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Habacuc 2

Habakkuk 2

Habacuc 2:1 ^
J`étais à mon poste, Et je me tenais sur la tour; Je veillais, pour voir ce que l`Éternel me dirait, Et ce que je répliquerais après ma plainte.
Habakkuk 2:1 ^
I will take my position and be on watch, placing myself on my tower, looking out to see what he will say to me, and what answer he will give to my protest.
Habacuc 2:2 ^
L`Éternel m`adressa la parole, et il dit: Écris la prophétie: Grave-la sur des tables, Afin qu`on la lise couramment.
Habakkuk 2:2 ^
And the Lord gave me an answer, and said, Put the vision in writing and make it clear on stones, so that the reader may go quickly.
Habacuc 2:3 ^
Car c`est une prophétie dont le temps est déjà fixé, Elle marche vers son terme, et elle ne mentira pas; Si elle tarde, attends-la, Car elle s`accomplira, elle s`accomplira certainement.
Habakkuk 2:3 ^
For the vision is still for the fixed time, and it is moving quickly to the end, and it will not be false: even if it is slow in coming, go on waiting for it; because it will certainly come, it will not be kept back.
Habacuc 2:4 ^
Voici, son âme s`est enflée, elle n`est pas droite en lui; Mais le juste vivra par sa foi.
Habakkuk 2:4 ^
As for the man of pride, my soul has no pleasure in him; but the upright man will have life through his good faith.
Habacuc 2:5 ^
Pareil à celui qui est ivre et arrogant, L`orgueilleux ne demeure pas tranquille; Il élargit sa bouche comme le séjour des morts, Il est insatiable comme la mort; Il attire à lui toutes les nations, Il assemble auprès de lui tous les peuples.
Habakkuk 2:5 ^
A curse on the cruel and false one! the man full of pride, who never has enough; who makes his desires wide as the underworld! he is like death; he is never full, but he makes all nations come to him, getting all peoples together to himself.
Habacuc 2:6 ^
Ne sera-t-il pas pour tous un sujet de sarcasme, De railleries et d`énigmes? On dira: Malheur à celui qui accumule ce qui n`est pas à lui! Jusques à quand?... Malheur à celui qui augmente le fardeau de ses dettes!
Habakkuk 2:6 ^
Will not all these take up a word of shame against him and a bitter saying against him, and say, A curse on him who goes on taking what is not his and is weighted down with the property of debtors!
Habacuc 2:7 ^
Tes créanciers ne se lèveront-ils pas soudain? Tes oppresseurs ne se réveilleront-ils pas? Et tu deviendras leur proie.
Habakkuk 2:7 ^
Will not your creditors suddenly be moved against you, and your troublers get up from their sleep, and you will be to them like goods taken in war?
Habacuc 2:8 ^
Parce que tu as pillé beaucoup de nations, Tout le reste des peuples te pillera; Car tu as répandu le sang des hommes, Tu as commis des violences dans le pays, Contre la ville et tous ses habitants.
Habakkuk 2:8 ^
Because you have taken their goods from great nations, all the rest of the peoples will take your goods from you; because of men's blood and violent acts against the land and the town and all who are living in it.
Habacuc 2:9 ^
Malheur à celui qui amasse pour sa maison des gains iniques, Afin de placer son nid dans un lieu élevé, Pour se garantir de la main du malheur!
Habakkuk 2:9 ^
A curse on him who gets evil profits for his family, so that he may put his resting-place on high and be safe from the hand of the wrongdoer!
Habacuc 2:10 ^
C`est l`opprobre de ta maison que tu as résolu, En détruisant des peuples nombreux, Et c`est contre toi-même que tu as péché.
Habakkuk 2:10 ^
You have been a cause of shame to your house by cutting off a number of peoples, and sinning against your soul.
Habacuc 2:11 ^
Car la pierre crie du milieu de la muraille, Et le bois qui lie la charpente lui répond.
Habakkuk 2:11 ^
For the stone will give a cry out of the wall, and it will be answered by the board out of the woodwork.
Habacuc 2:12 ^
Malheur à celui qui bâtit une ville avec le sang, Qui fonde une ville avec l`iniquité!
Habakkuk 2:12 ^
A curse on him who is building a place with blood, and basing a town on evil-doing!
Habacuc 2:13 ^
Voici, quand l`Éternel des armées l`a résolu, Les peuples travaillent pour le feu, Les nations se fatiguent en vain.
Habakkuk 2:13 ^
See, is it not the pleasure of the Lord of armies that the peoples are working for the fire and using themselves up for nothing?
Habacuc 2:14 ^
Car la terre sera remplie de la connaissance de la gloire de l`Éternel, Comme le fond de la mer par les eaux qui le couvrent.
Habakkuk 2:14 ^
For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the sea is covered by the waters.
Habacuc 2:15 ^
Malheur à celui qui fait boire son prochain, A toi qui verses ton outre et qui l`enivres, Afin de voir sa nudité!
Habakkuk 2:15 ^
A curse on him who gives his neighbour the wine of his wrath, making him overcome with strong drink from the cup of his passion, so that you may be a witness of their shame!
Habacuc 2:16 ^
Tu seras rassasié de honte plus que de gloire; Bois aussi toi-même, et découvre-toi! La coupe de la droite de l`Éternel se tournera vers toi, Et l`ignominie souillera ta gloire.
Habakkuk 2:16 ^
You are full of shame in place of glory: take your part in the drinking, and let your shame be uncovered: the cup of the Lord's right hand will come round to you and your glory will be covered with shame.
Habacuc 2:17 ^
Car les violences contre le Liban retomberont sur toi, Et les ravages des bêtes t`effraieront, Parce que tu as répandu le sang des hommes, Et commis des violences dans le pays, Contre la ville et tous ses habitants.
Habakkuk 2:17 ^
For the violent acts against Lebanon will come on you, and the destruction of the cattle will be a cause of fear to you, because of men's blood and the violent acts against the land and the town and all who are living in it.
Habacuc 2:18 ^
A quoi sert une image taillée, pour qu`un ouvrier la taille? A quoi sert une image en fonte et qui enseigne le mensonge, Pour que l`ouvrier qui l`a faite place en elle sa confiance, Tandis qu`il fabrique des idoles muettes?
Habakkuk 2:18 ^
What profit is the pictured image to its maker? and as for the metal image, the false teacher, why does its maker put his faith in it, making false gods without a voice?
Habacuc 2:19 ^
Malheur à celui qui dit au bois: Lève-toi! A une pierre muette: Réveille-toi! Donnera-t-elle instruction? Voici, elle est garnie d`or et d`argent, Mais il n`y a point en elle un esprit qui l`anime.
Habakkuk 2:19 ^
A curse on him who says to the wood, Awake! to the unbreathing stone, Up! let it be a teacher! See, it is plated with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all inside it.
Habacuc 2:20 ^
L`Éternel est dans son saint temple. Que toute la terre fasse silence devant lui!
Habakkuk 2:20 ^
But the Lord is in his holy Temple: let all the earth be quiet before him.

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