Proverbes 26
Proverbs 26
Comme la neige en été, et la pluie pendant la moisson, Ainsi la gloire ne convient pas à un insensé. | Like snow in summer and rain when the grain is being cut, so honour is not natural for the foolish. |
Comme l`oiseau s`échappe, comme l`hirondelle s`envole, Ainsi la malédiction sans cause n`a point d`effet. | As the sparrow in her wandering and the swallow in her flight, so the curse does not come without a cause. |
Le fouet est pour le cheval, le mors pour l`âne, Et la verge pour le dos des insensés. | A whip for the horse, a mouth-bit for the ass, and a rod for the back of the foolish. |
Ne réponds pas à l`insensé selon sa folie, De peur que tu ne lui ressembles toi-même. | Do not give to the foolish man a foolish answer, or you will be like him. |
Réponds à l`insensé selon sa folie, Afin qu`il ne se regarde pas comme sage. | Give a foolish man a foolish answer, or he will seem wise to himself. |
Il se coupe les pieds, il boit l`injustice, Celui qui donne des messages à un insensé. | He who sends news by the hand of a foolish man is cutting off his feet and drinking in damage. |
Comme les jambes du boiteux sont faibles, Ainsi est une sentence dans la bouche des insensés. | The legs of one who has no power of walking are hanging loose; so is a wise saying in the mouth of the foolish. |
C`est attacher une pierre à la fronde, Que d`accorder des honneurs à un insensé. | Giving honour to a foolish man is like attempting to keep a stone fixed in a cord. |
Comme une épine qui se dresse dans la main d`un homme ivre, Ainsi est une sentence dans la bouche des insensés. | Like a thorn which goes up into the hand of a man overcome by drink, so is a wise saying in the mouth of a foolish man. |
Comme un archer qui blesse tout le monde, Ainsi est celui qui prend à gage les insensés et les premiers venus. | Like an archer wounding all who go by, is a foolish man overcome by drink. |
Comme un chien qui retourne à ce qu`il a vomi, Ainsi est un insensé qui revient à sa folie. | Like a dog going back to the food which he has not been able to keep down, is the foolish man doing his foolish acts over again. |
Si tu vois un homme qui se croit sage, Il y a plus à espérer d`un insensé que de lui. | Have you seen a man who seems to himself to be wise? There is more hope for the foolish than for him. |
Le paresseux dit: Il y a un lion sur le chemin, Il y a un lion dans les rues! | The hater of work says, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets. |
La porte tourne sur ses gonds, Et le paresseux sur son lit. | A door is turned on its pillar, and the hater of work on his bed. |
Le paresseux plonge sa main dans le plat, Et il trouve pénible de la ramener à sa bouche. | The hater of work puts his hand deep into the basin: lifting it again to his mouth is a weariness to him. |
Le paresseux se croit plus sage Que sept hommes qui répondent avec bon sens. | The hater of work seems to himself wiser than seven men who are able to give an answer with good sense. |
Comme celui qui saisit un chien par les oreilles, Ainsi est un passant qui s`irrite pour une querelle où il n`a que faire. | He who gets mixed up in a fight which is not his business, is like one who takes a dog by the ears while it is going by. |
Comme un furieux qui lance des flammes, Des flèches et la mort, | As one who is off his head sends about flaming sticks and arrows of death, |
Ainsi est un homme qui trompe son prochain, Et qui dit: N`était-ce pas pour plaisanter? | So is the man who gets the better of his neighbour by deceit, and says, Am I not doing so in sport? |
Faute de bois, le feu s`éteint; Et quand il n`y a point de rapporteur, la querelle s`apaise. | Without wood, the fire goes out; and where there is no secret talk, argument is ended. |
Le charbon produit un brasier, et le bois du feu; Ainsi un homme querelleur échauffe une dispute. | Like breath on coals and wood on fire, so a man given to argument gets a fight started. |
Les paroles du rapporteur sont comme des friandises, Elles descendent jusqu`au fond des entrailles. | The words of one who says evil of his neighbour secretly are like sweet food, they go down into the inner parts of the stomach. |
Comme des scories d`argent appliquées sur un vase de terre, Ainsi sont des lèvres brûlantes et un coeur mauvais. | Smooth lips and an evil heart are like a vessel of earth plated with silver waste. |
Par ses lèvres celui qui hait se déguise, Et il met au dedans de lui la tromperie. | With his lips the hater makes things seem what they are not, but deceit is stored up inside him; |
Lorsqu`il prend une voix douce, ne le crois pas, Car il y a sept abominations dans son coeur. | When he says fair words, have no belief in him; for in his heart are seven evils: |
S`il cache sa haine sous la dissimulation, Sa méchanceté se révélera dans l`assemblée. | Though his hate is covered with deceit, his sin will be seen openly before the meeting of the people. |
Celui qui creuse une fosse y tombe, Et la pierre revient sur celui qui la roule. | He who makes a hole in the earth will himself go falling into it: and on him by whom a stone is rolled the stone will come back again. |
La langue fausse hait ceux qu`elle écrase, Et la bouche flatteuse prépare la ruine. | A false tongue has hate for those who have clean hearts, and a smooth mouth is a cause of falling. |