A Bíblia - Bilíngüe

Português - Inglês


Marcos 1

Mark 1

Marcos 1:1 ^
Princípio do evangelho de Jesus Cristo, Filho de Deus.
Mark 1:1 ^
The first words of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Marcos 1:2 ^
Conforme está escrito no profeta Isaías: Eis que envio ante a tua face o meu mensageiro, que há de preparar o teu caminho;
Mark 1:2 ^
Even as it is said in the book of Isaiah the prophet, See, I send my servant before your face, who will make ready your way;
Marcos 1:3 ^
voz do que clama no deserto: Preparai o caminho do Senhor, endireitai as suas veredas;
Mark 1:3 ^
The voice of one crying in the waste land, Make ready the way of the Lord, make his roads straight;
Marcos 1:4 ^
assim apareceu João, o Batista, no deserto, pregando o batismo de arrependimento para remissão dos pecados.
Mark 1:4 ^
John came, and gave baptism in the waste land, preaching baptism as a sign of forgiveness of sin for those whose hearts were changed.
Marcos 1:5 ^
E saíam a ter com ele toda a terra da Judéia, e todos os moradores de Jerusalém; e eram por ele batizados no rio Jordão, confessando os seus pecados.
Mark 1:5 ^
And there went out to him all the people of Judaea, and all those of Jerusalem, and they were given baptism by him in the river Jordan, saying that they were sinners.
Marcos 1:6 ^
Ora, João usava uma veste de pêlos de camelo, e um cinto de couro em torno de seus lombos, e comia gafanhotos e mel silvestre.
Mark 1:6 ^
And John was clothed in camel's hair, with a leather band about him; and his food was locusts and honey.
Marcos 1:7 ^
E pregava, dizendo: Após mim vem aquele que é mais poderoso do que eu, de quem não sou digno de, inclinando-me, desatar a correia das alparcas.
Mark 1:7 ^
And he said to them all, There is one coming after me who is greater than I, whose shoes I am not good enough to undo.
Marcos 1:8 ^
Eu vos batizei em água; ele, porém, vos batizará no Espírito Santo.
Mark 1:8 ^
I have given you baptism with water, but he will give you baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Marcos 1:9 ^
E aconteceu naqueles dias que veio Jesus de Nazaré da Galiléia, e foi batizado por João no Jordão.
Mark 1:9 ^
And it came about in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was given baptism by John in the Jordan.
Marcos 1:10 ^
E logo, quando saía da água, viu os céus se abrirem, e o Espírito, qual pomba, a descer sobre ele;
Mark 1:10 ^
And straight away, coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens broken open and the Spirit coming down on him as a dove:
Marcos 1:11 ^
e ouviu-se dos céus esta voz: Tu és meu Filho amado; em ti me comprazo.
Mark 1:11 ^
And a voice came out of heaven, You are my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased.
Marcos 1:12 ^
Imediatamente o Espírito o impeliu para o deserto.
Mark 1:12 ^
And straight away the Spirit sent him out into the waste land.
Marcos 1:13 ^
E esteve no deserto quarenta dias sentado tentado por Satanás; estava entre as feras, e os anjos o serviam.
Mark 1:13 ^
And he was in the waste land for forty days, being tested by Satan; and he was with the beasts; and the angels took care of him.
Marcos 1:14 ^
Ora, depois que João foi entregue, veio Jesus para a Galiléia pregando o evangelho de Deus
Mark 1:14 ^
Now after John had been put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the good news of God,
Marcos 1:15 ^
e dizendo: O tempo está cumprido, e é chegado o reino de Deus. Arrependei-vos, e crede no evangelho.
Mark 1:15 ^
And saying, The time has come, and the kingdom of God is near: let your hearts be turned from sin and have faith in the good news.
Marcos 1:16 ^
E, andando junto do mar da Galiléia, viu a Simão, e a André, irmão de Simão, os quais lançavam a rede ao mar, pois eram pescadores.
Mark 1:16 ^
And going by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew, the brother of Simon, putting a net into the sea: for they were fishermen.
Marcos 1:17 ^
Disse-lhes Jesus: Vinde após mim, e eu farei que vos torneis pescadores de homens.
Mark 1:17 ^
And Jesus said to them, Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Marcos 1:18 ^
Então eles, deixando imediatamente as suas redes, o seguiram.
Mark 1:18 ^
And they went straight from their nets, and came after him.
Marcos 1:19 ^
E ele, passando um pouco adiante, viu Tiago, filho de Zebedeu, e João, seu irmão, que estavam no barco, consertando as redes,
Mark 1:19 ^
And going on a little farther, he saw James, the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who were in their boat stitching up their nets.
Marcos 1:20 ^
e logo os chamou; eles, deixando seu pai Zebedeu no barco com os empregados, o seguiram.
Mark 1:20 ^
And he said, Come after me: and they went away from their father Zebedee, who was in the boat with the servants, and came after him.
Marcos 1:21 ^
Entraram em Cafarnaum; e, logo no sábado, indo ele à sinagoga, pôs-se a ensinar.
Mark 1:21 ^
And they came to Capernaum; and on the Sabbath he went into the Synagogue and gave teaching.
Marcos 1:22 ^
E maravilhavam-se da sua doutrina, porque os ensinava como tendo autoridade, e não como os escribas.
Mark 1:22 ^
And they were full of wonder at his teaching, because he gave it as one having authority, and not like the scribes.
Marcos 1:23 ^
Ora, estava na sinagoga um homem possesso dum espírito imundo, o qual gritou:
Mark 1:23 ^
And there was in their Synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he gave a cry,
Marcos 1:24 ^
Que temos nós contigo, Jesus, nazareno? Vieste destruir-nos? Bem sei quem és: o Santo de Deus.
Mark 1:24 ^
Saying, What have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? have you come to put an end to us? I see well who you are, the Holy One of God.
Marcos 1:25 ^
Mas Jesus o repreendeu, dizendo: Cala-te, e sai dele.
Mark 1:25 ^
And Jesus said to him sharply, Be quiet, and come out of him.
Marcos 1:26 ^
Então o espírito imundo, convulsionando-o e clamando com grande voz, saiu dele.
Mark 1:26 ^
And the unclean spirit, shaking him violently, and crying with a loud voice, came out of him.
Marcos 1:27 ^
E todos se maravilharam a ponto de perguntarem entre si, dizendo: Que é isto? Uma nova doutrina com autoridade! Pois ele ordena aos espíritos imundos, e eles lhe obedecem!
Mark 1:27 ^
And they were all greatly surprised, so that they put questions to one another, saying, What is this? a new teaching! with authority he gives orders even to the unclean spirits, and they do what he says.
Marcos 1:28 ^
E logo correu a sua fama por toda a região da Galiléia.
Mark 1:28 ^
And news of him went out quickly everywhere into all parts of Galilee round about.
Marcos 1:29 ^
Em seguida, saiu da sinagoga e foi a casa de Simão e André com Tiago e João.
Mark 1:29 ^
And when they came out of the Synagogue, they went into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.
Marcos 1:30 ^
A sogra de Simão estava de cama com febre, e logo lhe falaram a respeito dela.
Mark 1:30 ^
Now Simon's wife's mother was ill, with a burning heat; and they gave him word of her:
Marcos 1:31 ^
Então Jesus, chegando-se e tomando-a pela mão, a levantou; e a febre a deixou, e ela os servia.
Mark 1:31 ^
And he came and took her by the hand, lifting her up; and she became well, and took care of their needs.
Marcos 1:32 ^
Sendo já tarde, tendo-se posto o sol, traziam-lhe todos os enfermos, e os endemoninhados;
Mark 1:32 ^
And in the evening, at sundown, they took to him all who were diseased, and those who had evil spirits.
Marcos 1:33 ^
e toda a cidade estava reunida à porta;
Mark 1:33 ^
And all the town had come together at the door.
Marcos 1:34 ^
e ele curou muitos doentes atacados de diversas moléstias, e expulsou muitos demônios; mas não permitia que os demônios falassem, porque o conheciam.
Mark 1:34 ^
And a number, who were ill with different diseases, he made well, and sent out evil spirits; but he did not let the evil spirits say anything, because they had knowledge of him.
Marcos 1:35 ^
De madrugada, ainda bem escuro, levantou-se, saiu e foi a um lugar deserto, e ali orava.
Mark 1:35 ^
And in the morning, a long time before daylight, he got up and went out to a quiet place, and there he gave himself up to prayer.
Marcos 1:36 ^
Foram, pois, Simão e seus companheiros procurá-lo;
Mark 1:36 ^
And Simon and those who were with him came after him.
Marcos 1:37 ^
quando o encontraram, disseram-lhe: Todos te buscam.
Mark 1:37 ^
And when they came up with him, they said to him, Everyone is looking for you.
Marcos 1:38 ^
Respondeu-lhes Jesus: Vamos a outras partes, às povoações vizinhas, para que eu pregue ali também; pois para isso é que vim.
Mark 1:38 ^
And he said to them, Let us go to other parts into the nearest towns, so that I may give teaching there, because for this purpose I came.
Marcos 1:39 ^
Foi, então, por toda a Galiléia, pregando nas sinagogas deles e expulsando os demônios.
Mark 1:39 ^
And he went into their Synagogues in every part of Galilee, preaching and driving out evil spirits.
Marcos 1:40 ^
E veio a ele um leproso que, de joelhos, lhe rogava, dizendo: Se quiseres, bem podes tornar-me limpo.
Mark 1:40 ^
And a leper came to him and, going down on his knees before him, made a request, saying, If it is your pleasure, you have the power to make me clean.
Marcos 1:41 ^
Jesus, pois, compadecido dele, estendendo a mão, tocou-o e disse-lhe: Quero; sê limpo.
Mark 1:41 ^
And being moved with pity, he put out his hand, and touching him said to him, It is my pleasure; be made clean.
Marcos 1:42 ^
Imediatamente desapareceu dele a lepra e ficou limpo.
Mark 1:42 ^
And straight away the disease went from him, and he was made clean.
Marcos 1:43 ^
E Jesus, advertindo-o secretamente, logo o despediu,
Mark 1:43 ^
And he sent him away, saying to him very sharply,
Marcos 1:44 ^
dizendo-lhe: Olha, não digas nada a ninguém; mas vai, mostra-te ao sacerdote e oferece pela tua purificação o que Moisés determinou, para lhes servir de testemunho.
Mark 1:44 ^
See that you say nothing to any man: but go and let the priest see you, and make yourself clean by an offering of the things ordered by Moses, for a witness to them.
Marcos 1:45 ^
Ele, porém, saindo dali, começou a publicar o caso por toda parte e a divulgá-lo, de modo que Jesus já não podia entrar abertamente numa cidade, mas conservava-se fora em lugares desertos; e de todos os lados iam ter com ele.
Mark 1:45 ^
But he went out, and made it public, giving an account of it everywhere, so that Jesus was no longer able to go openly into a town, but was outside in the waste land; and they came to him from every part.

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A Bíblia - Bilíngüe | Português - Inglês | Marcos 1 - Mark 1