A Bíblia - Bilíngüe

Português - Inglês


João 1

John 1

João 1:1 ^
No princípio era o Verbo, e o Verbo estava com Deus, e o Verbo era Deus.
John 1:1 ^
From the first he was the Word, and the Word was in relation with God and was God.
João 1:2 ^
Ele estava no princípio com Deus.
John 1:2 ^
This Word was from the first in relation with God.
João 1:3 ^
Todas as coisas foram feitas por intermédio dele, e sem ele nada do que foi feito se fez.
John 1:3 ^
All things came into existence through him, and without him nothing was.
João 1:4 ^
Nele estava a vida, e a vida era a luz dos homens;
John 1:4 ^
What came into existence in him was life, and the life was the light of men.
João 1:5 ^
a luz resplandece nas trevas, e as trevas não prevaleceram contra ela.
John 1:5 ^
And the light goes on shining in the dark; it is not overcome by the dark.
João 1:6 ^
Houve um homem enviado de Deus, cujo nome era João.
John 1:6 ^
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
João 1:7 ^
Este veio como testemunha, a fim de dar testemunho da luz, para que todos cressem por meio dele.
John 1:7 ^
He came for witness, to give witness about the light, so that all men might have faith through him.
João 1:8 ^
Ele não era a luz, mas veio para dar testemunho da luz.
John 1:8 ^
He himself was not the light: he was sent to give witness about the light.
João 1:9 ^
Pois a verdadeira luz, que alumia a todo homem, estava chegando ao mundo.
John 1:9 ^
The true light, which gives light to every man, was then coming into the world.
João 1:10 ^
Estava ele no mundo, e o mundo foi feito por intermédio dele, e o mundo não o conheceu.
John 1:10 ^
He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him.
João 1:11 ^
Veio para o que era seu, e os seus não o receberam.
John 1:11 ^
He came to the things which were his and his people did not take him to their hearts.
João 1:12 ^
Mas, a todos quantos o receberam, aos que crêem no seu nome, deu-lhes o poder de se tornarem filhos de Deus;
John 1:12 ^
To all those who did so take him, however, he gave the right of becoming children of God--that is, to those who had faith in his name:
João 1:13 ^
os quais não nasceram do sangue, nem da vontade da carne, nem da vontade do varão, mas de Deus.
John 1:13 ^
Whose birth was from God and not from blood, or from an impulse of the flesh and man's desire.
João 1:14 ^
E o Verbo se fez carne, e habitou entre nós, cheio de graça e de verdade; e vimos a sua glória, como a glória do unigênito do Pai.
John 1:14 ^
And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace.
João 1:15 ^
João deu testemunho dele, e clamou, dizendo: Este é aquele de quem eu disse: O que vem depois de mim, passou adiante de mim; porque antes de mim ele já existia.
John 1:15 ^
John gave witness about him, crying, This is he of whom I said, He who is coming after me is put over me because he was in existence before me.
João 1:16 ^
Pois todos nós recebemos da sua plenitude, e graça sobre graça.
John 1:16 ^
From his full measure we have all been given grace on grace.
João 1:17 ^
Porque a lei foi dada por meio de Moisés; a graça e a verdade vieram por Jesus Cristo.
John 1:17 ^
For the law was given through Moses; grace and the true way of life are ours through Jesus Christ.
João 1:18 ^
Ninguém jamais viu a Deus. O Deus unigênito, que está no seio do Pai, esse o deu a conhecer.
John 1:18 ^
No man has seen God at any time; the only Son, who is on the breast of the Father, he has made clear what God is.
João 1:19 ^
E este foi o testemunho de João, quando os judeus lhe enviaram de Jerusalém sacerdotes e levitas para que lhe perguntassem: Quem és tu?
John 1:19 ^
And this is the witness of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to him with the question, Who are you?
João 1:20 ^
Ele, pois, confessou e não negou; sim, confessou: Eu não sou o Cristo.
John 1:20 ^
He said quite openly and straightforwardly, I am not the Christ.
João 1:21 ^
Ao que lhe perguntaram: Pois que? És tu Elias? Respondeu ele: Não sou. És tu o profeta? E respondeu: Não.
John 1:21 ^
And they said to him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not. Are you the prophet? And his answer was, I am not.
João 1:22 ^
Disseram-lhe, pois: Quem és? para podermos dar resposta aos que nos enviaram; que dizes de ti mesmo?
John 1:22 ^
So they said to him, Who are you then? We have to give some answer to those who sent us. What have you to say about yourself?
João 1:23 ^
Respondeu ele: Eu sou a voz do que clama no deserto: Endireitai o caminho do Senhor, como disse o profeta Isaías.
John 1:23 ^
He said, I am the voice of one crying in the waste land, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said Isaiah the prophet.
João 1:24 ^
E os que tinham sido enviados eram dos fariseus.
John 1:24 ^
Those who had been sent came from the Pharisees.
João 1:25 ^
Então lhe perguntaram: Por que batizas, pois, se tu não és o Cristo, nem Elias, nem o profeta?
John 1:25 ^
And they put this question to him, saying, Why then are you giving baptism if you are not the Christ, or Elijah, or the prophet?
João 1:26 ^
Respondeu-lhes João: Eu batizo em água; no meio de vós está um a quem vós não conheceis.
John 1:26 ^
John's answer was: I give baptism with water; but there is one among you of whom you have no knowledge;
João 1:27 ^
aquele que vem depois de mim, de quem eu não sou digno de desatar a correia da alparca.
John 1:27 ^
It is he who is coming after me; I am not good enough to undo his shoes.
João 1:28 ^
Estas coisas aconteceram em Betânia, além do Jordão, onde João estava batizando.
John 1:28 ^
These things took place at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was giving baptism.
João 1:29 ^
No dia seguinte João viu a Jesus, que vinha para ele, e disse: Eis o Cordeiro de Deus, que tira o pecado do mundo.
John 1:29 ^
The day after, John sees Jesus coming to him and says, See, here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
João 1:30 ^
este é aquele de quem eu disse: Depois de mim vem um varão que passou adiante de mim, porque antes de mim ele já existia.
John 1:30 ^
This is he of whom I said, One is coming after me who is put over me because he was in existence before me.
João 1:31 ^
Eu não o conhecia; mas, para que ele fosse manifestado a Israel, é que vim batizando em água.
John 1:31 ^
I myself had no knowledge of him, but I came giving baptism with water so that he might be seen openly by Israel.
João 1:32 ^
E João deu testemunho, dizendo: Vi o Espírito descer do céu como pomba, e repousar sobre ele.
John 1:32 ^
And John gave this witness, saying, I saw the Spirit coming down from heaven like a dove and resting on him.
João 1:33 ^
Eu não o conhecia; mas o que me enviou a batizar em água, esse me disse: Aquele sobre quem vires descer o Espírito, e sobre ele permanecer, esse é o que batiza no Espírito Santo.
John 1:33 ^
I had no knowledge who he was, but he who sent me to give baptism with water said to me, The one on whom you see the Spirit coming down and resting, it is he who gives baptism with the Holy Spirit.
João 1:34 ^
Eu mesmo vi e já vos dei testemunho de que este é o Filho de Deus.
John 1:34 ^
This I saw myself and my witness is that he is the Son of God.
João 1:35 ^
No dia seguinte João estava outra vez ali, com dois dos seus discípulos
John 1:35 ^
The day after, John was there again with two of his disciples;
João 1:36 ^
e, olhando para Jesus, que passava, disse: Eis o Cordeiro de Deus!
John 1:36 ^
And looking at Jesus while he was walking he said, See, there is the Lamb of God!
João 1:37 ^
Aqueles dois discípulos ouviram-no dizer isto, e seguiram a Jesus.
John 1:37 ^
Hearing what he said, the two disciples went after Jesus.
João 1:38 ^
Voltando-se Jesus e vendo que o seguiam, perguntou-lhes: Que buscais? Disseram-lhe eles: rabi , onde pousas?
John 1:38 ^
And Jesus, turning round, saw them coming after him and said to them, What are you looking for? They said to him, Rabbi (which is to say, Master), where are you living?
João 1:39 ^
Respondeu-lhes: Vinde, e vereis. Foram, pois, e viram onde pousava; e passaram o dia com ele; era cerca da hora décima.
John 1:39 ^
He said to them, Come and see. They went with him then and saw where he was living; and they were with him all that day: it was then about the tenth hour of the day.
João 1:40 ^
André, irmão de Simão Pedro, era um dos dois que ouviram João falar, e que seguiram a Jesus.
John 1:40 ^
Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two men who, hearing what John said, went after Jesus.
João 1:41 ^
Ele achou primeiro a seu irmão Simão, e disse-lhe: Havemos achado o Messias .
John 1:41 ^
Early in the morning he came across his brother and said to him, We have made discovery! It is the Messiah! (which is to say, the Christ).
João 1:42 ^
E o levou a Jesus. Jesus, fixando nele o olhar, disse: Tu és Simão, filho de João, tu serás chamado Cefas .
John 1:42 ^
And he took him to Jesus. Looking at him fixedly Jesus said, You are Simon, the son of John; your name will be Cephas (which is to say, Peter).
João 1:43 ^
No dia seguinte Jesus resolveu partir para a Galiléia, e achando a Felipe disse-lhe: Segue-me.
John 1:43 ^
The day after this, Jesus had a desire to go into Galilee. He came across Philip and said to him, Come and be my disciple.
João 1:44 ^
Ora, Felipe era de Betsaida, cidade de André e de Pedro.
John 1:44 ^
Now Philip's town was Beth-saida, where Andrew and Peter came from.
João 1:45 ^
Felipe achou a Natanael, e disse-lhe: Acabamos de achar aquele de quem escreveram Moisés na lei, e os profetas: Jesus de Nazaré, filho de José.
John 1:45 ^
Philip came across Nathanael and said to him, We have made a discovery! It is he of whom Moses, in the law, and the prophets were writing, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
João 1:46 ^
Perguntou-lhe Natanael: Pode haver coisa bem vinda de Nazaré? Disse-lhe Felipe: Vem e vê.
John 1:46 ^
Nazareth! said Nathanael, Is it possible for any good to come out of Nazareth? Philip said to him, Come and see.
João 1:47 ^
Jesus, vendo Natanael aproximar-se dele, disse a seu respeito: Eis um verdadeiro israelita, em quem não há dolo!
John 1:47 ^
Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and said of him, See, here is a true son of Israel in whom there is nothing false.
João 1:48 ^
Perguntou-lhe Natanael: Donde me conheces? Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Antes que Felipe te chamasse, eu te vi, quando estavas debaixo da figueira.
John 1:48 ^
Nathanael said to him, Where did you get knowledge of me? In answer Jesus said, Before Philip was talking with you, while you were still under the fig-tree, I saw you.
João 1:49 ^
Respondeu-lhe Natanael: Rabi, tu és o Filho de Deus, tu és rei de Israel.
John 1:49 ^
Nathanael said to him, Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are King of Israel!
João 1:50 ^
Ao que lhe disse Jesus: Porque te disse: Vi-te debaixo da figueira, crês? coisas maiores do que estas verás.
John 1:50 ^
In answer Jesus said to him, You have faith because I said to you, I saw you under the fig-tree. You will see greater things than these.
João 1:51 ^
E acrescentou: Em verdade, em verdade vos digo que vereis o céu aberto, e os anjos de Deus subindo e descendo sobre o Filho do homem.
John 1:51 ^
And he said to him, Truly I say to you all, You will see heaven opening and God's angels going up and coming down on the Son of man.

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A Bíblia - Bilíngüe | Português - Inglês | João 1 - John 1