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Job 24

Job 24

Job 24:1 ^
PUESTO que no son ocultos los tiempos al Todopoderoso, ¿Por qué los que le conocen no ven sus días?
Job 24:1 ^
Why are times not stored up by the Ruler of all, and why do those who have knowledge of him not see his days?
Job 24:2 ^
Traspasan los términos, Roban los ganados, y apaciéntanlos.
Job 24:2 ^
The landmarks are changed by evil men, they violently take away flocks, together with their keepers.
Job 24:3 ^
Llévanse el asno de los huérfanos; Prenden el buey de la viuda.
Job 24:3 ^
They send away the ass of him who has no father, they take the widow's ox for debt.
Job 24:4 ^
Hacen apartar del camino á los menesterosos: Y todos los pobres de la tierra se esconden.
Job 24:4 ^
The crushed are turned out of the way; all the poor of the earth go into a secret place together.
Job 24:5 ^
He aquí, como asnos monteses en el desierto, Salen á su obra madrugando para robar; El desierto es mantenimiento de sus hijos.
Job 24:5 ^
Like asses in the waste land they go out to their work, looking for food with care; from the waste land they get bread for their children.
Job 24:6 ^
En el campo siegan su pasto, Y los impíos vendimian la viña ajena.
Job 24:6 ^
They get mixed grain from the field, and they take away the late fruit from the vines of those who have wealth.
Job 24:7 ^
Al desnudo hacen dormir sin ropa, Y que en el frío no tenga cobertura.
Job 24:7 ^
They take their rest at night without clothing, and have no cover in the cold.
Job 24:8 ^
Con las avenidas de los montes se mojan, Y abrazan las peñas sin tener abrigo.
Job 24:8 ^
They are wet with the rain of the mountains, and get into the cracks of the rock for cover.
Job 24:9 ^
Quitan el pecho á los huérfanos, Y de sobre el pobre toman la prenda.
Job 24:9 ^
The child without a father is forced from its mother's breast, and they take the young children of the poor for debt.
Job 24:10 ^
Al desnudo hacen andar sin vestido, Y á los hambrientos quitan los hacecillos.
Job 24:10 ^
Others go about without clothing, and though they have no food, they get in the grain from the fields.
Job 24:11 ^
De dentro de sus paredes exprimen el aceite, Pisan los lagares, y mueren de sed.
Job 24:11 ^
Between the lines of olive-trees they make oil; though they have no drink, they are crushing out the grapes.
Job 24:12 ^
De la ciudad gimen los hombres, Y claman las almas de los heridos de muerte: Mas Dios no puso estorbo.
Job 24:12 ^
From the town come sounds of pain from those who are near death, and the soul of the wounded is crying out for help; but God does not take note of their prayer.
Job 24:13 ^
Ellos son los que, rebeldes á la luz, Nunca conocieron sus caminos, Ni estuvieron en sus veredas.
Job 24:13 ^
Then there are those who are haters of the light, who have no knowledge of its ways, and do not go in them.
Job 24:14 ^
A la luz se levanta el matador, mata al pobre y al necesitado, Y de noche es como ladrón.
Job 24:14 ^
He who is purposing death gets up before day, so that he may put to death the poor and those in need.
Job 24:15 ^
El ojo del adúltero está aguardando la noche, Diciendo: No me verá nadie: Y esconde su rostro.
Job 24:15 ^
And the man whose desire is for the wife of another is waiting for the evening, saying, No eye will see me; and he puts a cover on his face. And in the night the thief goes about;
Job 24:16 ^
En las tinieblas minan las casas, Que de día para sí señalaron; No conocen la luz.
Job 24:16 ^
In the dark he makes holes in the walls of houses: in the daytime they are shutting themselves up, they have no knowledge of the light.
Job 24:17 ^
Porque la mañana es á todos ellos como sombra de muerte; Si son conocidos, terrores de sombra de muerte los toman.
Job 24:17 ^
For the middle of the night is as morning to them, they are not troubled by the fear of the dark.
Job 24:18 ^
Son instables más que la superficie de las aguas; Su porción es maldita en la tierra; No andarán por el camino de las viñas.
Job 24:18 ^
They go quickly on the face of the waters; their heritage is cursed in the earth; the steps of the crusher of grapes are not turned to their vine-garden.
Job 24:19 ^
La sequía y el calor arrebatan las aguas de la nieve; Y el sepulcro á los pecadores.
Job 24:19 ^
Snow waters become dry with the heat: so do sinners go down into the underworld.
Job 24:20 ^
Olvidaráse de ellos el seno materno; de ellos sentirán los gusanos dulzura; Nunca más habrá de ellos memoria, Y como un árbol serán los impíos quebrantados.
Job 24:20 ^
The public place of his town has no more knowledge of him, and his name has gone from the memory of men: he is rooted up like a dead tree.
Job 24:21 ^
A la mujer estéril que no paría, afligió; Y á la viuda nunca hizo bien.
Job 24:21 ^
He is not kind to the widow, and he has no pity for her child.
Job 24:22 ^
Mas á los fuertes adelantó con su poder: Levantóse, y no se da por segura la vida.
Job 24:22 ^
But God by his power gives long life to the strong; he gets up again, though he has no hope of life.
Job 24:23 ^
Le dieron á crédito, y se afirmó: Sus ojos están sobre los caminos de ellos.
Job 24:23 ^
He takes away his fear of danger and gives him support; and his eyes are on his ways.
Job 24:24 ^
Fueron ensalzados por un poco, mas desaparecen, Y son abatidos como cada cual: serán encerrados, Y cortados como cabezas de espigas.
Job 24:24 ^
For a short time they are lifted up; then they are gone; they are made low, they are pulled off like fruit, and like the heads of grain they are cut off.
Job 24:25 ^
Y si no, ¿quién me desmentirá ahora, O reducirá á nada mis palabras?
Job 24:25 ^
And if it is not so, now, who will make it clear that my words are false, and that what I say is of no value?

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