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Italiano - Americano


Giosuè 15

Joshua 15

Giosuè 15:1 ^
Or la parte toccata a sorte alla tribù dei figliuoli di Giuda secondo le loro famiglie, si estendeva sino al confine di Edom, al deserto di Tsin verso sud, all’estremità meridionale di Canaan.
Joshua 15:1 ^
And the lot for the tribe of the children of Judah according to their families was unto the border of Edom, even to the wilderness of Zin southward, at the uttermost part of the south.
Giosuè 15:2 ^
Il loro confine meridionale partiva dall’estremità del mar Salato, dalla lingua che volge a sud,
Joshua 15:2 ^
And their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looketh southward;
Giosuè 15:3 ^
e si prolungava al sud della salita d’Akrabbim, passava per Tsin, poi saliva al sud di Kades-Barnea, passava da Hetsron, saliva verso Addar e si volgeva verso Karkaa;
Joshua 15:3 ^
and it went out southward of the ascent of Akrabbim, and passed along to Zin, and went up by the south of Kadesh-barnea, and passed along by Hezron, and went up to Addar, and turned about to Karka;
Giosuè 15:4 ^
passava quindi da Atsmon e continuava fino al torrente d’Egitto, per far capo al mare. Questo sarà, disse Giosuè, il vostro confine meridionale.
Joshua 15:4 ^
and it passed along to Azmon, and went out at the brook of Egypt; and the goings out of the border were at the sea: this shall be your south border.
Giosuè 15:5 ^
Il confine orientale era il mar Salato, sino alla foce del Giordano. Il confine settentrionale partiva dal braccio di mare ov’è la foce del Giordano;
Joshua 15:5 ^
And the east border was the Salt Sea, even unto the end of the Jordan. And the border of the north quarter was from the bay of the sea at the end of the Jordan;
Giosuè 15:6 ^
di là saliva verso Beth-Hogla, passava al nord di Beth-Araba, saliva fino al sasso di Bohan figliuolo di Ruben;
Joshua 15:6 ^
and the border went up to Beth-hoglah, and passed along by the north of Beth-arabah; and the border went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben;
Giosuè 15:7 ^
poi, partendo dalla valle di Acor, saliva a Debir e si dirigeva verso il nord dal lato di Ghilgal, che è dirimpetto alla salita di Adummim, a sud del torrente; poi passava presso le acque di En-Scemesh, e faceva capo a En-Roghel.
Joshua 15:7 ^
and the border went up to Debir from the valley of Achor, and so northward, looking toward Gilgal, that is over against the ascent of Adummim, which is on the south side of the river; and the border passed along to the waters of En-shemesh, and the goings out thereof were at En-rogel;
Giosuè 15:8 ^
Di là il confine saliva per la valle di Ben-Hinnom fino al versante meridionale del monte de’ Gebusei che è Gerusalemme, poi s’elevava fino al sommo del monte ch’è dirimpetto alla valle di Hinnom a occidente, e all’estremità della valle dei Refaim, al nord.
Joshua 15:8 ^
and the border went up by the valley of the son of Hinnom unto the side of the Jebusite southward (the same is Jerusalem); and the border went up to the top of the mountain that lieth before the valley of Hinnom westward, which is at the uttermost part of the vale of Rephaim northward;
Giosuè 15:9 ^
Dal sommo del monte, il confine si estendeva fino alla sorgente delle acque di Neftoah, continuava verso le città del monte Efron, e si prolungava fino a Baala, che è Kiriath-Iearim.
Joshua 15:9 ^
and the border extended from the top of the mountain unto the fountain of the waters of Nephtoah, and went out to the cities of mount Ephron; and the border extended to Baalah (the same is Kiriath-jearim);
Giosuè 15:10 ^
Da Baala volgeva poi a occidente verso la montagna di Seir, passava per il versante settentrionale del monte Iearim, che è Kesalon, scendeva a Beth-Scemesh e passava per Timna.
Joshua 15:10 ^
and the border turned about from Baalah westward unto mount Seir, and passed along unto the side of mount Jearim on the north (the same is Chesalon), and went down to Beth-shemesh, and passed along by Timnah;
Giosuè 15:11 ^
Di là il confine continuava verso il lato settentrionale di Escron, si estendeva verso Scikron, passava per il monte Baala, si prolungava fino a Iabneel, e facea capo al mare.
Joshua 15:11 ^
and the border went out unto the side of Ekron northward; and the border extended to Shikkeron, and passed along to mount Baalah, and went out at Jabneel; and the goings out of the border were at the sea.
Giosuè 15:12 ^
Il confine occidentale era il mar grande. Tali furono da tutti i lati i confini dei figliuoli di Giuda secondo le loro famiglie.
Joshua 15:12 ^
And the west border was to the great sea, and the border [thereof]. This is the border of the children of Judah round about according to their families.
Giosuè 15:13 ^
A Caleb, figliuolo di Gefunne, Giosuè dette una parte in mezzo ai figliuoli di Giuda, come l’Eterno gli avea comandato, cioè: la città di Arba padre di Anak, la quale è Hebron.
Joshua 15:13 ^
And unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh he gave a portion among the children of Judah, according to the commandment of Jehovah to Joshua, even Kiriath-arba, [which Arba was] the father of Anak (the same is Hebron).
Giosuè 15:14 ^
E Caleb ne cacciò i tre figliuoli di Anak, Sceshai, Ahiman e Talmai, discendenti di Anak.
Joshua 15:14 ^
And Caleb drove out thence the three sons of Anak: Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the children of Anak.
Giosuè 15:15 ^
Di là salì contro gli abitanti di Debir, che prima si chiamava Kiriath-Sefer.
Joshua 15:15 ^
And he went up thence against the inhabitants of Debir: now the name of Debir beforetime was Kiriath-sepher.
Giosuè 15:16 ^
E Caleb disse: "A chi batterà Kiriath-Sefer e la prenderà io darò in moglie Acsa mia figliuola".
Joshua 15:16 ^
And Caleb said, He that smiteth Kiriath-sepher, and taketh it, to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife.
Giosuè 15:17 ^
Allora Otniel, figliuolo di Kenaz, fratello di Caleb la prese, e Caleb gli diede in moglie Acsa sua figliuola.
Joshua 15:17 ^
And Othniel the son of Kenaz, the brother of Caleb, took it: and he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife.
Giosuè 15:18 ^
E quando ella venne a star con lui, persuase Otniel a chiedere un campo a Caleb, suo padre. Essa scese di sull’asino, e Caleb le disse: "Che vuoi?"
Joshua 15:18 ^
And it came to pass, when she came [unto him], that she moved him to ask of her father a field: and she alighted from off her ass; and Caleb said, What wouldest thou?
Giosuè 15:19 ^
E quella rispose: "Fammi un dono; giacché tu m’hai stabilita in una terra arida, dammi anche delle sorgenti d’acqua". Ed egli le donò le sorgenti superiori e le sorgenti sottostanti.
Joshua 15:19 ^
And she said, Give me a blessing; for that thou hast set me in the land of the South, give me also springs of water. And he gave her the upper springs and the nether springs.
Giosuè 15:20 ^
Questa è l’eredità della tribù dei figliuoli di Giuda, secondo le loro famiglie:
Joshua 15:20 ^
This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Judah according to their families.
Giosuè 15:21 ^
Le città poste all’estremità della tribù dei figliuoli di Giuda, verso il confine di Edom, dal lato di mezzogiorno, erano:
Joshua 15:21 ^
And the uttermost cities of the tribe of the children of Judah toward the border of Edom in the South were Kabzeel, and Eder, and Jagur,
Giosuè 15:22 ^
Kabtseel, Eder, Jagur, Kina, Dimona, Adeada,
Joshua 15:22 ^
and Kinah, and Dimonah, and Adadah,
Giosuè 15:23 ^
Kades, Hatsor, Itnan,
Joshua 15:23 ^
and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Ithnan,
Giosuè 15:24 ^
Zif, Telem, Bealoth,
Joshua 15:24 ^
Ziph, and Telem, and Bealoth,
Giosuè 15:25 ^
Hatsor-Hadatta, Kerioth-Hetsron, che è Hatsor,
Joshua 15:25 ^
and Hazor-hadattah, and Kerioth-hezron (the same is Hazor),
Giosuè 15:26 ^
Amam, Scema, Molada,
Joshua 15:26 ^
Amam, and Shema, and Moladah,
Giosuè 15:27 ^
Hatsar-Gadda, Heshmon, Beth-Palet,
Joshua 15:27 ^
and Hazar-gaddah, and Heshmon, and Beth-pelet,
Giosuè 15:28 ^
Hatsar-Shual, Beer-Sceba, Biziotia, Baala, Tim, Atsen,
Joshua 15:28 ^
and Hazar-shual, and Beer-sheba, and Biziothiah,
Giosuè 15:29 ^
Eltolad, Kesil, Horma,
Joshua 15:29 ^
Baalah, and Iim, and Ezem,
Giosuè 15:30 ^
Tsiklag, Madmanna,
Joshua 15:30 ^
and Eltolad, and Chesil, and Hormah,
Giosuè 15:31 ^
Joshua 15:31 ^
and Ziklag, and Madmannah, and Sansannah,
Giosuè 15:32 ^
Lebaoth, Scilhim, Ain, Rimmon; in tutto ventinove città e i loro villaggi.
Joshua 15:32 ^
and Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and Ain, and Rimmon: all the cities are twenty and nine, with their villages.
Giosuè 15:33 ^
Nella regione bassa: Eshtaol, Tsorea, Ashna,
Joshua 15:33 ^
In the lowland, Eshtaol, and Zorah, and Ashnah,
Giosuè 15:34 ^
Zanoah, En-Gannim, Tappuah, Enam,
Joshua 15:34 ^
and Zanoah, and En-gannim, Tappuah, and Enam,
Giosuè 15:35 ^
Iarmuth, Adullam, Soco, Azeka,
Joshua 15:35 ^
Jarmuth, and Adullam, Socoh, and Azekah,
Giosuè 15:36 ^
Shaaraim, Aditaim, Ghedera e Ghederotaim: quattordici città e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:36 ^
and Shaaraim, and Adithaim, and Gederah, and Gederothaim; fourteen cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:37 ^
Tsenan, Hadasha, Migdal-Gad,
Joshua 15:37 ^
Zenan, and Hadashah, and Migdal-gad,
Giosuè 15:38 ^
Dilean, Mitspe, Iokteel,
Joshua 15:38 ^
and Dilean, and Mizpeh, and Joktheel,
Giosuè 15:39 ^
Lakis, Botskath, Eglon,
Joshua 15:39 ^
Lachish, and Bozkath, and Eglon,
Giosuè 15:40 ^
Cabbon, Lahmas, Kitlish,
Joshua 15:40 ^
and Cabbon, and Lahmam, and Chitlish,
Giosuè 15:41 ^
Ghederoth, Beth-Dagon, Naama e Makkeda: sedici città e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:41 ^
and Gederoth, Beth-dagon, and Naamah, and Makkedah; sixteen cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:42 ^
Libna, Ether, Ashan,
Joshua 15:42 ^
Libnah, and Ether, and Ashan,
Giosuè 15:43 ^
Iftah, Ashna, Netsib,
Joshua 15:43 ^
and Iphtah, and Ashnah, and Nezib,
Giosuè 15:44 ^
Keila, Aczib e Maresha: nove città e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:44 ^
and Keilah, and Achzib, and Mareshah; nine cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:45 ^
Ekron, le città del suo territorio e i suoi villaggi;
Joshua 15:45 ^
Ekron, with its towns and its villages;
Giosuè 15:46 ^
da Ekron e a occidente, tutte le città vicine a Asdod e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:46 ^
from Ekron even unto the sea, all that were by the side of Ashdod, with their villages.
Giosuè 15:47 ^
Asdod, le città del suo territorio e i suoi villaggi; Gaza, le città del suo territorio e i suoi villaggi fino al torrente d’Egitto e al mar grande, che serve di confine.
Joshua 15:47 ^
Ashdod, its towns and its villages; Gaza, its towns and its villages; unto the brook of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border [thereof].
Giosuè 15:48 ^
Nella contrada montuosa: Shanoir, Iattir, Soco,
Joshua 15:48 ^
And in the hill-country, Shamir, and Jattir, and Socoh,
Giosuè 15:49 ^
Danna, Kiriath-Sanna, che è Debir,
Joshua 15:49 ^
and Dannah, and Kiriath-sannah (the same is Debir),
Giosuè 15:50 ^
Anab, Esthemo, Anim,
Joshua 15:50 ^
and Anab, and Eshtemoh, and Anim,
Giosuè 15:51 ^
Goscen, Holon e Ghilo: undici città e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:51 ^
and Goshen, and Holon, and Giloh; eleven cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:52 ^
Arab, Duma, Escean,
Joshua 15:52 ^
Arab, and Dumah, and Eshan,
Giosuè 15:53 ^
Ianum, Beth-Tappuah, Afeka,
Joshua 15:53 ^
and Janim, and Beth-tappuah, and Aphekah,
Giosuè 15:54 ^
Humta, Kiriath-Arba, che è Hebron, e Tsior: nove città e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:54 ^
and Humtah, and Kiriath-arba (the same is Hebron), and Zior; nine cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:55 ^
Maon, Carmel, Zif, Iuta,
Joshua 15:55 ^
Maon, Carmel, and Ziph, and Jutah,
Giosuè 15:56 ^
Iizreel, Iokdeam, Zanoah,
Joshua 15:56 ^
and Jezreel, and Jokdeam, and Zanoah,
Giosuè 15:57 ^
Kain, Ghibea e Timna: dieci città e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:57 ^
Kain, Gibeah, and Timnah; ten cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:58 ^
Halhul, Beth-Tsur, Ghedor,
Joshua 15:58 ^
Halhul, Beth-zur, and Gedor,
Giosuè 15:59 ^
Maarath, Beth-Anoth e Eltekon: sei città e i loro villaggi;
Joshua 15:59 ^
and Maarath, and Beth-anoth, and Eltekon; six cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:60 ^
Kiriath-Baal che è Kiriath-Iearim, e Rabba: due città e i loro villaggi.
Joshua 15:60 ^
Kiriath-baal (the same is Kiriath-jearim), and Rabbah; two cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:61 ^
Nel deserto: Beth-Araba, Middin, Secacah,
Joshua 15:61 ^
In the wilderness, Beth-arabah, Middin, and Secacah,
Giosuè 15:62 ^
Nibshan, Ir-Hammelah e Enghedi: sei città e i loro villaggi.
Joshua 15:62 ^
and Nibshan, and the City of Salt, and En-gedi; six cities with their villages.
Giosuè 15:63 ^
Quanto ai Gebusei che abitavano in Gerusalemme, i figliuoli di Giuda non li poteron cacciare; e i Gebusei hanno abitato coi figliuoli di Giuda in Gerusalemme fino al dì d’oggi.
Joshua 15:63 ^
And as for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out: but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day.

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