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К Евреям 11

Hebrews 11

К Евреям 11:1 ^
Вера же есть осуществление ожидаемого и уверенность в невидимом.
Hebrews 11:1 ^
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the sign that the things not seen are true.
К Евреям 11:2 ^
В ней свидетельствованы древние.
Hebrews 11:2 ^
For by it our fathers had God's approval.
К Евреям 11:3 ^
Верою познаём, что веки устроены словом Божиим, так что из невидимого произошло видимое.
Hebrews 11:3 ^
By faith it is clear to us that the order of events was fixed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not been made from things which only seem to be.
К Евреям 11:4 ^
Верою Авель принес Богу жертву лучшую, нежели Каин; ею получил свидетельство, что он праведен, как засвидетельствовал Бог о дарах его; ею он и по смерти говорит еще.
Hebrews 11:4 ^
By faith Abel made a better offering to God than Cain, and he had witness through it of his righteousness, God giving his approval of his offering: and his voice still comes to us through it though he is dead.
К Евреям 11:5 ^
Верою Енох переселен был так, что не видел смерти; и не стало его, потому что Бог переселил его. Ибо прежде переселения своего получил он свидетельство, что угодил Богу.
Hebrews 11:5 ^
By faith Enoch was taken up to heaven so that he did not see death; he was seen no longer, for God took him away: for before he was taken, witness had been given that he was well-pleasing to God:
К Евреям 11:6 ^
А без веры угодить Богу невозможно; ибо надобно, чтобы приходящий к Богу веровал, что Он есть, и ищущим Его воздает.
Hebrews 11:6 ^
And without faith it is not possible to be well-pleasing to him, for it is necessary for anyone who comes to God to have the belief that God is, and that he is a rewarder of all those who make a serious search for him.
К Евреям 11:7 ^
Верою Ной, получив откровение о том, что еще не было видимо, благоговея приготовил ковчег для спасения дома своего; ею осудил он (весь) мир, и сделался наследником праведности по вере.
Hebrews 11:7 ^
By faith Noah, being moved by the fear of God, made ready an ark for the salvation of his family, because God had given him news of things which were not seen at the time; and through it the world was judged by him, and he got for his heritage the righteousness which is by faith.
К Евреям 11:8 ^
Верою Авраам повиновался призванию идти в страну, которую имел получить в наследие, и пошел, не зная, куда идет.
Hebrews 11:8 ^
By faith Abraham did as God said when he was ordered to go out into a place which was to be given to him as a heritage, and went out without knowledge of where he was going.
К Евреям 11:9 ^
Верою обитал он на земле обетованной, как на чужой, и жил в шатрах с Исааком и Иаковом, сонаследниками того же обетования;
Hebrews 11:9 ^
By faith he was a wanderer in the land of the agreement, as in a strange land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, who had a part with him in the same heritage:
К Евреям 11:10 ^
ибо он ожидал города, имеющего основание, которого художник и строитель Бог.
Hebrews 11:10 ^
For he was looking for the strong town, whose builder and maker is God.
К Евреям 11:11 ^
Верою и сама Сарра (будучи неплодна) получила силу к принятию семени, и не по времени возраста родила, ибо знала, что верен Обещавший.
Hebrews 11:11 ^
And by faith Sarah herself had power to give birth, when she was very old, because she had faith in him who gave his word;
К Евреям 11:12 ^
И потому от одного, и притом омертвелого, родилось так много, как [много] звезд на небе и как бесчислен песок на берегу морском.
Hebrews 11:12 ^
So that from one man, who was near to death, came children in number as the stars in heaven, or as the sand by the seaside, which may not be numbered.
К Евреям 11:13 ^
Все сии умерли в вере, не получив обетований, а только издали видели оные, и радовались, и говорили о себе, что они странники и пришельцы на земле;
Hebrews 11:13 ^
All these came to their end in faith, not having had the heritage; but having seen it with delight far away, they gave witness that they were wanderers and not of the earth.
К Евреям 11:14 ^
ибо те, которые так говорят, показывают, что они ищут отечества.
Hebrews 11:14 ^
For those who say such things make it clear that they are searching for a country for themselves.
К Евреям 11:15 ^
И если бы они в мыслях имели то [отечество], из которого вышли, то имели бы время возвратиться;
Hebrews 11:15 ^
And truly if they had kept in mind the country from which they went out, they would have had chances of turning back.
К Евреям 11:16 ^
но они стремились к лучшему, то есть к небесному; посему и Бог не стыдится их, называя Себя их Богом: ибо Он приготовил им город.
Hebrews 11:16 ^
But now their desire is for a better country, that is to say, for one in heaven; and so it is no shame to God to be named their God; for he has made ready a town for them.
К Евреям 11:17 ^
Верою Авраам, будучи искушаем, принес в жертву Исаака и, имея обетование, принес единородного,
Hebrews 11:17 ^
By faith Abraham made an offering of Isaac, when he was tested: and he with whom the agreement had been made gave up as an offering the only son of his body,
К Евреям 11:18 ^
о котором было сказано: в Исааке наречется тебе семя.
Hebrews 11:18 ^
Of whom it had been said, From Isaac will your seed take their name:
К Евреям 11:19 ^
Ибо он думал, что Бог силен и из мертвых воскресить, почему и получил его в предзнаменование.
Hebrews 11:19 ^
Judging that God was able to give life even to the dead; and because of this he did get him back as if from death.
К Евреям 11:20 ^
Верою в будущее Исаак благословил Иакова и Исава.
Hebrews 11:20 ^
By faith Isaac, blessing Jacob and Esau, gave news of things to come.
К Евреям 11:21 ^
Верою Иаков, умирая, благословил каждого сына Иосифова и поклонился на верх жезла своего.
Hebrews 11:21 ^
By faith Jacob gave a blessing to the two sons of Joseph, when he was near to death; and gave God worship, supported by his stick.
К Евреям 11:22 ^
Верою Иосиф, при кончине, напоминал об исходе сынов Израилевых и завещал о костях своих.
Hebrews 11:22 ^
By faith Joseph, when his end was near, said that the children of Israel would go out of Egypt; and gave orders about his bones.
К Евреям 11:23 ^
Верою Моисей по рождении три месяца скрываем был родителями своими, ибо видели они, что дитя прекрасно, и не устрашились царского повеления.
Hebrews 11:23 ^
By faith Moses was kept secretly by his father and mother for three months after his birth, because they saw that he was a fair child; and they had no fear of the king's orders.
К Евреям 11:24 ^
Верою Моисей, придя в возраст, отказался называться сыном дочери фараоновой,
Hebrews 11:24 ^
By faith Moses, when he became a man, had no desire to be named the son of Pharaoh's daughter;
К Евреям 11:25 ^
и лучше захотел страдать с народом Божиим, нежели иметь временное греховное наслаждение,
Hebrews 11:25 ^
Feeling that it was better to undergo pain with the people of God, than for a short time to have a taste of the pleasures of sin;
К Евреям 11:26 ^
и поношение Христово почел большим для себя богатством, нежели Египетские сокровища; ибо он взирал на воздаяние.
Hebrews 11:26 ^
Judging a part in the shame of Christ to be better than all the wealth of Egypt; for he was looking forward to his reward.
К Евреям 11:27 ^
Верою оставил он Египет, не убоявшись гнева царского, ибо он, как бы видя Невидимого, был тверд.
Hebrews 11:27 ^
By faith he went out of Egypt, not being turned from his purpose by fear of the wrath of the king; for he kept on his way, as seeing him who is unseen.
К Евреям 11:28 ^
Верою совершил он Пасху и пролитие крови, дабы истребитель первенцев не коснулся их.
Hebrews 11:28 ^
By faith he kept the Passover, and put the sign of the blood on the houses, so that the angel of destruction might not put their oldest sons to death.
К Евреям 11:29 ^
Верою перешли они Чермное море, как по суше, --на что покусившись, Египтяне потонули.
Hebrews 11:29 ^
By faith they went through the Red Sea as if it had been dry land, though the Egyptians were overcome by the water when they made an attempt to do the same.
К Евреям 11:30 ^
Верою пали стены Иерихонские, по семидневном обхождении.
Hebrews 11:30 ^
By faith the walls of Jericho came down, after they had been circled for seven days.
К Евреям 11:31 ^
Верою Раав блудница, с миром приняв соглядатаев (и проводив их другим путем), не погибла с неверными.
Hebrews 11:31 ^
By faith Rahab, the loose woman, was not put to death with those who had gone against God's orders, because she had taken into her house in peace those sent to see the land.
К Евреям 11:32 ^
И что еще скажу? Недостанет мне времени, чтобы повествовать о Гедеоне, о Вараке, о Самсоне и Иеффае, о Давиде, Самуиле и (других) пророках,
Hebrews 11:32 ^
What more am I to say? For there would not be time to give the stories of Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets:
К Евреям 11:33 ^
которые верою побеждали царства, творили правду, получали обетования, заграждали уста львов,
Hebrews 11:33 ^
Who through faith overcame kingdoms, did righteousness, got their reward, kept the mouths of lions shut,
К Евреям 11:34 ^
угашали силу огня, избегали острия меча, укреплялись от немощи, были крепки на войне, прогоняли полки чужих;
Hebrews 11:34 ^
Put out the power of fire, got safely away from the edge of the sword, were made strong when they had been feeble, became full of power in war, and put to flight the armies of the nations.
К Евреям 11:35 ^
жены получали умерших своих воскресшими; иные же замучены были, не приняв освобождения, дабы получить лучшее воскресение;
Hebrews 11:35 ^
Women had their dead given back to them living; others let themselves be cruelly attacked, having no desire to go free, so that they might have a better life to come;
К Евреям 11:36 ^
другие испытали поругания и побои, а также узы и темницу,
Hebrews 11:36 ^
And others were tested by being laughed at or by blows, and even with chains and prisons:
К Евреям 11:37 ^
были побиваемы камнями, перепиливаемы, подвергаемы пытке, умирали от меча, скитались в милотях и козьих кожах, терпя недостатки, скорби, озлобления;
Hebrews 11:37 ^
They were stoned, they were cut up with knives, they were tested, they were put to death with the sword, they went about in sheepskins and in goatskins; being poor and in pain and cruelly attacked,
К Евреям 11:38 ^
те, которых весь мир не был достоин, скитались по пустыням и горам, по пещерам и ущельям земли.
Hebrews 11:38 ^
Wandering in waste places and in mountains and in holes in the rocks; for whom the world was not good enough.
К Евреям 11:39 ^
И все сии, свидетельствованные в вере, не получили обещанного,
Hebrews 11:39 ^
And not one of these got the good things of the agreement, though they all had a good record through faith,
К Евреям 11:40 ^
потому что Бог предусмотрел о нас нечто лучшее, дабы они не без нас достигли совершенства.
Hebrews 11:40 ^
Because God had kept some better thing for us, so that it was not possible for them to become complete without us.

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