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Español - Ingles


Salmos 85

Psalms 85

Salmos 85:1 ^
FUISTE propicio á tu tierra, oh Jehová: Volviste la cautividad de Jacob.
Psalms 85:1 ^
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of the sons of Korah.Lord, you were good to your land: changing the fate of Jacob.
Salmos 85:2 ^
Perdonaste la iniquidad de tu pueblo; Todos los pecados de ellos cubriste. (Selah.)
Psalms 85:2 ^
The wrongdoing of your people had forgiveness; all their sin had been covered. (Selah.)
Salmos 85:3 ^
Dejaste toda tu saña: Te volviste de la ira de tu furor.
Psalms 85:3 ^
You were no longer angry: you were turned from the heat of your wrath.
Salmos 85:4 ^
Vuélvenos, oh Dios, salud nuestra, Y haz cesar tu ira de sobre nosotros.
Psalms 85:4 ^
Come back to us, O God of our salvation, and be angry with us no longer.
Salmos 85:5 ^
¿Estarás enojado contra nosotros para siempre? ¿Extenderás tu ira de generación en generación?
Psalms 85:5 ^
Will you go on being angry with us for ever? will you keep your wrath against us through all the long generations?
Salmos 85:6 ^
¿No volverás tú á darnos vida, Y tu pueblo se alegrará en ti?
Psalms 85:6 ^
Will you not give us life again, so that your people may be glad in you?
Salmos 85:7 ^
Muéstranos, oh Jehová, tu misericordia, Y danos tu salud.
Psalms 85:7 ^
Let us see your mercy, O Lord, and give us your salvation.
Salmos 85:8 ^
Escucharé lo que hablará el Dios Jehová: Porque hablará paz á su pueblo y á sus santos, Para que no se conviertan á la locura.
Psalms 85:8 ^
I will give ear to the voice of the Lord; for he will say words of peace to his people and to his saints; but let them not go back to their foolish ways.
Salmos 85:9 ^
Ciertamente cercana está su salud á los que le temen; Para que habite la gloria en nuestra tierra.
Psalms 85:9 ^
Truly, his salvation is near to his worshippers; so that glory may be in our land.
Salmos 85:10 ^
La misericordia y la verdad se encontraron: La justicia y la paz se besaron.
Psalms 85:10 ^
Mercy and faith have come together; righteousness and peace have given one another a kiss.
Salmos 85:11 ^
La verdad brotará de la tierra; Y la justicia mirará desde los cielos.
Psalms 85:11 ^
Faith comes up from the earth like a plant; righteousness is looking down from heaven.
Salmos 85:12 ^
Jehová dará también el bien; Y nuestra tierra dará su fruto.
Psalms 85:12 ^
The Lord will give what is good; and our land will give its increase.
Salmos 85:13 ^
La justicia irá delante de él; Y sus pasos pondrá en camino.
Psalms 85:13 ^
Righteousness will go before him, making a way for his footsteps.

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La Biblia - Bilingüe | Español - Ingles | Salmos 85 - Psalms 85