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Job 22

Job 22

Job 22:1 ^
Éliphaz de Théman prit la parole et dit:
Job 22:1 ^
Then Eliphaz the Temanite made answer and said,
Job 22:2 ^
Un homme peut-il être utile à Dieu? Non; le sage n`est utile qu`à lui-même.
Job 22:2 ^
Is it possible for a man to be of profit to God? No, for a man's wisdom is only of profit to himself.
Job 22:3 ^
Si tu es juste, est-ce à l`avantage du Tout Puissant? Si tu es intègre dans tes voies, qu`y gagne-t-il?
Job 22:3 ^
Is it of any interest to the Ruler of all that you are upright? or is it of use to him that your ways are without sin?
Job 22:4 ^
Est-ce par crainte de toi qu`il te châtie, Qu`il entre en jugement avec toi?
Job 22:4 ^
Is it because you give him honour that he is sending punishment on you and is judging you?
Job 22:5 ^
Ta méchanceté n`est-elle pas grande? Tes iniquités ne sont-elles pas infinies?
Job 22:5 ^
Is not your evil-doing great? and there is no end to your sins.
Job 22:6 ^
Tu enlevais sans motif des gages à tes frères, Tu privais de leurs vêtements ceux qui étaient nus;
Job 22:6 ^
For you have taken your brother's goods when he was not in your debt, and have taken away the clothing of those who have need of it.
Job 22:7 ^
Tu ne donnais point d`eau à l`homme altéré, Tu refusais du pain à l`homme affamé.
Job 22:7 ^
You do not give water to the tired traveller, and from him who has no food you keep back bread.
Job 22:8 ^
Le pays était au plus fort, Et le puissant s`y établissait.
Job 22:8 ^
For it was the man with power who had the land, and the man with an honoured name who was living in it.
Job 22:9 ^
Tu renvoyais les veuves à vide; Les bras des orphelins étaient brisés.
Job 22:9 ^
You have sent widows away without hearing their cause, and you have taken away the support of the child who has no father.
Job 22:10 ^
C`est pour cela que tu es entouré de pièges, Et que la terreur t`a saisi tout à coup.
Job 22:10 ^
For this cause nets are round your feet, and you are overcome with sudden fear.
Job 22:11 ^
Ne vois-tu donc pas ces ténèbres, Ces eaux débordées qui t`envahissent?
Job 22:11 ^
Your light is made dark so that you are unable to see, and you are covered by a mass of waters.
Job 22:12 ^
Dieu n`est-il pas en haut dans les cieux? Regarde le sommet des étoiles, comme il est élevé!
Job 22:12 ^
Is not God as high as heaven? and see the stars, how high they are!
Job 22:13 ^
Et tu dis: Qu`est-ce que Dieu sait? Peut-il juger à travers l`obscurité?
Job 22:13 ^
And you say, What knowledge has God? is he able to give decisions through the deep dark?
Job 22:14 ^
Les nuées l`enveloppent, et il ne voit rien; Il ne parcourt que la voûte des cieux.
Job 22:14 ^
Thick clouds are covering him, so that he is unable to see; and he is walking on the arch of heaven.
Job 22:15 ^
Eh quoi! tu voudrais prendre l`ancienne route Qu`ont suivie les hommes d`iniquité?
Job 22:15 ^
Will you keep the old way by which evil men went?
Job 22:16 ^
Ils ont été emportés avant le temps, Ils ont eu la durée d`un torrent qui s`écoule.
Job 22:16 ^
Who were violently taken away before their time, who were overcome by the rush of waters:
Job 22:17 ^
Ils disaient à Dieu: Retire-toi de nous; Que peut faire pour nous le Tout Puissant?
Job 22:17 ^
Who said to God, Go away from us; and, What is the Ruler of all able to do to us?
Job 22:18 ^
Dieu cependant avait rempli de biens leurs maisons. -Loin de moi le conseil des méchants!
Job 22:18 ^
Though he made their houses full of good things: but the purpose of the evil-doers is far from me!
Job 22:19 ^
Les justes, témoins de leur chute, se réjouiront, Et l`innocent se moquera d`eux:
Job 22:19 ^
The upright saw it and were glad: and those who had done no wrong made sport of them,
Job 22:20 ^
Voilà nos adversaires anéantis! Voilà leurs richesses dévorées par le feu!
Job 22:20 ^
Saying, Truly, their substance is cut off, and their wealth is food for the fire.
Job 22:21 ^
Attache-toi donc à Dieu, et tu auras la paix; Tu jouiras ainsi du bonheur.
Job 22:21 ^
Put yourself now in a right relation with him and be at peace: so will you do well in your undertakings.
Job 22:22 ^
Reçois de sa bouche l`instruction, Et mets dans ton coeur ses paroles.
Job 22:22 ^
Be pleased to take teaching from his mouth, and let his words be stored up in your heart.
Job 22:23 ^
Tu seras rétabli, si tu reviens au Tout Puissant, Si tu éloignes l`iniquité de ta tente.
Job 22:23 ^
If you come back to the Ruler of all, making yourself low before him; if you put evil far away from your tents;
Job 22:24 ^
Jette l`or dans la poussière, L`or d`Ophir parmi les cailloux des torrents;
Job 22:24 ^
And put your gold in the dust, even your gold of Ophir among the rocks of the valleys;
Job 22:25 ^
Et le Tout Puissant sera ton or, Ton argent, ta richesse.
Job 22:25 ^
Then the Ruler of all will be your gold, and his teaching will be your silver;
Job 22:26 ^
Alors tu feras du Tout Puissant tes délices, Tu élèveras vers Dieu ta face;
Job 22:26 ^
For then you will have delight in the Ruler of all, and your face will be lifted up to God.
Job 22:27 ^
Tu le prieras, et il t`exaucera, Et tu accompliras tes voeux.
Job 22:27 ^
You will make your prayer to him, and be answered; and you will give effect to your oaths.
Job 22:28 ^
A tes résolutions répondra le succès; Sur tes sentiers brillera la lumière.
Job 22:28 ^
Your purposes will come about, and light will be shining on your ways.
Job 22:29 ^
Vienne l`humiliation, tu prieras pour ton relèvement: Dieu secourt celui dont le regard est abattu.
Job 22:29 ^
For God makes low those whose hearts are lifted up, but he is a saviour to the poor in spirit.
Job 22:30 ^
Il délivrera même le coupable, Qui devra son salut à la pureté de tes mains.
Job 22:30 ^
He makes safe the man who is free from sin, and if your hands are clean, salvation will be yours.

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La Bible - Bilingue | Français - Anglais | Job 22 - Job 22