Job 17
Job 17
MI ALIENTO está corrompido, acórtanse mis días, Y me está aparejado el sepulcro. | My spirit is broken, my days are ended, the last resting-place is ready for me. |
No hay conmigo sino escarnecedores, En cuya acrimonia se detienen mis ojos. | Truly, those who make sport of me are round about me, and my eyes become dark because of their bitter laughing. |
Pon ahora, dame fianza para litigar contigo: ¿Quién tocará ahora mi mano? | Be pleased, now, to be responsible for me to yourself; for there is no other who will put his hand in mine. |
Porque á éstos has tú escondido su corazón de inteligencia: Por tanto, no los ensalzarás. | You have kept their hearts from wisdom: for this cause you will not give them honour. |
El que denuncia lisonjas á sus prójimos, Los ojos de sus hijos desfallezcan. | As for him who is false to his friend for a reward, light will be cut off from the eyes of his children. |
El me ha puesto por parábola de pueblos, Y delante de ellos he sido como tamboril. | He has made me a word of shame to the peoples; I have become a mark for their sport. |
Y mis ojos se oscurecieron de desabrimiento, Y mis pensamientos todos son como sombra. | My eyes have become dark because of my pain, and all my body is wasted to a shade. |
Los rectos se maravillarán de esto, Y el inocente se levantará contra el hipócrita. | The upright are surprised at this, and he who has done no wrong is troubled because of the evil-doers. |
No obstante, proseguirá el justo su camino, Y el limpio de manos aumentará la fuerza. | Still the upright keeps on his way, and he who has clean hands gets new strength. |
Mas volved todos vosotros, y venid ahora, Que no hallaré entre vosotros sabio. | But come back, now, all of you, come; and I will not see a wise man among you. |
Pasáronse mis días, fueron arrancados mis pensamientos, Los designios de mi corazón. | My days are past, my purposes are broken off, even the desires of my heart. |
Pusieron la noche por día, Y la luz se acorta delante de las tinieblas. | They are changing night into day; they say, The light is near the dark. |
Si yo espero, el sepulcro es mi casa: Haré mi cama en las tinieblas. | If I am waiting for the underworld as my house, if I have made my bed in the dark; |
A la huesa tengo dicho: Mi padre eres tú; A los gusanos: Mi madre y mi hermana. | If I say to the earth, You are my father; and to the worm, My mother and my sister; |
¿Dónde pues estará ahora mi esperanza? Y mi esperanza ¿quién la verá? | Where then is my hope? and who will see my desire? |
A los rincones de la huesa descenderán, Y juntamente descansarán en el polvo. | Will they go down with me into the underworld? Will we go down together into the dust? |