordia me prevendrá: Dios me hará ver en mis enemigos mi deseo.
Psalms 59:11 ^
Put them not to death, for so my people will keep the memory of them: let them be sent in all directions by your power; make them low, O Lord our saviour.
Salmos 59:11 ^
No los matarás, porque mi pueblo no se olvide: Hazlos vagar con tu fortaleza, y abátelos. Oh Jehová, escudo nuestro,
Psalms 59:12 ^
Because of the sin of their mouths and the word of their lips, let them even be taken in their pride; and for their curses and their deceit,
Salmos 59:12 ^
Por el pecado de su boca, por la palabra de sus labios; Y sean presos por su soberbia, Y por la maldición y mentira que profieren.
Psalms 59:13 ^
Put an end to them in your wrath, put an end to them, so that they may not be seen again; let them see that God is ruling in Jacob and to the ends of the earth. (Selah.)
Salmos 59:13 ^
Acábalos con furor, acábalos, y no sean: Y sepan que Dios domina en Jacob Hasta los fines de la tierra. (Selah).
Psalms 59:14 ^
And in the evening let them come back, and make a noise like a dog, and go round the town.
Salmos 59:14 ^
Vuelvan pues á la tarde, y ladren como perros, Y rodeen la ciudad.
Psalms 59:15 ^
Let them go wandering up and down in search of food, and be there all night if they have not enough.
Salmos 59:15 ^
Anden ellos errantes para hallar qué comer: Y si no se saciaren, murmuren.
Psalms 59:16 ^
But I will make songs of your power; yes, I will give cries of joy for your mercy in the morning; because you have been my strength and my high tower in the day of my trouble.
Salmos 59:16 ^
Yo empero cantaré tu fortaleza, Y loaré de mañana tu misericordia: Porque has sido mi amparo Y refugio en el día de mi angustia.
Psalms 59:17 ^
To you, O my strength, will I make my song: because God is my high tower, even the God of my mercy.
Salmos 59:17 ^
Fortaleza mía, á ti cantaré; Porque eres Dios de mi amparo, Dios de mi misericordia.

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