Psalms 86
Salmos 86
A Prayer. Of David. Let your ears be open to my voice, O Lord, and give me an answer; for I am poor and in need. | INCLINA, oh Jehová, tu oído, y óyeme; Porque estoy afligido y menesteroso. |
Keep my soul, for I am true to you; O my God, give salvation to your servant, whose hope is in you. | Guarda mi alma, porque soy pío: Salva tú, oh Dios mío, á tu siervo que en ti confía. |
Have mercy on me, O Lord; for my cry goes up to you all the day. | Ten misericordia de mí, oh Jehová: Porque á ti clamo todo el día. |
Make glad the soul of your servant; for it is lifted up to you, O Lord. | Alegra el alma de tu siervo: Porque á ti, oh Señor, levanto mi alma. |
You are good, O Lord, and full of forgiveness; your mercy is great to all who make their cry to you. | Porque tú, Señor, eres bueno y perdonador, Y grande en misericordia para con todos los que te invocan. |
O Lord, give ear to my prayer; and take note of the sound of my requests. | Escucha, oh Jehová, mi oración, Y está atento á la voz de mis ruegos. |
In the day of my trouble I send up my cry to you; for you will give me an answer. | En el día de mi angustia te llamaré: Porque tú me respondes. |
There is no god like you, O Lord; there are no works like your works. | Oh Señor, ninguno hay como tú entre los dioses, Ni obras que igualen tus obras. |
Let all the nations whom you have made come and give worship to you, O Lord, giving glory to your name. | Todas las gentes que hiciste vendrán y se humillarán delante de ti, Señor; Y glorificarán tu nombre. |
For you are great, and do great works of wonder; you only are God. | Porque tú eres grande, y hacedor de maravillas: Tú solo eres Dios. |
Make your way clear to me, O Lord; I will go on my way in your faith: let my heart be glad in the fear of your name. | Enséñame, oh Jehová, tu camino; caminaré yo en tu verdad: Consolida mi corazón para que tema tu nombre. |
I will give you praise, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will give glory to your name for ever. | Te alabaré, oh Jehová Dios mío, con todo mi corazón; Y glorificaré tu nombre para siempre. |
For your mercy to me is great; you have taken my soul up from the deep places of the underworld. | Porque tu misericordia es grande para conmigo; Y has librado mi alma del hoyo profundo. |
O God, men of pride have come up against me, and the army of violent men would take my life; they have not put you before them. | Oh Dios, soberbios se levantaron contra mí, Y conspiración de fuertes ha buscado mi alma, Y no te pusieron delante de sí. |
But you, O Lord, are a God full of pity and forgiveness, slow to get angry, great in mercy and wisdom. | Mas tú, Señor, Dios misericordioso y clemente, Lento para la ira, y grande en misericordia y verdad; |
O be turned to me and have mercy on me: give your strength to your servant, and your salvation to the son of her who is your servant. | Mírame, y ten misericordia de mí: Da tu fortaleza á tu siervo, Y guarda al hijo de tu sierva. |
Give me a sign for good; so that my haters may see it and be shamed; because you, Lord, have been my help and comfort. | Haz conmigo señal para bien, Y veánla los que me aborrecen, y sean avergonzados; Porque tú, Jehová, me ayudaste, y me consolaste. |