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Ezequiel 2

Ezekiel 2

Ezequiel 2:1 ^
E disse-me: Filho do homem, põe-te em pé, e falarei contigo.
Ezekiel 2:1 ^
And he said to me, Son of man, get up on your feet, so that I may say words to you.
Ezequiel 2:2 ^
Então, quando ele falava comigo entrou em mim o Espírito, e me pôs em pé, e ouvi aquele que me falava.
Ezekiel 2:2 ^
And at his words the spirit came into me and put me on my feet; and his voice came to my ears.
Ezequiel 2:3 ^
E disse-me ele: Filho do homem, eu te envio aos filhos de Israel, às nações rebeldes que se rebelaram contra mim; eles e seus pais têm transgredido contra mim até o dia de hoje.
Ezekiel 2:3 ^
And he said to me, Son of man, I am sending you to the children of Israel, to an uncontrolled nation which has gone against me: they and their fathers have been sinners against me even to this very day.
Ezequiel 2:4 ^
E os filhos são de semblante duro e obstinados de coração. Eu te envio a eles, e lhes dirás: Assim diz o Senhor Deus.
Ezekiel 2:4 ^
And the children are hard and stiff-hearted; I am sending you to them: and you are to say to them, These are the words of the Lord.
Ezequiel 2:5 ^
E eles, quer ouçam quer deixem de ouvir , hão de saber que esteve no meio deles um profeta.
Ezekiel 2:5 ^
And they, if they give ear to you or if they do not give ear (for they are an uncontrolled people), will see that there has been a prophet among them.
Ezequiel 2:6 ^
E tu, ó filho do homem, não os temas, nem temas as suas palavras; ainda que estejam contigo sarças e espinhos, e tu habites entre escorpiões; não temas as suas palavras, nem te assustes com os seus semblantes, ainda que são casa rebelde.
Ezekiel 2:6 ^
And you, son of man, have no fear of them or of their words, even if sharp thorns are round you and you are living among scorpions: have no fear of their words and do not be overcome by their looks, for they are an uncontrolled people.
Ezequiel 2:7 ^
Mas tu lhes dirás as minhas palavras, quer ouçam quer deixem de ouvir, pois são rebeldes.
Ezekiel 2:7 ^
And you are to give them my words, if they give ear to you or if they do not: for they are uncontrolled.
Ezequiel 2:8 ^
Mas tu, ó filho do homem, ouve o que te digo; não sejas rebelde como a casa rebelde; abre a tua boca, e come o que eu te dou.
Ezekiel 2:8 ^
But you, son of man, give ear to what I say to you, and do not be uncontrolled like that uncontrolled people: let your mouth be open and take what I give you.
Ezequiel 2:9 ^
E quando olhei, eis que tua mão se estendia para mim, e eis que nela estava um rolo de livro.
Ezekiel 2:9 ^
And looking, I saw a hand stretched out to me, and I saw the roll of a book in it;
Ezequiel 2:10 ^
E abriu-o diante de mim; e o rolo estava escrito por dentro e por fora; e nele se achavam escritas lamentações, e suspiros e ais.
Ezekiel 2:10 ^
And he put it open before me, and it had writing on the front and on the back; words of grief and sorrow and trouble were recorded in it.

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