The Bible - Bilingual

English - Spanish


Psalms 7

Salmos 7

Psalms 7:1 ^
Shiggaion of David; a song which he made to the Lord, about the words of Cush the Benjamite.O Lord my God, I put my faith in you; take me out of the hands of him who is cruel to me, and make me free;
Salmos 7:1 ^
JEHOVA Dios mío, en ti he confiado: Sálvame de todos los que me persiguen, y líbrame;
Psalms 7:2 ^
So that he may not come rushing on my soul like a lion, wounding it, while there is no one to be my saviour.
Salmos 7:2 ^
No sea que arrebate mi alma, cual león Que despedaza, sin que haya quien libre.
Psalms 7:3 ^
O Lord my God, if I have done this; if my hands have done any wrong;
Salmos 7:3 ^
Jehová Dios mío, si yo he hecho esto, Si hay en mis manos iniquidad;
Psalms 7:4 ^
If I have given back evil to him who did evil to me, or have taken anything from him who was against me without cause;
Salmos 7:4 ^
Si dí mal pago al pacífico conmigo, (Hasta he libertado al que sin causa era mi enemigo;)
Psalms 7:5 ^
Let my hater go after my soul and take it; let my life be crushed to the earth, and my honour into the dust. (Selah.)
Salmos 7:5 ^
Persiga el enemigo mi alma, y alcánce la; Y pise en tierra mi vida, Y mi honra ponga en el polvo. (Selah.)
Psalms 7:6 ^
Come up, Lord, in your wrath; be lifted up against my haters; be awake, my God, give orders for the judging.
Salmos 7:6 ^
Levántate; oh Jehová, con tu furor; Alzate á causa de las iras de mis angustiadores, Y despierta en favor mío el juicio que mandaste.
Psalms 7:7 ^
The meeting of the nations will be round you; take your seat, then, over them, on high.
Salmos 7:7 ^
Y te rodeará concurso de pueblo; Por cuyo amor vuélvete luego á levantar en alto.
Psalms 7:8 ^
The Lord will be judge of the peoples; give a decision for me, O Lord, because of my righteousness, and let my virtue have its reward.
Salmos 7:8 ^
Jehová juzgará los pueblos: Júzgame, oh Jehová, conforme á mi justicia y conforme á mi integridad.
Psalms 7:9 ^
O let the evil of the evil-doer come to an end, but give strength to the upright: for men's minds and hearts are tested by the God of righteousness.
Salmos 7:9 ^
Consúmase ahora la malicia de los inicuos, y establece al justo; Pues el Dios justo prueba los corazones y los riñones.
Psalms 7:10 ^
God, who is the saviour of the upright in heart, is my breastplate.
Salmos 7:10 ^
Mi escudo está en Dios, Que salva á los rectos de corazón.
Psalms 7:11 ^
God is the judge of the upright, and is angry with the evil-doers every day.
Salmos 7:11 ^
Dios es el que juzga al justo: Y Dios está airado todos los días contra el impío.
Psalms 7:12 ^
If a man is not turned from his evil, he will make his sword sharp; his bow is bent and ready.
Salmos 7:12 ^
Si no se convirtiere, él afilará su espada: Armado tiene ya su arco, y lo ha preparado.
Psalms 7:13 ^
He has made ready for him the instruments of death; he makes his arrows flames of fire.
Salmos 7:13 ^
Asimismo ha aparejado para él armas de muerte; Ha labrado sus saetas para los que persiguen.
Psalms 7:14 ^
That man is a worker of evil; the seed of wrongdoing has given birth to deceit.
Salmos 7:14 ^
He aquí ha tenido parto de iniquidad: Concibió trabajo, y parió mentira.
Psalms 7:15 ^
He has made a hole deep in the earth, and is falling into the hole which he has made
Salmos 7:15 ^
Pozo ha cavado, y ahondádolo; Y en la fosa que hizo caerá.
Psalms 7:16 ^
His wrongdoing will come back to him, and his violent behaviour will come down on his head.
Salmos 7:16 ^
Su trabajo se tornará sobre su cabeza, Y su agravio descenderá sobre su mollera.
Psalms 7:17 ^
I will give praise to the Lord for his righteousness; I will make a song to the name of the Lord Most High.
Salmos 7:17 ^
Alabaré yo á Jehová conforme á su justicia, Y cantaré al nombre de Jehová el Altísimo.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Spanish | Psalms 7 - Salmos 7