The Bible - Bilingual

English - Spanish


Romans 14

Romanos 14

Romans 14:1 ^
Do not put on one side him who is feeble in faith, and do not put him in doubt by your reasonings.
Romanos 14:1 ^
RECIBID al flaco en la fe, pero no para contiendas de disputas.
Romans 14:2 ^
One man has faith to take all things as food: another who is feeble in faith takes only green food.
Romanos 14:2 ^
Porque uno cree que se ha de comer de todas cosas: otro que es débil, come legumbres.
Romans 14:3 ^
Let not him who takes food have a low opinion of him who does not: and let not him who does not take food be a judge of him who does; for he has God's approval.
Romanos 14:3 ^
El que come, no menosprecie al que no come: y el que no come, no juzgue al que come; porque Dios le ha levantado.
Romans 14:4 ^
Who are you to make yourself a judge of another man's servant? it is to his master that he is responsible for good or bad. Yes, his place will be safe, because the Lord is able to keep him from falling.
Romanos 14:4 ^
¿Tú quién eres que juzgas al siervo ajeno? para su señor está en pie, ó cae: mas se afirmará; que poderoso es el Señor para afirmarle.
Romans 14:5 ^
This man puts one day before another: to that man they are the same. Let every man be certain in his mind.
Romanos 14:5 ^
Uno hace diferencia entre día y día; otro juzga iguales todos los días. Cada uno esté asegurado en su ánimo.
Romans 14:6 ^
He who keeps the day, keeps it to the Lord; and he who takes food, takes it as to the Lord, for he gives praise to God; and he who does not take food, to the Lord he takes it not, and gives praise to God.
Romanos 14:6 ^
El que hace caso del día, háce lo para el Señor: y el que no hace caso del día, no lo hace para el Señor. El que come, come para el Señor, porque da gracias á Dios; y el que no come, no come para el Señor, y da gracias á Dios.
Romans 14:7 ^
For every man's life and every man's death has a relation to others as well as to himself.
Romanos 14:7 ^
Porque ninguno de nosotros vive para sí, y ninguno muere para sí.
Romans 14:8 ^
As long as we have life we are living to the Lord; or if we give up our life it is to the Lord; so if we are living, or if our life comes to an end, we are the Lord's.
Romanos 14:8 ^
Que si vivimos, para el Señor vivimos; y si morimos, para el Señor morimos. Así que, ó que vivamos, ó que muramos, del Señor somos.
Romans 14:9 ^
And for this purpose Christ went into death and came back again, that he might be the Lord of the dead and of the living.
Romanos 14:9 ^
Porque Cristo para esto murió, y resucitó, y volvió á vivir, para ser Señor así de los muertos como de los que viven.
Romans 14:10 ^
But you, why do you make yourself your brother's judge? or again, why have you no respect for your brother? because we will all have to take our place before God as our judge.
Romanos 14:10 ^
Mas tú ¿por qué juzgas á tu hermano? ó tú también, ¿por qué menosprecias á tu hermano? porque todos hemos de estar ante el tribunal de Cristo.
Romans 14:11 ^
For it is said in the holy Writings, By my life, says the Lord, to me every knee will be bent, and every tongue will give worship to God.
Romanos 14:11 ^
Porque escrito está: Vivo yo, dice el Señor, que á mí se doblará toda rodilla, Y toda lengua confesará á Dios.
Romans 14:12 ^
So every one of us will have to give an account of himself to God.
Romanos 14:12 ^
De manera que, cada uno de nosotros dará á Dios razón de sí.
Romans 14:13 ^
Then let us not be judges of one another any longer: but keep this in mind, that no man is to make it hard for his brother, or give him cause for doubting.
Romanos 14:13 ^
Así que, no juzguemos más los unos de los otros: antes bien juzgad de no poner tropiezo ó escándalo al hermano.
Romans 14:14 ^
I am conscious of this, and am certain in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself; but for the man in whose opinion it is unclean, for him it is unclean.
Romanos 14:14 ^
Yo sé, y confío en el Señor Jesús, que de suyo nada hay inmundo: mas á aquel que piensa alguna cosa ser inmunda, para él es inmunda.
Romans 14:15 ^
And if because of food your brother is troubled, then you are no longer going on in the way of love. Do not let your food be destruction to him for whom Christ went into death.
Romanos 14:15 ^
Empero si por causa de la comida tu hermano es contristado, ya no andas conforme á la caridad. No arruines con tu comida á aquél por el cual Cristo murió.
Romans 14:16 ^
Let it not be possible for men to say evil about your good:
Romanos 14:16 ^
No sea pues blasfemado vuestro bien:
Romans 14:17 ^
For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romanos 14:17 ^
Que el reino de Dios no es comida ni bebida, sino justicia y paz y gozo por el Espíritu Santo.
Romans 14:18 ^
And he who in these things is Christ's servant, is pleasing to God and has the approval of men.
Romanos 14:18 ^
Porque el que en esto sirve á Cristo, agrada á Dios, y es acepto á los hombres.
Romans 14:19 ^
So then, let us go after the things which make peace, and the things by which we may be a help to one another.
Romanos 14:19 ^
Así que, sigamos lo que hace á la paz, y á la edificación de los unos á los otros.
Romans 14:20 ^
Do not let the work of God come to nothing on account of food. All things are certainly clean; but it is evil for that man who by taking food makes it hard for another.
Romanos 14:20 ^
No destruyas la obra de Dios por causa de la comida. Todas las cosas á la verdad son limpias: mas malo es al hombre que come con escándalo.
Romans 14:21 ^
It is better not to take meat or wine or to do anything which might be a cause of trouble to your brother.
Romanos 14:21 ^
Bueno es no comer carne, ni beber vino, ni nada en que tu hermano tropiece, ó se ofenda ó sea debilitado.
Romans 14:22 ^
The faith which you have, have it to yourself before God. Happy is the man who is not judged by that to which he gives approval.
Romanos 14:22 ^
¿Tienes tú fe? Tenla para contigo delante de Dios. Bienaventurado el que no se condena á sí mismo con lo que aprueba.
Romans 14:23 ^
But he who is in doubt is judged if he takes food, because he does it not in faith; and whatever is not of faith is sin.
Romanos 14:23 ^
Mas el que hace diferencia, si comiere, es condenado, porque no comió por fe: y todo lo que no es de fe, es pecado.

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The Bible - Bilingual | English - Spanish | Romans 14 - Romanos 14