Job 4
Job 4
Éliphaz de Théman prit la parole et dit: | And Eliphaz the Temanite made answer and said, |
Si nous osons ouvrir la bouche, en seras-tu peiné? Mais qui pourrait garder le silence? | If one says a word, will it be a weariness to you? but who is able to keep from saying what is in his mind? |
Voici, tu as souvent enseigné les autres, Tu as fortifié les mains languissantes, | Truly, you have been a helper to others, and you have made feeble hands strong; |
Tes paroles ont relevé ceux qui chancelaient, Tu as affermi les genoux qui pliaient. | He who was near to falling has been lifted up by your words, and you have given strength to bent knees. |
Et maintenant qu`il s`agit de toi, tu faiblis! Maintenant que tu es atteint, tu te troubles! | But now it has come on you and it is a weariness to you; you are touched by it and your mind is troubled. |
Ta crainte de Dieu n`est-elle pas ton soutien? Ton espérance, n`est-ce pas ton intégrité? | Is not your fear of God your support, and your upright way of life your hope? |
Cherche dans ton souvenir: quel est l`innocent qui a péri? Quels sont les justes qui ont été exterminés? | Have you ever seen destruction come to an upright man? or when were the god-fearing ever cut off? |
Pour moi, je l`ai vu, ceux qui labourent l`iniquité Et qui sèment l`injustice en moissonnent les fruits; | What I have seen is that those by whom trouble has been ploughed, and evil planted, get the same for themselves. |
Ils périssent par le souffle de Dieu, Ils sont consumés par le vent de sa colère, | By the breath of God destruction takes them, and by the wind of his wrath they are cut off. |
Le rugissement des lions prend fin, Les dents des lionceaux sont brisées; | Though the noise of the lion and the sounding of his voice, may be loud, the teeth of the young lions are broken. |
Le lion périt faute de proie, Et les petits de la lionne se dispersent. | The old lion comes to his end for need of food, and the young of the she-lion go wandering in all directions. |
Une parole est arrivée furtivement jusqu`à moi, Et mon oreille en a recueilli les sons légers. | A word was given to me secretly, and the low sound of it came to my ears. |
Au moment où les visions de la nuit agitent la pensée, Quand les hommes sont livrés à un profond sommeil, | In troubled thoughts from visions of the night, when deep sleep comes on men, |
Je fus saisi de frayeur et d`épouvante, Et tous mes os tremblèrent. | Fear came on me and shaking, and my bones were full of trouble; |
Un esprit passa près de moi... Tous mes cheveux se hérissèrent... | And a breath was moving over my face; the hair of my flesh became stiff: |
Une figure d`un aspect inconnu était devant mes yeux, Et j`entendis une voix qui murmurait doucement: | Something was present before me, but I was not able to see it clearly; there was a form before my eyes: a quiet voice came to my ears, saying: |
L`homme serait-il juste devant Dieu? Serait-il pur devant celui qui l`a fait? | May a man be upright before God? or a man be clean before his Maker? |
Si Dieu n`a pas confiance en ses serviteurs, S`il trouve de la folie chez ses anges, | Truly, he puts no faith in his servants, and he sees error in his angels; |
Combien plus chez ceux qui habitent des maisons d`argile, Qui tirent leur origine de la poussière, Et qui peuvent être écrasés comme un vermisseau! | How much more those living in houses of earth, whose bases are in the dust! They are crushed more quickly than an insect; |
Du matin au soir ils sont brisés, Ils périssent pour toujours, et nul n`y prend garde; | Between morning and evening they are completely broken; they come to an end for ever, and no one takes note. |
Le fil de leur vie est coupé, Ils meurent, et ils n`ont pas acquis la sagesse. | If their tent-cord is pulled up, do they not come to an end, and without wisdom? |