Job 16
Job 16
Job prit la parole et dit: | And Job made answer and said, |
J`ai souvent entendu pareilles choses; Vous êtes tous des consolateurs fâcheux. | Such things have frequently come to my ears: you are comforters who only give trouble. |
Quand finiront ces discours en l`air? Pourquoi cette irritation dans tes réponses? | May words which are like the wind be stopped? or what is troubling you to make answer to them? |
Moi aussi, je pourrais parler comme vous, Si vous étiez à ma place: Je vous accablerais de paroles, Je secouerais sur vous la tête, | It would not be hard for me to say such things if your souls were in my soul's place; joining words together against you, and shaking my head at you: |
Je vous fortifierais de la bouche, Je remuerais les lèvres pour vous soulager. | I might give you strength with my mouth, and not keep back the comfort of my lips. |
Si je parle, mes souffrances ne seront point calmées, Si je me tais, en quoi seront-elles moindres? | If I say what is in my mind, my pain becomes no less: and if I keep quiet, how much of it goes from me? |
Maintenant, hélas! il m`a épuisé... Tu as ravagé toute ma maison; | But now he has overcome me with weariness and fear, and I am in the grip of all my trouble. |
Tu m`as saisi, pour témoigner contre moi; Ma maigreur se lève, et m`accuse en face. | It has come up as a witness against me, and the wasting of my flesh makes answer to my face. |
Il me déchire et me poursuit dans sa fureur, Il grince des dents contre moi, Il m`attaque et me perce de son regard. | I am broken by his wrath, and his hate has gone after me; he has made his teeth sharp against me: my haters are looking on me with cruel eyes; |
Ils ouvrent la bouche pour me dévorer, Ils m`insultent et me frappent les joues, Ils s`acharnent tous après moi. | Their mouths are open wide against me; the blows of his bitter words are falling on my face; all of them come together in a mass against me. |
Dieu me livre à la merci des impies, Il me précipite entre les mains des méchants. | God gives me over to the power of sinners, sending me violently into the hands of evil-doers. |
J`étais tranquille, et il m`a secoué, Il m`a saisi par la nuque et m`a brisé, Il a tiré sur moi comme à un but. | I was in comfort, but I have been broken up by his hands; he has taken me by the neck, shaking me to bits; he has put me up as a mark for his arrows. |
Ses traits m`environnent de toutes parts; Il me perce les reins sans pitié, Il répand ma bile sur la terre. | His bowmen come round about me; their arrows go through my body without mercy; my life is drained out on the earth. |
Il me fait brèche sur brèche, Il fond sur moi comme un guerrier. | I am broken with wound after wound; he comes rushing on me like a man of war. |
J`ai cousu un sac sur ma peau; J`ai roulé ma tête dans la poussière. | I have made haircloth the clothing of my skin, and my horn is rolled in the dust. |
Les pleurs ont altéré mon visage; L`ombre de la mort est sur mes paupières. | My face is red with weeping, and my eyes are becoming dark; |
Je n`ai pourtant commis aucune violence, Et ma prière fut toujours pure. | Though my hands have done no violent acts, and my prayer is clean. |
O terre, ne couvre point mon sang, Et que mes cris prennent librement leur essor! | O earth, let not my blood be covered, and let my cry have no resting-place! |
Déjà maintenant, mon témoin est dans le ciel, Mon témoin est dans les lieux élevés. | Even now my witness is in heaven, and the supporter of my cause is on high. |
Mes amis se jouent de moi; C`est Dieu que j`implore avec larmes. | My friends make sport of me; to God my eyes are weeping, |
Puisse-t-il donner à l`homme raison contre Dieu, Et au fils de l`homme contre ses amis! | So that he may give decision for a man in his cause with God, and between a son of man and his neighbour. |
Car le nombre de mes années touche à son terme, Et je m`en irai par un sentier d`où je ne reviendrai pas. | For in a short time I will take the journey from which I will not come back. |