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Salmos 50

Psalms 50

Salmos 50:1 ^
EL Dios de dioses, Jehová, ha hablado, Y convocado la tierra desde el nacimiento del sol hasta donde se pone.
Psalms 50:1 ^
A Psalm. Of Asaph. The God of gods, even the Lord, has sent out his voice, and the earth is full of fear; from the coming up of the sun to its going down.
Salmos 50:2 ^
De Sión, perfección de hermosura, Ha Dios resplandecido.
Psalms 50:2 ^
From Zion, most beautiful of places, God has sent out his light.
Salmos 50:3 ^
Vendrá nuestro Dios, y no callará: Fuego consumirá delante de él, Y en derredor suyo habrá tempestad grande.
Psalms 50:3 ^
Our God will come, and will not keep quiet; with fire burning before him, and storm-winds round him.
Salmos 50:4 ^
Convocará á los cielos de arriba, Y á la tierra, para juzgar á su pueblo.
Psalms 50:4 ^
His voice will go out to the heavens and to the earth, for the judging of his people:
Salmos 50:5 ^
Juntadme mis santos; Los que hicieron conmigo pacto con sacrificio.
Psalms 50:5 ^
Let my saints come together to me; those who have made an agreement with me by offerings.
Salmos 50:6 ^
Y denunciarán los cielos su justicia; Porque Dios es el juez. (Selah.)
Psalms 50:6 ^
And let the heavens make clear his righteousness; for God himself is the judge. (Selah.)
Salmos 50:7 ^
Oye, pueblo mío, y hablaré: Escucha, Israel, y testificaré contra ti: Yo soy Dios, el Dios tuyo.
Psalms 50:7 ^
Give ear, O my people, to my words; O Israel, I will be a witness against you; I am God, even your God.
Salmos 50:8 ^
No te reprenderé sobre tus sacrificios, Ni por tus holocaustos, que delante de mí están siempre.
Psalms 50:8 ^
I will not take up a cause against you because of your offerings, or because of your burned offerings, which are ever before me.
Salmos 50:9 ^
No tomaré de tu casa becerros, Ni machos cabríos de tus apriscos.
Psalms 50:9 ^
I will take no ox out of your house, or he-goats from your flocks;
Salmos 50:10 ^
Porque mía es toda bestia del bosque, Y los millares de animales en los collados.
Psalms 50:10 ^
For every beast of the woodland is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.
Salmos 50:11 ^
Conozco todas las aves de los montes, Y en mi poder están las fieras del campo.
Psalms 50:11 ^
I see all the birds of the mountains, and the beasts of the field are mine.
Salmos 50:12 ^
Si yo tuviese hambre, no te lo diría á ti: Porque mío es el mundo y su plenitud.
Psalms 50:12 ^
If I had need of food, I would not give you word of it; for the earth is mine and all its wealth.
Salmos 50:13 ^
¿Tengo de comer yo carne de toros, O de beber sangre de machos cabríos?
Psalms 50:13 ^
Am I to take the flesh of the ox for my food, or the blood of goats for my drink?
Salmos 50:14 ^
Sacrifica á Dios alabanza, Y paga tus votos al Altísimo.
Psalms 50:14 ^
Make an offering of praise to God; keep the agreements which you have made with the Most High;
Salmos 50:15 ^
E invócame en el día de la angustia: Te libraré, y tú me honrarás.
Psalms 50:15 ^
Let your voice come up to me in the day of trouble; I will be your saviour, so that you may give glory to me.
Salmos 50:16 ^
Pero al malo dijo Dios: ¿Qué tienes tú que enarrar mis leyes, Y que tomar mi pacto en tu boca,
Psalms 50:16 ^
But to the sinner, God says, What are you doing, talking of my laws, or taking the words of my agreement in your mouth?
Salmos 50:17 ^
Pues que tú aborreces el castigo, Y echas á tu espalda mis palabras?
Psalms 50:17 ^
Seeing that you have no desire for my teaching, turning your back on my words.
Salmos 50:18 ^
Si veías al ladrón, tú corrías con él; Y con los adúlteros era tu parte.
Psalms 50:18 ^
When you saw a thief, you were in agreement with him, and you were joined with those who took other men's wives.
Salmos 50:19 ^
Tu boca metías en mal, Y tu lengua componía engaño.
Psalms 50:19 ^
You have given your mouth to evil, your tongue to words of deceit.
Salmos 50:20 ^
Tomabas asiento, y hablabas contra tu hermano: Contra el hijo de tu madre ponías infamia.
Psalms 50:20 ^
You say evil of your brother; you make false statements against your mother's son.
Salmos 50:21 ^
Estas cosas hiciste, y yo he callado: Pensabas que de cierto sería yo como tú: Yo te argüiré, y pondré las delante de tus ojos.
Psalms 50:21 ^
These things have you done, and I said nothing; it seemed to you that I was such a one as yourself; but I will make a protest against you, and put them in order before your eyes.
Salmos 50:22 ^
Entended ahora esto, los que os olvidáis de Dios; No sea que arrebate, sin que nadie libre.
Psalms 50:22 ^
Now keep this in mind, you who have no memory of God, for fear that you may be crushed under my hand, with no one to give you help:
Salmos 50:23 ^
El que sacrifica alabanza me honrará: Y al que ordenare su camino, Le mostraré la salud de Dios.
Psalms 50:23 ^
Whoever makes an offering of praise gives glory to me; and to him who is upright in his ways I will make clear the salvation of God.

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