La Bibbia - Bilingue

Italiano - Inglese


Salmi 150

Psalms 150

Salmi 150:1 ^
Alleluia. Lodate Iddio nel suo santuario, lodatelo nella distesa ove risplende la sua potenza.
Psalms 150:1 ^
Let the Lord be praised. Give praise to God in his holy place: give him praise in the heaven of his power.
Salmi 150:2 ^
Lodatelo per le sue gesta, lodatelo secondo la sua somma grandezza.
Psalms 150:2 ^
Give him praise for his acts of power: give him praise in the measure of his great strength.
Salmi 150:3 ^
Lodatelo col suon della tromba, lodatelo col saltèro e la cetra.
Psalms 150:3 ^
Give him praise with the sound of the horn: give him praise with corded instruments of music.
Salmi 150:4 ^
Lodatelo col timpano e le danze, lodatelo con gli strumenti a corda e col flauto.
Psalms 150:4 ^
Give him praise with instruments of brass and in the dance: give him praise with horns and corded instruments.
Salmi 150:5 ^
Lodatelo con cembali risonanti, lodatelo con cembali squillanti.
Psalms 150:5 ^
Give him praise with the loud brass: give him praise with the high-sounding brass.
Salmi 150:6 ^
Ogni cosa che respira lodi l’Eterno. Alleluia.
Psalms 150:6 ^
Let everything which has breath give praise to the Lord. Let the Lord be praised.

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La Bibbia - Bilingue | Italiano - Inglese | Salmi 150 - Psalms 150